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Prof. Magdalena Wrembel’s project as an example for the National Science Centre, Poland

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The research project “Across-domain Investigations in Multilingualism: Modeling L3 Acquisition in Diverse Settings (ADIM)” (panel: HS2, funding scheme: GRIEG, project number: DEC-2019/34/H/HS2/00495), whose co-head and principal investigator is prof. UAM dr hab. Magdalena Wrembel of the AMU Faculty of English, has been listed as an exemplary project on the National Science Centre, Poland website.

The goal of the project is to investigate the complexity of third or additional language acquisition across different linguistic domains such as phonology, syntax and semantics, focusing on the sources and directions of interactions between language systems coexisting in multilingual speakers. The project is based on a close international co-operation between active research groups from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø and The Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim.

Congratulations to prof. Wrembel and the whole project team!

Full article on the NSC website [external link]

Research project website [external link]