dr hab., prof. UAMJoanna Pawelczyk

Joanna Pawelczyk
University professor

Websites / Profiles


  • M.A. in English, Poznań, 1996
  • Ph.D. in English, Poznań, 2000
  • D.Litt. in English linguistics, Poznań, 2011

Research interests

  • Sociolinguistics
  • Language and gender
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Gender in organizations
  • Professional discourse
  • Discourses and practice of psychotherapy

Teaching experience

  • TEFL at university level
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Polish as a foreign language
  • Interactional sociolinguistics
  • Translation
  • Language and gender
  • English-Polish contrastive linguistics
  • The sociolinguistics of African American English
  • Workshop in data collection in sociolinguistics and applied sociolinguistics: YLMP 2009 (co-organizer prof. Miriam Meyerhoff, The University of Edinburgh)
  • Workshop in the sociolinguistics of identity: YLMP 2010 (co-organizer dr Louise Mullany, The University of Nottingham)
  • Computer-mediated communication
  • Workshop: Gender and sexuality in the Polish ESL classroom: YLMP2014 (with Łukasz Pakuła)
  • United States Military Academy, West Point: Qualitative interviews as data: Affordances and constraints
  • United States Naval Academy, Annapolis: Gender in language: ‘Reality’, perception and interpretations
  • University of Padua: 'The use of discourse analysis in psychotherapy research", December 2020
  • Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Alpen-Adria Universität, Klagenfurt, 'Gender and/in psychotherapeutic interaction', May 2021

Other professional experience

  • "Socrates Erasmus" coordinator at the Faculty of Modern languages and Literature
  • reviewer for the IGALA book prize (2006-2007)
  • Queering ESOL: towards a cultural politics of LGBT issues in the ESOL classroom. Seminar 1: Institutional and Legal Frameworks (Insititute of Education, University of London, November 2013)
  • Workshop: Zastosowanie analizy konwersacyjnej (AK) w badaniach nad psychoterapią, Klinika Psychiatrii Dzieci i Młodzieży Katedry Psychiatrii CM UJ, 20.10.2017
  • Workshop: Language use, perception and interpretation, United States Naval Academy, Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR)

Professional organizations

  • Societas Linguistica Europea
  • Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE)
  • International Gender and Language Association (member of advisory board: 2015-2018)
  • International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)
  • Society for Psychotherapy Research


  • Guest Editor (with Agnieszka Kiełkiewicz-Janowiak) of Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, vol. 48 (1), 2012. (Special Issue: Narratives in Contexts)
  • Member of editorial board, Journal of Gender and Power, 2013-
  • Member of editorial board, Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 2017-


  • Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, 1998-99
  • Universitetet i Agder, 2016, Visiting professor
  • Fulbright Senior Award, University of Maryland, College Park, Center for Research on Military Organization 2018/2019

Guest lectures

  • Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, 1999
  • Modern Language Association, 2001
  • Universidad De Vigo, 2004
  • Universidade De Aveiro, 2005
  • Universidad de Murcia, 2006
  • Cracow branch of the Polish Psychiatry Association (Krakowski Oddzial Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychiatrycznego), Cracow, 2006
  • Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Alpen-Adria Universität, Klagenfurt, 2008-2009
  • 'Open Lecture' at the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literature, AMU, May 2012
  • 'Research in Language, Gender and Sexuality' group (RiGLS), Lancaster University (with Jane Sunderland and Łukasz Pakuła), November 2013
  • Universitetet i Agder, 2015
  • UCL Institute of Education, Queering ESOL: Towards a cultural politics of LGBT issues in the ESOL classroom (with Łukasz Pakuła), June 19, 2015
  • United States Military Academy, West Point (Corbin Forum), February 2019
  • United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, April 2019
  • XXIII Poznański Festiwal Nauki i Sztuki, listopad 2020
  • English Language & Linguistics Research Seminar, University of Glasgow (February, 3, 2022)

Research grants:

Papers read at international conferences and congresses

  • 33th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 2001 Bukowy Dworek
  • April Conference Nine, 2002 Kraków
  • Globalization: English and Language Change in Europe, 2002 Warszawa
  • 6th Interdisciplinary and International Symposium on Gender Research, 2002 Kilonia
  • 34th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 2003 Poznań
  • 35th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 2004 Poznań
  • Ithaca, Cornell University (USA). International Language and Gender Association IGALA 3, 2004
  • 36th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań , 2005
  • New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics, Łódź, 2006
  • Międzynarodowe Sympozjum "Wladza nad cierpieniem", Opole, 2006
  • IGALA4, Fourth International Gender and Language Association Conference, Valencia, 2006
  • Cierpienie: Doswiadczenie-Reprezentacja-Kontrola, Wroclaw, 2007
  • Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise IV, Nottingham, 2007
  • Conversation Analysis of Psychotherapy, Bologna, 2007
  • IGALA 5, Fifth International Language and Gender Association Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 2008
  • Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (CADAAD), Hatfield, 2008
  • 39th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Gniezno, 2008
  • Conversation Analysis of Psychotherapy 5, Goettingen, Germany, 2008
  • 7th Interdisciplinary Conference on Communication, Medicine & Ethics, Cardiff, 2009
  • GESPIN Gesture and Speech in Interaction, Poznań 2009
  • IX Conference on Women's Studies, Madrid 2010
  • IGALA 6, Sixth International Language and Gender Association Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 2010
  • Discourse 2.0 & Language and New Media: Georgetown University Round Table on Language and Linguistics
  • 42nd Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań, 2011
  • 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA 2011), Beijing, China
  • IGALA7, International Gender and Language Association Conference, Sao Leopoldo, Brazil, 2012
  • i-Mean: Identity and Language Conference, Bristol, United Kingdom, 2013
  • Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP), Geneva, Switzerland, 2014 (two talks)
  • 13th Annual Conference on Communication, Medicine & Ethics (COMET 2015), Hong Kong 2015 (panel organizer: 'Understanding change in helping professions using discourse analysis')
  • IGALA9, International Gender and Language Association Conference, Hong Kong 2016 (two talks)
  • II International Conference: A person in a world of cultural and social change - An interdisciplinary perspective. Polish and Israeli perspectives, Poznan 2016 (plenary lecture)
  • Personal Identity Through a Language Lens PILL 4, łódz 2017 (plenary talk)
  • 15th Annual Conference on Communication, Medicine & Ethics (COMET 2017), Indianapolis 2017
  • Obcy. Inny. Taki sam w psychoterapii. Kraków 20-22.10. 2017 (sesja tematyczna: Jak to się wydarzyło? Zjawisko zmiany i skuteczność psychoterapii. Perspektywa badawcza
  • Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives on Events and Narrative (TEPEN 2nd edition), Łódz 2018 (plenary talk)
  • Eastern Sociological Society Conference: Facts and Fictions: Narratives of Inequality and Difference, Boston, 2019
  • Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy, Berlin 2019 (co-author Elena Faccio)
  • Visible and Invisible: Bordering Change in Systemic Family Therapy, Naples, 2019 (co-authors: Barbara Jozefik, Bernadetta Janusz)
  • Society for Psychotherapy Research conference, Cracow 2019, panel: "The Therapeutic Relationship in Interaction: Alignment vs. Disalignment (co-author Elena Faccio)
  • 115th American Sociological Association Section on the Sociology of Sex and Gender, 2020, Refereed Roundtables: Table 1: Qualitative Perspectives on Gender Inequality in the Labor Market (Virtual event), co-author dr Judith Rosenstein
  • IADA 2020, International Association of Dialogue Analysis, panel on 'Negotiating interactive unity in psychotherapy and related formats'
  • 50th Poznan Linguistic Meeting, September 2021, plenary talk (online talk)
  • 2021 International Biennial Conference of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society (IUS), co-author dr Judith Rosenstein, Reston, VA
  • International Conference on Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy, Ghent, Belgium, September 8-10, 2022 (co-authors: Bernadetta Janusz and Barbara Józefik)
  • 12th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP), University of Jyväskylä, Finland, September 15-17, 2022

Organizer of international conferences

  • Section co-organizer: Language and Gender Section, 35th Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM), Tarnowo Podgórne, 2004
  • Section co-organizer: Sociolinguistics Section, 36th Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM), Poznań, 2005
  • Session co-organizer: Disentangling Variation: Discourse in context, 40th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Gniezno, 2009
  • Workshop co-organiser: Narratives in interaction, 42nd Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań, 2011
  • Co-organizer: Young Linguists' Meeting 2012 (YLMP 2012), Poznań
  • Co-organizer: Young Linguists' Meeting 2014 (YLMP 2014), Poznań
  • Co-organizer: Young Linguists' Meeting in Poznan 2016 (YLMP 2016), Poznań
  • Co-organizer: Young Linguists' Meeting in Poznan 2018 (YLMP 2018), Poznań
  • Co-organizer: 7th Young Linguists' Meeting in Poznan 2021 (YLMP 2021), Poznań


  • AMU Rector's Prize for organisational and didactic achievements (2004)
  • AMU Rector's Prize for research achievements (2012)
  • AMU Rector's Rector Prize for administrative achievements (2016)
  • AMU Rector's Rector Prize for administrative achievements (2018)
  • AMU Rector's Rector Prize for administrative achievements (2020)
  • AMU Rector's Rector Prize for administrative achievements (2021)