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Guest Lectures: Dr Joanine Nel (University of Pretoria)

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The Department of Dutch and South African Studies announces the following guest lectures by Dr Joanine Nel - Lecturer in Afrikaans Linguistics and Applied Linguistics at University of Pretoria

Lecture 1: Multilingualism in South Africa: From then to now - Afrikaans and other languages in the rainbow nation / Meertaligheid in Suid-Afrika: Van toeka tot nou - Afrikaans en ander tale in die reënboognasie

Date: 12 March’24, Time: 13:15, Room: 208 — Event announcement page

Lecture 2: Food, cooking, socializing and chatting in South Africa / Kos, kook, kuier en klets – Braaidag in Suid-Afrika

Date: 13 March’24, Time: 15:00, Room: 208 — Event announcement page

Lecture 3: The language policy in South African schools and literacy in South Africa / Die taalbeleid in Suid-Afrikaanse skole en geletterdheid in Suid-Afrika

Date: 19 March’24, Time: 13:15, Room: 208 — Event announcement page

Lecture 4: Language development and language proficiency in learners – the understanding and production of later developing language constructions in Afrikaans, English, isiXhosa and Sepedi. / Taalontwikkeling en taalvaardigheid in leerders – die begrip en produksie van laterontwikkelende taalkonstruksies in Afrikaans, Engels, isiXhosa en Sepedi.

Date: 20 March’24, Time: 15:00, Room: 208 — Event announcement page

*Lectures will be presented in Afrikaans & English


photo dr joanine nelDr Joanine Nel is a Lecturer of Afrikaans and Applied Linguistics at the University of Pretoria. Dr Nel has a keen interest in language and how language use affects people's lives; be it in terms of research areas including socio- and psycholinguistics, morphology and syntax and how language plays a role in academic literacy. Interests include first and second language acquisition in children and adults and multilingualism in society and the classroom.

See also: promotional leaflet for the series [PDF]