Event date:

Culture Vultures meeting: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Within the Framework of Guilt and Forgiveness

logo of the Culture Vultures reading group, red lettering on a red-and-blue star and a blue vulture, all on a white background

The Culture Vultures reading group invites everyone to a meeting devoted to one of the gravest problems of the indigenous population both in Canada and in the United States. The presenter dr Elżbieta Wilczyńska will talk not only about the reasons and manifestations of MMIWG but also the perspectives of solving the problem, as proposed both by the respective governments and native communities. If you have time you may watch the movie: Wind River (2017) (dir. Taylor Sheridan) [external link].

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls: Within the Framework of Guilt and Forgiveness

Join us: Tuesday, February 28, 6:30 pm Room 215

promotional poster: basic information on the event as provided on the associated page and some graphics