Full-time B.A. programmes

🌍 wersja w języku polskim (version in Polish)

Dear Candidates!

This is a list of the full-time B.A. programmes we offer at the moment. By “full-time” we mean classes are held Monday–Friday. By “B.A.” we mean graduates of the programmes earn a Bachelor’s degree, more specifically—the Polish title of licencjat.These programmes are also known as “first-cycle programmes,” which refers to them belonging in the first out of three cycles (or levels) in the higher education system in Poland.

There are six programmes for you choose from in the box below; alternatively please use the menu bar to select a programme.

For general information on how to enroll, please follow the general page For Candidates.

Full-time first-cycle (B.A.) programmes

American Studies

There is another full-time B.A. programme coming: American Studies. More details will be announced soon.

Dear Candidates,

For detailed information on the enrolment procedure for every B.A. or M.A. programme offered by the Faculty of English please see the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań Online Admissions System [external link]