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Call for Papers: “Special Session: Less researched languages and literatures”

{Oranjes} reading group logo and the caption {Less researched languages and literatures}

The Dutch Studies Reading Group “Oranjes” is pleased to invite you to a special poster session “Special Session: Less researched languages and literatures” organized as part of the Young Linguists’ Meeting in Poznań (YLMP) 2025 congress in association with the Faculty of English at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań.

When? 17 May 2025 (we will announce the exact times of our poster session ASAP)

Where? Collegium Heliodori Święcicki

For whom? This session is an excellent opportunity for:

  • Students of less researched languages (studying at Adam Mickiewicz University) who want to present their research related to the language, literature or culture of a country related to their field of studies to a wider audience
  • Students who want to earn points for scholarships or the PhD-programme and are looking for an opportunity to get acquainted with the character of academic conferences
  • The conference is especially dedicated to BA- and MA-theses that are still in progress or have already been completed.

About the session

  • Poster session
  • Languages: Polish or English
  • The participants can present their research related to the language, literature or culture of a country related to their field of studies

To take part in the session

  • You need to send an abstract* (up to 300 words, font 12 Times New Roman) to the following e-mail address:
  • Abstracts submission deadline – 28 February 2025
  • Decisions – 14 March 2025
  • After receiving information about the acceptance of the abstract, a fee of 40 PLN must be paid

We strongly encourage you to participate! In case of any questions, please send an email to

Also check out what the 2019 conference [external link] and the 2023 conference [external link] looked like.

 *An abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding, or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper’s purpose.

Promotional poster: Caption {Special session: Abstract Submission Deadline 28.02.2025}. Date in orange on a rectangular calendar page. Underneath this: two horizontal lines and the caption {Organized by The Dutch Reading Group ‘Oranjes’}. Next to it: Oranjes reading group logo. Underneath this: AMU logo with the caption {Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań}. Next to it the caption {9th Young Linguists’ Meeting in Poznan (16-18 May 2025),} and the Faculty of English logo with the caption {Faculty of English Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań}.

Promotional poster with the YLMP 2025 logo. Underneath the logo is the date: 16-18 May 2025. Underneath that is the caption {Special session} and the Oranjes reading group logo. Underneath that are the captions {Less researched languages and literatures} and {date: 17 May 2025}. Two horizontal lines flank the caption {More information is available on our website}, next to which a QR code is placed with an arrow pointing to it. Underneath the lower line is the AMU logo captioned {Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań}. Next to it is the URL {}. Next to it is the the Faculty of English logo with the caption {Faculty of English Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań}.