Date published:

Relocation of general news items on this website

image/icon of a computer folder with the string {news} written on it

We are relocating our general news to a new address. Old uniform resource locators (URLs) for items published before 2025 have been given temporary redirects to new URLs.

As of 1 January 2025 the news folder on the Faculty of English website has a new subfolder for aggregating general news items, viz. news/general. The creation of the general folder will allow us to publish other types of news in (or underneath) the same folder (news) as before without interfering with general news. As before, all news items published on this website will continue to be listed on the topmost level of the news hierarchy, viz. the news folder itself.

Every news item in the Faculty-wide News and in the News from the Faculty Units folder published before 2025 will continue to be available as before, albeit under a slightly longer URL, viz. with the string /general/ inserted between and faculty-wide or departmental, respectively.

Old URLs are intended to work with website-side redirects until at least the end of 2025. Please update your bookmarks to the favourite old news items on this website before the end of the year.

Our website in Polish is not affected by this change.