The Strategy of the Faculty of English for the years 2024–2030

The Strategy of the Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań for the years 2024–2030 can be downloaded as a PDF file, prepared in Polish and English.

This page contains the key parts of the document (in English) which have been adapted for accessibility, which results, among others, in the loss of decorative images present in the document.

version in Polish (wersja w języku polskim)

Mission Statement of the AMU Faculty of English:

Excellence In Research & Passion For Learning

The Faculty of English (WA) at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań is committed to the following values and principles:

  • Openness to the world
    We attach utmost importance to an unencumbered circulation of research and to cooperation with research centres in Poland and worldwide.
  • Openness to challenges
    We consciously take risks and do not fear change, progress or challenges, including those related to new technologies.
  • Commitment to society
    Along with the entire academic community, we accept responsibility for the development of an open, wise, and equal society. We join initiatives that promote research culture, ethics, and knowledge outside the University.
  • Tolerance, equality, and diversity
    We deem academic freedom to be founded on the respect for the diversity of views and positions.
  • Academic ethics
    We are committed to relentlessly promoting academic ethics and make every endeavour so that these principles inform all relations with University colleagues and students.
  • Highest research standards
    We do research that is founded on the principles of equality, diversity, inclusivity, and social justice.
  • Recognisable identity
    We take every effort to foster the image of the Faculty as a recognisable academic centre and a trustworthy partner.
  • Multilingualism and multiculturality
    We are keenly sensitive to questions of linguistic and cultural identity, protection of minority and endangered languages, and care for a diversified global linguistic landscape. Our actions are built on the premise that today’s world is multicultural and multilingual.
  • Team work
    The Faculty of English is a community of mutually supportive researchers, academic teachers, and administrative staff.
  • Highest teaching quality
    We aspire to assure the highest possible teaching level. We want the diploma of our Faculty to be a clear indicator of the excellence of the education obtained.
  • Student-friendly Faculty
    The Faculty offers assistance to all students and supports their personal and professional development.
  • Students as young researchers
    We promote and support the involvement of students at every study level in conducting and joining research.


CO 1. Highest research standards
CO 1.1 Supporting researchers’ professional development Acquisition of the top categories in the evaluation process Dean and Vice-deans Continuous task Category acquired
Strengthening motivation for research, including publishing in top-ranked/prestigious journals and publishers Dean
heads of departments and research units
Continuous task Evaluation and motivational system
Action to enhance joint decision-making of the Dean and Vice-deans regarding ID-UB calls for proposals (incl. increasing access to research funding through ID-UB calls for proposals, e.g. bigger resources for conferences, mobility, funds for research) Dean and Vice-deans Continuous task New ID-UB calls
Courses in research methodology and statistics for researchers and doctoral students Dean and Vice-deans Continuous task No. of training modalities, No. of training participants
Supporting researchers’ and doctoral students’ filing grant applications and providing information on national and international grants available Vice-dean for research and scientific evaluation, Laboratory for national and international projects Continuous task No. of applications filed
Supporting applications and grants administration Laboratory for national and international projects Continuous task Successful completion of grants
Acquisition of grants and participation of Faculty members in the most prestigious national and international grants, incl. the ERC Dean, Vice-dean for research and scientific evaluation, Laboratory for national and international projects Continuous task Confirmed participation/awarded grant
Participation in available continuous mobility programmes: ERASMUS PLUS, BIP, ID-UB mobility, CEEPUS, Fulbright, etc. Dean, Vice-dean for research and scientific evaluation, Laboratory for national and international projects, heads of departments and research units Continuous task Awarded grant, No. of grant holders
Hosting guest lectures/seminars of eminent researchers, guest professorships (e.g. Fulbright: Distinguished Scholar in Humanities and Social Sciences, Regular Programmes, open lectures of Poznań Municipality) Dean and Vice-deans, heads of departments and research units Continuous task No. of guests and lectures
Further development of the International Faculty Advisory Board (FAB) Dean Continuous task Report on the annual visit to the Faculty
Formation of research groups focused on selected topics (incl. with international partners) Dean and Vice-deans, heads of departments and research units Continuous task No. of groups
CO 1.2 Promotion of research results Ensuring the updating of the database of Faculty researchers’ publications (Omega-Psir Research Data Repository) Database coordinator, Vice-dean for research and scientific evaluation Continuous task Publications databasei
Encouraging Faculty researchers and doctoral students to publish research results in Open Access (e.g. AMUReD) and registering their research profiles on prestigious platforms (e.g. Google Scholar, ORCID, Research Data Repository, AMU repository, and other platforms). Online streaming of selected lectures hosted by the Faculty Vice-dean for research and scientific evaluation, heads of departments and research units Continuous task No. of profiles
Uploading WA journals to OA publications or to OA platforms Dean, Vice-dean for research and scientific evaluation, journal editors Continuous task No. of articles available in OA
Supporting the organisation of international conferences Dean and Vice-deans, Faculty Office, IT Laboratory Zadanie ciągłe No. of conferences
Increasing the internationalisation of research (incl. greater cooperation with strategic partners, growth in the number of outstanding international researchers, cooperation with research centres worldwide) Dean and Vice-deans, heads of departments and research units Continuous task No./scope of collaboration networks
Nurturing the initiation and development of new research avenues that respond to major contemporary challenges, e.g. AI, machine learning Dean and Vice-deans, heads of departments and research units Continuous task New research avenues
CO 1.3 Strengthening research infrastructure Investments in technical research infrastructure, incl. further development of WA LABs, purchase of SONA research panel Dean and Vice-deans Continuous task Expansion of research infrastructure
Ensuring the development of the journals base and ongoing expansion of library holdings Dean Continuous task No. of journals/ books in the base and in library holdings


CO 2. Highest teaching quality
CO 2.1 Assurance of teaching quality Cooperation with the WA Student Government Council to encourage the widest possible completion of student questionnaires Vice-dean for student affairs, Vice-dean for teaching Continuous task No. of questionnaires
Motivating Faculty teachers and researchers to maintain the premium quality of their classes Dean and Vice-deans Continuous task Motivational tools
TELL – continued growth of the programme supporting students in the learning process Dean Continuous task No. of TELL consultations, new initiatives
CO 2.2 Supporting the internationalisation of teaching Closer correlation of research-based learning at WA and in international institutions Vice-deans,
Programme Committees
Continuous task Principles adopted
Increasing the no. of international students (e.g.  ERASMUS PLUS, CEEPUS, NAWA) Vice-dean for student affairs, Faculty Erasmus coordinator Continuous task No. of international students
Internationalising the education process by supporting students to engage in internationalised education, e.g. co-teaching, EPICUR courses, COIL - Collaborative Online International Learning Vice-dean for student affairs, Vice-dean for teaching Continuous task No. of students
CO 2.3 Raising the academics’ teaching skills Workshops and methodological training on teaching, psychology, pedagogy, and new technologies Vice-dean for student affairs, teaching research units and laboratories Continuous task No. of training modalities, No. of training participants, results of the participants’ questionnaires on training usefulness
Increasing academic mobility under the ERASMUS PLUS programme while promoting studies at WA in international centres Faculty Erasmus coordinator Continuous task No. of mobilities
CO 2.4 Diversification and promotion of study programmes Monitoring the offer of regular, extramural, and postgraduate study programmes Dean and Vice-deans, Dean’s representative –head of studies Continuous task Updated and new programmes
Promoting and encouraging WA students to participate in courses within the EPICUR consortium Dean and Vice-deans Continuous task No. of students participating in EPICUR courses
Promoting study programmes (e.g. LinkedIn, recruitment of international students) Vice-deans Continuous task No. of candidates
CO 2.5 Building qualifications meeting labour market expectations Inclusion in the study programmes of subjects/areas fostering alumni’s employability (e.g. entrepreneurship, business English, key/soft skills) Dean and Vice-dean for teaching Continuous task Modifications in the curriculum
Constructive cooperation with the WA Employers’ Council Dean and Vice-deans Continuous task Study curricula modifications, new offers for students
Active participation of Faculty members in the Open University (OU) Dean’s Representative for the OU Continuous task No. of courses
Ongoing support for student research groups Dean and Vice-deans Continuous task No. of students in research groups; system evaluation questionnaires
Supporting the organisation of students’ conferences Vice-dean for student affairs, Vice-dean for research and scientific evaluation Continuous task No. of conferences and participating students; system evaluation questionnaires
Encouraging students’ submission of original research and/or teaching projects and participation in ID-UB projects and calls for proposals Vice-dean for student affairs, Vice-dean for research and scientific evaluation Continuous task No. of students involved in research projects; system evaluation questionnaires
Creating forms of cooperation with international universities in terms of teaching Dean and Vice-deans, WA Programme Committees Continuous task No. of programs launched and their participants
CO 2.6 Supporting students’ autonomy Ongoing cooperation with and support for the WA Student Government Council Vice-dean for student affairs Continuous task Meetings with and support for the WA Student Government Council
Supporting students’ initiative benefitting the Faculty and the University Vice-dean for student affairs Continuous task Meetings and support granted
CO 2.7 Supporting students’ research expertise Course for students on the ethical aspects of research with human subjects Dean and Vice-deans Continuous task No. of training modalities and their participants
Involving undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students in research and research grants (e.g. ID-UB) Vice-dean for student affairs, Vice-dean for research and scientific evaluation Continuous task No. of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students involved in grants


CO 3. Faculty open to society
CO 3.1 Increasing the cultural role of the University in the region Promotion on WA, University, and external social media of recent articles and books publications, research results, and projects Dean and Vice-deans, Vice-dean for international cooperation and outreach Continuous task No. of initiatives
Fostering active participation of students and Faculty members in events held by the city (e.g. continued cooperation with Poznań Municipality, etc.) Dean and Vice-deans, Vice-dean for international cooperation and outreach Continuous task No. of initiatives
Initiating events involving the local and regional community/dissemination of achievements outside the University, at local, regional, and national level (e.g. series of open lectures, Researchers’ Night, Anglicists’ Night, Poznań Science and Art Festival, concerts) Dean and Vice-deans, Vice-dean for international cooperation and outreach Continuous task No. of initiatives
Cooperation with diplomatic representations of countries related to study programmes taught at the Faculty (Ireland/Canada/USA/RSA/Australia/UK/Netherlands/Belgium) Dean and Vice-deans Continuous task No. of initiatives
Organisation of the Faculty’s anniversary celebrations (15, 20) Dean and Vice-deans, Faculty Office Anniversary year Hosted event
Optimising the promotion of WA’s image; WA committed to promoting research, artistic project, teaching projects, and visibility, proactively building the Faculty’s image Dean and Vice-deans,
Vice-dean for international cooperation and outreach
Continuous task No. of initiatives
Participation in open programmes held by the University (Third Age University, Colourful University, Open University, etc.) Dean and Vice-deans, Dean’s representative for the OU Continuous task No. of lectures hosted, No. of participants, results of the evaluation questionnaire
Expanding cooperation with schools and other educational institutions, creating sponsored and academic classes (strengthening cooperation with secondary schools to recruit the best possible candidates) Vice-dean for student affairs Continuous task Meetings and initiatives
Setting up a Council composed of school principals (Poznań and Wielkopolska) Dean and Vice-deans Continuous task No. of meetings and initiatives
Raising the image of the teaching specialisation (e.g. by organising meetings and conferences) Dean and Vice-deans Continuous task No. of meetings and initiatives

Development of teacher education and in-service training

  • WA trendsetting
  • cooperation with teachers
Dean and Vice-deans Continuous task No. of initiatives
CO 3.2 Opening of the University to the demands of the knowledge-based economy Cooperation with business, Employers’ Council in terms of traineeships and commissioned dissertations Vice-dean for teaching, Vice-dean for international cooperation and outreach, supervisors of traineeships Continuous task No. of initiatives
Formation of the graduate’s profile in line with labour market analysis Dean and Vice-deans, Faculty coordinator for alumni careers Continuous task Graduate’s profile
Cooperation with the Careers Office to exchange information (e.g. Day with the Careers Office) Vice-dean for international cooperation and outreach Continuous task Initiatives taken
Addressing the needs of the city and regional communities in the development of the educational offer via work with the Employers’ Council, extending the composition of the Employers’ Council, setting up regular meetings Dean and Vice-deans Continuous task Programmes offered
CO 3.3 Strengthening ties with the University’s alumni Continued cooperation with distinguished alumni of the Faculty of English. Inviting and organising meetings of WA alumni to exchange experiences, workshops, presentations, lectures Vice-dean for international cooperation and outreach, Faculty coordinator for alumni careers Continuous task Meetings with alumni
Creation of an alumni address database to facilitate contact Office for Students’ Affairs (BOS) Continuous task Address database
Developing a platform for information exchange and contact with alumni (establishing cooperation, collaboration with the Alumni Association, a Facebook account and a subpage on the WA website) Vice-dean for international cooperation and outreach, Faculty coordinator for alumni careers Continuous task Functioning platform, visitor statistics


CO 4. Professionally managed Faculty
CO 4.1 Strategic Faculty management Monitoring strategy implementation by the WA Strategy and Development Team Dean, WA Strategy and Development Team Continuous task Report for the Dean
Updating strategic tasks in response to developments and needs Dean and Vice-deans, WA Strategy and Development Team Continuous task Changes introduced
Dean’s report on strategy implementation Dean and Vice-deans Continuous task Dean’s report presented with the WA operations report (April)
CO 4.2 Promoting organisational culture Continuing efforts to raise organisational culture Dean and Vice-deans, Faculty Office head Continuous task Initiatives taken
Using newer and more effective channels of communication with Faculty members and students (open office hour, Dean’s calendar, meetings of Dean and Vice-deans with students, departments, research units, and laboratories) Dean Continuous task Initiatives taken
Promoting Faculty members’ and students’ well-being (e.g. TELL) Dean Continuous task Initiatives taken
CO 4.3 Enhancing efficient work organisation Faculty members identification of research objectives and plans for a given academic year with the support of heads of departments and research units Dean and Vice-deans, heads of departments and research units Continuous task Relevant analysis
Enhancing the mentoring of heads of departments and research units in the organisation of research within the unit Dean and Vice-deans Continuous task Initiatives taken
Holding training sessions for heads of departments and research units, with the participation of Vice-deans, to hone managerial skills Dean and Vice-deans Continuous task No. of training modalities
Continuous learning of administrative staff Dean and Vice-deans, Faculty Office head Continuous task No. of training modalities
Assurance of an optimum teaching schedule Vice-dean for teaching, teaching schedule team Continuous task Effective schedule
Improving the system for allocating teaching loads (taking into account Faculty members’ research plans) Dean, Vice-dean for teaching Continuous task Optimum teaching load system
CO 4.4 Improving financial management system Optimum management of the Faculty’s finances Dean, Dean’s representative for finance Continuous task Allocation of resources
Optimum use of resources allocated per unit Unit head Annual task Optimal use of resources
CO 4.5 Infrastructure management Continuing the renovation of WA premises to meet teaching and research needs of the Faculty Dean Continuous task New premises acquired and adequately adjusted

Equipping WA premises to meet teaching and research needs

  • expansion of the parking lot (removal of warehouses, creation of green areas)
  • development and use of courtyards
Dean Continuous task Initiatives taken
CO 4.6 Coordinating activities of WA and other English Studies centres in Poland Continuing the Accord of English Studies Institutions at Polish Universities (PUAP) accords and extending cooperation via closer research contacts Dean Continuous task Results of the accords and the meetings held

Excellence in research & passion for learning

The Strategy of the Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań for the years 2024–2030 was prepared by:

  • Dean heads of departments
    • Prof. UAM dr hab. Joanna Pawelczyk
    • Prof. UAM dr hab. Piotr Gąsiorowski
    • Prof. UAM dr hab. Agnieszka Setecka
    • Prof. UAM dr hab. Radosław Dylewski
    • Prof. UAM dr hab. Jacek Fabiszak
  • Strategy and Development Team at the Faculty of English
    • Prof. UAM dr hab. Magdalena Wrembel
    • Prof. dr hab. Paweł Zajas
    • Dr Katarzyna Jankowiak
    • Dr Anna Basińska
    • Mgr Joanna Bury

Translation: dr Marcin Turski

Computer design [of the document, as provided in the PDF file]: mgr Agnieszka Frydrychewicz, mgr Marta Makowska (Publishing Laboratory at the Faculty of English)

The said document was adapted for the web by dr Grzegorz Michalski in early June 2024.
Last update to this page: 2024-11-19