Collegium Heliodori Święcicki, the seat of the Faculty of English, is one of the first facilities of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań included in the “UAM GO” mobile app.
To facilitate navigation around the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, but also to provide support for anyone who has ever had a problem finding the right path at the university are the goals of the “UAM GO” app. Thanks to personalized routes and information about obstacles, its users can move freely around the university.
Navigation in the application is personalized: you can easily determine the most convenient routes in the facilities of AMU campuses, taking into account your individual preferences and needs. You can adjust the route to your preferences and decide whether to include lifts, stairs or other elements of the route. The application also contains descriptions of classrooms and other rooms as well as information about obstacles, e.g. thresholds or narrow doors.
The “UAM GO” app is part of the project POWR.03.05.00-00-A095/19 “A university open to all — a university for the 21st century,” financed from European POWER funds. It is available on Android and iOS devices, usable in English and in Polish. It can be downloaded free of charge:
App for Android [external link]
App for iOS [external link]
(based on the announcement on the AMU main website [access: 2024-03-19])