Please note the duties and responsibilites of the Dean and the Deputy Deans listed on this page are all non-binding translations into English of those found on the equivalent page in Polish (wersja w języku polskim).
2024–2028 Term
The Dean of the Faculty of English, AMU and the Deputy Deans for term which begins on 1 October 2024 and ends on 30 September 2028.
prof. UAM dr hab.Joanna Pawelczyk
Dean of the Faculty of English
Office: Collegium Heliodori Święcicki, room 183
- duties outlined in the AMU Statute § 60, articles 1 – 4.17
- organizing the work of the Dean’s Council
- appointing permanent or ad hoc Dean’s committees, determining their composition, tasks, and period of activity
- coordination of the Faculty’s cooperation with the Fulbright Commission, visits within the framework of Fulbright programmes
- monitoring staff publication results
- supervising the activities of the Faculty’s organizational units;
- reviewing employee matters (employment, promotions, awards, leaves);
- non-teaching workload of employees
- international cooperation in the field of research (together with the Deputy Dean for Science and the Deputy Dean for Cooperation and Development)
- meetings and agreements with foreign partners
- visits and lectures by guests to the Faculty
prof. UAM dr hab.Magdalena Wrembel
Deputy Dean for Research
Office: Collegium Heliodori Święcicki, Room 189
- scientific activity of the Faculty:
- preparation of data for the evaluation of disciplines (in cooperation with the Dean’s Representative for Scientific Evaluation)
- preparation of documentation for scientific activities
- preparing applications for grants for scientific activities
- supervision of publications and journals:
- supervision over entering data into the AMU Research Portal (in cooperation with the Dean’s Representative for Scientific Evaluation)
- supervision of the laboratory for domestic and foreign projects
- monitoring staff publication results
- research projects and grants
- deputizing for the Dean at the Dean’s Council
- international cooperation in the field of research (together with the Dean and the Deputy Dean for Cooperation and Development)
- coordination of lectures as part of the Distinguished Professors' Lectures
- supervision of reading groups
drKatarzyna Jankowiak
Deputy Dean for Cooperation and Development
Office: Collegium Heliodori Święcicki, Room 186
- international cooperation
- international cooperation in the field of research (together with the Dean and Deputy Dean for Research)
- cooperation with the economic and social environment
- supervision over the conclusion and implementation of international agreements
- cooperation with the Employers’ Council (in cooperation with the deputy Dean for Teaching)
- cooperation with the AMU Careers Service
- coordination of Wednesday Lunch Talks
- coordination of the work of the Faculty Promotion and Communication Team
- collaboration with the Dean’s Team in the field of Faculty development initiatives
drKatarzyna Remiszewska
Deputy Dean for Student Affairs
Office: Collegium Heliodori Święcicki, Room 172
- student affairs (full-time, part-time, foreign students, postgraduate students)
- cooperation with tutors of the year in study programmes
- cooperation with the heads of student enrolment subcommittees
- reviewing students’ assessment surveys of Faculty teachers
- non-teaching workload of Faculty staff
- contact with the Faculty Student Council
- collaboration with the TELL team
prof. dr hab.Jacek Witkoś
Deputy Dean for Teaching
Office: Collegium Heliodori Święcicki, Room 187
- organization of teaching at the Faculty
- teaching loads
- chairing the programme council for study programme group of English Philology / American Studies / English–Celtic Philology / English and Chinese Studies / Dutch Studies
- coordination of the work of the programme councils at the Faculty
- coordinating changes to existing study programmes
- coordination of work on new study programmes
- supervision of study programmes implemented by the Faculty in cooperation with other AMU units or other public universities
- supervision over the preparation of the class timetables for full-time studies
- cooperation with the Employers' Council (together with the Vice-Dean for Cooperation and Development)
- postgraduate studies