Event date:

Celtic Research Circle, Dr Karolina Rosiak “Poland and Wales: Cultural Links Past and Present”

logo, black lettering Celtic Research Group on a white background and coloured contours of the geographic spread of Celtic culture in Europe

Celtic Study Research Unit cordially invites everyone to a lecture by Dr Karolina Rosiak: “Poland and Wales: Cultural Links Past and Present” which will take place on Friday 28 April at 13:15 in room 213


In this talk, I will discuss Polish migration to Wales in the 20th & 21st c. and the cultural links between the two countries. According to official estimates, over 25,000 Poles live in Wales, currently constituting the most numerous non-British-born ethnic group living in the country. The language can be heard all over Wales, from cities and towns to small villages. The Polish economic migration to Wales that has been taking place since 2004 when Poland joined the EU, is by far the biggest in terms of numbers but by no means the first wave of Poles who settled in Wales. Over the years, Poles and Welsh took an interest in each other’s cultures and literatures. Events such as celebrations of Polish Independence Day, Polish music nights, arts and crafts events, family picnics, and food festivals have been organised all over Wales in an effort to familiarise Welsh communities with Polish culture and establish local intercultural relations. The Welsh were also encouraged to take an interest in Polish literature through translations of John Elwyn Jones (1921-2008) and T. Hudson-Williams (1873–1961), whose Bannau Llên Pwyl published in 1953 by Gwasg Aberystwyth, is the only overview of the history of Polish literature in Welsh to date. Polish audiences were recently introduced to Welsh literature by a well-received Polish translation of Caradog Pritchard’s Un Nos Ola Leuad by Marta Listewnik. More locally, in Poznań students of local schools and universities can participate in an annual UAM Eisteddfod, which promotes Welsh literature, music, and culture. These and other cultural links will be discussed in the talk.