8th Young Linguists' Meeting in Poznan (YLMP 2023) will take place on 19-21 May 2023 in Poznan, Poland. The conference will be organized by the Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan.
The leitmotif of YLMP2023 is:
“Language and communication in the times of crisis”
We welcome submissions for oral and poster presentations in the following areas:
- psycholinguistics
- cognitive linguistics
- sociolinguistics and discourse studies
- language teaching methodology
- translation and interpreting studies
- experimental linguistics
- pragmatics
- syntax
- neurolinguistics
- clinical linguistics
- phonetics and phonology
Plenary speakers:
- Jo Angouri (University of Warwick): “From interaction analysis to policy change: Putting sociolinguistic research at the centre of the impact agenda”
- Sharon O’Brien (Dublin City University): “Translation and interpreting as essential crisis communication tools”
- Trena Paulus (East Tennessee State University): “How a crisis is discursively constructed in social media conversations”
- Guillaume Thierry (Bangor University & Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan): “Risk taking and lying: How bilinguals can perceive or select their languages strategically – Implications for language use in situations of conflict”
- Jo Angouri (University of Warwick): “The core ingredients of a good PhD journey”
- Mathew Cieśla (University of Alabama & Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan): “An introduction to PsychoPy experiment builder for linguistics research”
- Trena Paulus (East Tennessee State University): “Using ATLAS.ti software to qualitatively analyze social media data”
- Guillaume Thierry (Bangor University & Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan): “My recipe for a robust scientific paper: Just as for cooking, it is not just about the ingredients”
Invited thematic sessions:
- “Behavioral and physiological correlates of foreign language acquisition” (Convenors: Mathew Cieśla & Katarzyna Jankowiak)
- “Linguistic dimensions of Gesture Studies” (Convenors: Tomasz Dyrmo & Anna Jelec)
- “Discourse analysis in the exploration of health communication” (Convenors: Bartłomiej Kruk & Magdalena Zabielska)
- “Translation in the times of crisis: Technology and human factors” (Convenors: Olga Witczak & Olha Lehka-Paul)
Special session: “Less researched languages and literatures”
Important dates:
Extended abstract submission deadline for all abstracts: January 31st, 2023
Notification of acceptance for papers and posters: February 24th, 2023
Registration deadline: March 31st, 2023
YLMP 2023: 19-21 May 2023
For more information, please visit our website and social media platforms:
YLMP2023 Organizing Committee
Joanna Pawelczyk
Katarzyna Jankowiak
Bartłomiej Kruk
Łukasz Putko
Honorary Organizer for YLMP2023:
Prof. Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk (AMU Vice-Rector for Research)
YLMP2023 has the honorary patronage of the Mayor of Poznań, Mr Jacek Jaśkowiak, and of the Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Prof. Bogumiła Kaniewska.