Event date:

Canadian Literature in Perspective Reading Group - May 25 - 6.30 pm - room 341

Logo koła naukowego Canadian Literature in Perspective. Wielkie litery CLIP w kolorze czerwonym, pod nimi rozwinięta nazwa Canadian Literature in Perspective, po prawej stronie fragment liścia klonowego

Canadian Literature in Perspective Reading Group invites everyone who enjoys reading and talking about fascinating books to our next meeting to be held on May 25, 6:30 pm, in room 341, Coll. Heliodori.

During the meeting, we will be discussing Rawi Hage's short story collection Stray Dogs (2022; Penguin Random House). The meeting will be moderated by Hanna Błauciak and Julia Glapiak.

If you want to join us and would like to get access to the text, please contact Marcin Markowicz at marcin.markowicz@amu.edu.pl

Everyone's welcome!

Also, if you haven't done it already, join the CLiP community on Facebook!

Plakat z zaproszeniem na spotkanie koła naukowego CLiP 25 maja. Po środku plakatu okładka powieści.