WA Distinguished Professors’ Lectures Series features internationally renowned scholars visiting the Faculty of English to share their research and professional expertise with the faculty and students. This time we have the honour to host Prof. Christine Mallinson (University of Maryland, Baltimore County), who will deliver a lecture “Decolonization and Inclusion for a Liberatory Linguistics” that will take place on June 5, 2023 (Monday) at 9:45 a.m. in Aula
Decolonization and Inclusion for a Liberatory Linguistics
by Prof. Christine Mallinson
University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)Monday, June 5, 9:45 a.m. Aula
Scholars are increasingly interrogating the colonial history of linguistics, rethinking traditional approaches to linguistic research and striving to co-create a more inclusive discipline. In two forthcoming Oxford University Press collections, Decolonizing Linguistics and Inclusion in Linguistics (Charity Hudley, Mallinson, and Bucholtz, 2024), over 40 contributors put forward models for humanizing, collaborative, and community-centered linguistic research that proceeds from non-extractive, anti-racist, decolonial, and social justice-oriented frameworks. In this talk, Mallinson will provide an overview of these volumes, discussing the possibilities they present for re-envisioning and enacting what linguistics and linguistic research can be. Of particular focus are actions that all scholars can take, through research, teaching, leadership, and public engagement, to continue to move us toward a more inclusive, liberatory linguistics.
Christine Mallinson is Professor of Language, Literacy and Culture, Affiliate Professor of Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies, and the 2023-2024 Lipitz Distinguished Professor of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). She also holds administrative appointments at UMBC as Special Assistant for Research & Creative Achievement in the Office of the Vice President for Research and as Director of the Center for Social Science Scholarship, where she leads initiatives that advance research for faculty and students across the university. The author and editor of seven books, among other publications, Mallinson’s research examines the intersections of language, culture, education, and society, with a particular focus on addressing linguistic bias and misinformation for greater access, equity, and inclusion. Her interdisciplinary work has informed educational policy and practice and has led to collaborations with scholars and practitioners in the language sciences, education, data science, and information systems, including two current projects supported by the National Science Foundation. Mallinson is past chair and current member of the Linguistic Society of America’s Ethics Committee, and she serves on several national and international scholarly journal and academic advisory boards