Accessibility Statement
The Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań vows to ensure accessibility of its website in accordance with the provisions as per the 4 April 2019 Digital Accessibility Act of Public Entity’s Websites and Mobile Applications.
The accessibility statement applies to the website.
- Date of the publication of the website: , as part of a set of websites for which the date of first publication is .
- Date of the latest relevant update:
Compliance status
This website is partially compliant with compliant with the Digital Accessibility Act of Public Entity’s Websites and Mobile Applications due to incompatibilities or exemptions listed below.
Non-accessible content
Noncompliance with the Appendix [to the Act]
- The website does not meet success criterion 1.1.1 “Non-text Content” (level A of WCAG 2.1): Not all non-text content that is presented to the user and which is not pure decoration on the website has a text alternative that serves the equivalent purpose; whenever technically-possible such noncompliance is remedied on a regular basis when discovered.
- The website does not meet success criterion 1.2.2 “Captions (Prerecorded)” (level A): Captions are not provided for all prerecorded audio content in synchronized media on the website, including cases when the media are media alternatives for text and are clearly labelled as such.
- The website does not meet success criterion 1.2.3 “Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded)” (level A): An alternative for time-based media or audio description of the prerecorded video content is not provided for all synchronized media on the website, including cases when the media is a media alternative for text and is clearly labelled as such.
- The website does not meet success criterion 1.2.5 “Audio Description (Prerecorded)” (level AA): Audio description is not provided for all prerecorded video content in synchronized media on the website.
- The website does not meet success criterion 1.3.1 “Info and Relationships” (level A): Not all information, structure, and relationships conveyed through presentation on the website can be programmatically determined or are available in text.
- The website does not meet success criterion 2.4.4 “Link Purpose (In Context)” (level A): Not every link can have its purpose determined from the link text alone or from the link text together with its programmatically determined link context.
- The website does not meet success criterion 2.4.6 “Headings and Labels” (level A): The website does not provide labels describing topic or purpose on some elements.
- The website does not meet success criterion 3.1.1 “Language of Page” (level A): The website includes pages whose human language is not the language declared as the one that can be programmatically determined; whenever technically-possible such noncompliance is remedied on a regular basis when discovered.
- The website does not meet success criterion 3.1.2 “Language of Parts” (level AA): The website includes pages whose text elements are in a human language which may not be programmatically determined in a correct way; whenever technically-possible such noncompliance is remedied on a regular basis when discovered.
Content outside of the regulations
- Content which is owned by the Faculty of English which has not been created or financed or purchaed by the Faculty or for the Faculty or whose modification by the Faculty of English in order to make it digitally accessible is not allowed.
- Content unused for the realization of the mission of the Faculty of English or content which has not been updated or modified since 23 September 2019 with to its presentation or structure or the way in which it is presented.
Preparation of the accessibility statement
- This statement was prepared on:
- The statement was last reviewed and updated on:
The statement is based on a review performed by the Faculty, based on Lista kontrolna do badania dostępności cyfrowej strony internetowej v. 2.2 (docx, 0,12MB) [external link to content in Polish].
Feedback and contact details
Every problem with digital accessibility of this website may be addressed to mgr Tomasz Drewniak — via e-mail or phone 61 829 35 24 and/or to mgr Tomasz Szczypiński — via e-mail or phone 61 829 35 24.
Everyone has the right to request digital accessibility of the website or its elements.
When making such a request, provide:
- your first name and last name,
- your contact data (e.g. phone number, e-mail address),
- the exact address of the webpage which contans an element or piece of content which is not digitally accessible,
- describe the problem and the way in which solving it would be the most convenient for you.
Your request will be answered as soon as possible, no longer than within seven days from our receiving it.
Should this deadline be too short for us, we will inform you about it. We will provide a new, longer deadline for our rectifying of the problem on which you reported or we will prepare the inaccessible content in an alternative way. This new deadline will not be longer than two months.
Should we be unable to provide digital accessibility to the page or the content pointed to in your request, we will offer you an alternative means of accessing it.
Processing of requests and complaints regarding accessibility
Should we, in replying to your request, refuse to provide the accessibility which you have requested, and should you disagree with the refusal, you are entitled to make a complaint.
You are also entitle to make a complaint should you refuse to make use of the alternative means of access which we have offered in response to your request to provide digital accessibility.
Should you wish to make such a complaint, send it by post or via e-mail, addressing it to the Dean of the Faculty of English; that is Dziekana Wydziału Anglistyki in Polish:
- Dziekana Wydziału Anglistyki UAM,
- Adres: Grunwaldzka 6, 60-780 Poznań,
- mejl:
You may find helpful the information provided on the website of the Government( [extarnal link to content in Polish].
You may inform the Ombudsman (Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich) [external link to content in Polish] about your situation and request action to be taken on your case.
Other information
Architectural accessibility
Collegium Heliodori Święcicki
- You may use public parking lots in the front of the building, situated within the paid-parking zone. There is a parking lot for people with disabilities in the vicinity of the main entrance..
- We do not provide free, public parking space in our internal car park.
- Persons who have been provided with entry cards for the building’s car park may use the car park located at the rear of the building — entry is from Śniadeckich and from Święcickiego streets. This car park inludes three parking lots for people with disabilities.
- includes steps with handrails
- includes an automatically-opening door (at Level 0 next to the main entrance),
- the building has a second entrance from the courtyard at the back, with steps with handrails, and and yet another door, automatically-opening, which provides step-free access to a lift, which may be used by a person in a wheelchair
Horizontal paths
- Rooms are distributed over four floors
- Differences in floor height can be navigated with the help of a wheelchair-accessible platform.
Vertical paths
- Floors can be navigated via staircases
- You may use a lift
- The building has a number of lifts which allow access to most sections of the building, including all sections of the building which are utilized by the Faculty of English.
- The doors to the lifts open automatically.
- Control buttons have Braille labels
- Control buttons have large markings
- All rooms in the building which are used by the Faculty of English are wheelchair-accessible.
- The building has eight toilets adapted for people with disabilities, on Levels -1 through 2.
- The door opens outwards.
- There are no obstacles to entering the toilet in a wheelchair.
Communication and information accessibility
- How to apply for a Polish sign language interpreter: Kontakt do tłumacza języka migowego [this page has no equivalent in English]
- Information about our activities in easy-to-read text (ETR): Easy-to-read (ETR) information on the Faculty of English
- Information about our activities in Polish sign language (PJM): not available
- Current Accessibility Report: Stan zapewniania dostępności [external link to content in Polish]