prof. UAM dr hab.Małgorzata Fabiszak

University professor
- (+48) 61 829 1029
Collegium Heliodori, room 159
Websites / Profiles
- M.A. in English Linguistics, Poznań, 1994
- Ph.D. in English Linguistics, Poznań, 1998
- Habilitation in Linguistics, Poznań, 2008
Research interests
- Metaphor theory
- Cognitive linguistics
- Corpus linguistics
- Discourse analysis
- Categorization of abstract concepts: mental verbs in Polish and English: EMBER project
- MEDIVA: Media for Diversity and Migrant Integration
- Dynamic Multimodal Communication: DMC
- Collective memory – National Science Centre funded project: "Collective memory, collective identity and urban landscape: A case study of Poznań"
- Linguistic Landscape – National Science Centre funded project: "Memory and ideology in the linguistic landscape. Commemorative (re)naming in East Germany and Poland 1916-2016"
Teaching experience
- metaphor theory and cognitive linguistics
- History of English
- Varieties of English
- Syntax
- Introduction to linguistics
- Polish-English Contrastive Grammar
Reviewing PhD dissertations
- Maria Pilar Lema Quintana: “Cognition, language and translation theory: A theoretical cognitive revision of the concept of equivalence for a grammatical poetics of translation” a PhD dissertation supervised by Juana Teresa Guerra de la Torre, submitted at Departamento de Filologia Modern AT Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2009.
- Agnieszka Mierzwińska-Hajnos: “What’s in a name? A cognitive approach to English and Polish plant names” a PhD dissertation supervised by Prof. dr hab. Henryk Kardela, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland, 2010.
- Marianna Hintikka: "The well-being of the Body as Metaphor: A corpus-based comparison of Early Modern and Present-day English.“ University of Helsinki, 2011.
- Agnieszka Sowińska: "A Critical Analysis of Political Discourse from the Perspective of Axiological Semantics on the Basis of the US President George W. Bush’s and President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Addresses (2001-2010)." A PhD supervised by Prof. Zdzisław Wąsik, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland, 2011.
- Wojciech Wachowski: “Understanding metonymy”. A PhD thesis supervised by Prof. Szwedek, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, 2011.
- Angelina Rusinek: “Motivation Mechanisms behind Semantic Developments in the English ‘joy’ Vocabulary: from Semantic Fields to Cognitive Domains”. A PhD thesis supervised by Prof. Przemysław Łozowski, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland, 2011.
- Joanna Chojnicka: "Linguistic markers of stance in Latvian parliamentary debates". A PhD thesis supervised by Prof. Nicole Nau, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, 2012.
- Veliz, Leonardo: "Enhancing English Language Learners’ Text Understanding through Metaphor Awareness”. A PhD thesis supervised by Dr. Paticia Henry and Dr Zosia Golebiowski, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, 2015.
- Elsayed, Ahmed Abdelrehim Mohamed: "Messaging Battles in the Eurozone Crisis Discourse: A Critical Cognitive Study”. A PhD thesis supervised by Prof. Piotr Cap, Łódź University, Poland, 2015.
- Małgorzata Paprota "The welfare state in the British press, 2008-2015: Discursive constructions of a concept”. A PhD thesis supervised by Prof. UMCS dr hab. Zbigniew Mazur, UMCS, Lublin, Poland, 2017.
- Maciej Rosiński: “Metaphor activation in multimodal discourse. Case studies on the emergence of geometrical concepts”. A PhD thesis supervised by Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Górska, Warsaw University, Poland, 2018.
- Dorota Dąbrowska: “Metaphor and metonymy in multimodal discourse. Case studies of selected artwors by Magdalena Abakanowicz and satirical cartoons by Paweł Kuczyński”. A PhD thesis supervised by Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Górska, Warsaw University, Poland, 2019.
- Justyna Mandziuk - Nizińska: “Dynamic meaning. A cognitive linguistic analysis of selected English proverbs and their modifications”, a PhD dissertation supervised by Prof. dr hab. Henryk Kardela, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland, 2020.
- Kamila Midor: “Cultural differences in conceptualization of loss and grief as expressed by Americans and Poles. A comparative analysis”. A PhD dissertation supervised by Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Tabakowska, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, 2021.
- Anissa Berracheche: “The Construal of Asylum: A New Methodological Perspective to Critical Discourse Analysis”. A PhD thesis supervised by Professor Dylan Glynn, Université Paris 8, France, 2021.
- Bartosz Dudek “Simulating Digital Games Narratives: A Cognitive Poetics Perspective”, a PhD dissertation supervised by Prof. dr hab. Henryk Kardela, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland, 2023
Supervising PhD dissertations
- Marta Kajzer-Wietrzny: "Interpreting universals, interpreter's style", Adam Mickieiwcz University, Poznań, Poland, 2012.
- Bennett, Samuel: "Constructions of Migrant Integration in British Public Discourse”. A PhD thesis supervised by Prof. Michał Krzyżanowski (primary supervisor, Örebro University) and Prof. Małgorzata Fabiszak (secondary supervisor), Faculty of English, Adam Mickieiwcz University in Poznań, Poland, 2015.
- Gruszecka, Marta: "After the catastrophe: Political use of collective trauma of 9/11 and Smoleńsk 2010 in media discourse”. A PhD thesis supervised by Prof. Małgorzata Fabiszak (primary supervisor, Faculty of English), Dr. Artur Lipiński (secondary supervisor, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism), Faculty of English, Adam Mickieiwcz University in Poznań, Poland, 2015.
- Michalik Tomasz: "Archeolog – dane archeologiczne – wiedza. Proces poznawczy w archeologii w perspektywie zwrotu wizualnego” [Archeologist - archeological data - knowledge. Cognitive process in archeology from the perspective of the visual turn]. A PhD thesis supervised by Prof. Włodzimierz Rączkowski (primary supervisor, Faculty of History) and Prof. Małgorzata Fabiszak (secondary supervisor, Faculty of English), Faculty of History, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, 2016.
- Tomasz Dyrmo: “Coming out as a multimodal metaphor: Perspectives from gesture and language” (primary supervisor; secondary supervisor: Dr. Anna Jelec), 2024.
- Patryk Dobkiewicz: “Mediated political discourse: Self-presentation on social media and ideological shift in interpreting” (co-supervisor, with Prof. UAM dr hab. Agnieszka Chmiel), 2024.
Other professional experience
- 2008/2009 Deputy Head for Research of the School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan
- 2009 Co-ordinator (together with Prof. Marcin Krygier) of the School of English Strategy Development Team
- 2010-2012 Head of the interdisciplinary PhD Programme in English: Language, Society, Technology and Cognition (LST&C)
- Member of the Advisory Board for "Token: A Journal of English Linguistics"
- President of the Research Council of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association, since 2011-2013
- Member of Advisory Board, Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, since 2011
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the German Cognitive Linguistic Association Conference, Freiburg 2012
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the SLE Conference, Stockholm 2012
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the SLE Conference, Split 2013
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the RAAM Conference, Poznań 2013
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Cross-Cultural Pragmatics at the Crossroads Conference, Norwich 2013
- Member of the Advisory Board for Studia Anglica Posnaniensia, since 2013
- Vice-President of the Research Council of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association, 2013-2015
- Vice-President of the Board of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association, 2015-2019
- President of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association, 2019-
- Member of the Board of Referees of the Complutense Journal of English Studies
- Editorial Team Member, Language, Mind, Culture and Society, peer-reviewed open-access journal of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association, 2017-2019
Professional organizations
- European Society for the Study of English (ESSE)
- Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE)
- Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association
- Researching and Applying Metaphor Association
- International Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLC)
- Assistant to the Editor, Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics, 1997-2001
- Member of the editorial team of "IFAtuation: A Life in IFA. A festshrift for Professor Jacek Fisiak on the Occassion of His 70th Birthday", editor: Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, 2006. Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM.
- Nene College of Education, Northampton,1995
- University of Vienna, 1996
- University of Bamberg, 1997
- Research grant number 2013/09/B/HS6/00374 (ID: 218080), funded by the National Science Center (Narodowe Centrum Nauki) for the project: "Memory and identity in an urban landscape: Poznan as a case study" (Polish title: "Pamięć i tożsamość w krajobrazie miejskim: Studium przypadku na przykładzie Poznania) 2013-2016.
- Erasmus Plus Staff Mobility Grant, University of Ghent, (1) “History, memory, commemoration”; (2) “Analysing multimodality with SFL”; (3) “Language, Culture and Cognition in Lublin ethnolinguistics and cognitive linguistics”, (4) “Speech and gesture in memory discourse”, April 2017.
- Research grant number2016/23/G/HS2/00827, funded by the National Science Center (Narodowe Centrum Nauki) for the project: "Memory and ideology in the linguistic landscape. Commemorative (re)naming in East Germany and Poland 1916-2016" (Polish title: "Pamięć i ideologia w krajobrazie językowym. Zmiany w nazewnictwie ulic w Niemczech Wschodnich i w Polsce w latach 1916-2016"). A Beethoven grant won in cooperation with Prof. Isabelle Buchsteller (University in Leipzig, University in Essen). 2016-2022.
- Small Group Research Residential Grant from Independent Social Research Foundation (ISRF) for the project: “Understanding practices of street renaming in European and non-European locations” (COCIENEL). Co-PI Prof. Dr Isabelle Buchstaller. August, 2019.
Guest lectures
- University of Bamberg, 1997
- University of Passau, 1997
- University of Wolverhampton, 2007
- Multicultural Europe III: Challenges, Opportunities, Threats; workshop organised by British Council and Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, 2007
- University of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria, 2008, 2009
- University Compultense, Madrid, 2010
- University of Innsbruck, 2012
- Binational linguistic conference “Embodiment, Cognition and Language”: "The historical dynamics of metaphor", Slubice, November 2013 (plenary speaker)
- Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien, Linguistics Circle: “Dynamic self-organizing systems perspective on metaphor”, November 2013
- Insitute of Cultural Studies, University of Marie Curie-Sklodowska in Lublin, “Pamięć i tożsamość w krajobrazie miejskim. Studium przypadku na przykładzie Poznania” [Memory and identity in urban landscape. A case study of Poznan], June 2014
- Institute of English Language and Linguistics, University of Marie Curie-Sklodowska in Lublin, “Historical Dynamics of Metaphor”, June 2014
- Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, PhD seminar: “Empirical approaches to metaphor research”, 7 Oct. 2014, 14 Oct. 2014
- Kunsthalle, Vienna; Denkfabrik Roundtable accompanying the exhibition: “Blue Times” on “Language and Colour”, 10 Dec. 2014
- Lund University, "Collective memory and collective identity in the urban space", 7 Nov. 2019
- Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, „Ideologia w krajobrazie językowym: Nazwy ulic jako miejsca konfliktu pamięci” (in Polish), 2 Dec. 2019
- Research Centre for the Humanities, Athens, Greece “Semiotics of Museum Displays”, study visit “Culture and Memory” organizowane przez ISRF (Independent Social Research Foundation), 05.02.2020.-07.02.2020.
- University of Duisburg-Essen, Sociolinguistics Lab Brown Bag talk series, "Narrative triggers: Metonymy and metaphor in the process of recovering temporality in atemporal representations”, 24.03.2021, online.
Papers read at international conferences and congresses
- 30th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań, 1997
- 2nd International Conference on Middle English, Helsinki, 1997
- 10th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Manchester, 1998
- 8th Annual Conference of the Polish Association for the Study of English, Wrocław, 1999
- 9th Annual Conference of the Polish Association for the Study of English, Gdańsk, 2000
- Globalization: English and Language Change in Europe, September 2002, Warsaw, Poland
- Seminarium Kognitywistyczne, Lublin, May 2003
- 35th Poznan Linguistic Meeting, May 2003, Poznań
- 8th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, July 2003, Logrono, Spain
- 36th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, May 2004, Poznań
- New Insights into Semantics and Lexicography, Sept. 2005, Lublin, Poland
- New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics, Oct. 2005, Brighton, UK
- Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM), April 2006, Poznań, Poland
- Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM), April 2006, Leeds, UK
- New developments in linguistic pragmatics, May 2006, Łódź, Poland
- New Europeans under scrutiny. Workshop on state-of-the-art research on Polish migration to the UK, Feb. 2007, Wolverhampton, Wielka Brytania
- 10th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, July 2007, Kraków, Poland
- Researching and Applying Metaphor Conference (RaAM), May 2008, University of Extramadura, Caceres, Spain
- International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL), August 2008, Munich, Germany
- Categorisation of the World Through Language, FNP Workshop, February 2009, Serock, Poland
- Race, Religion, Representation, University of Łódź, Poland, April 2009, Łódź, Poland
- Poznań Linguistic Meeting, September 2009, Poznań, Poland (with A. Hebda, I. Kokorniak)
- Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature Conference (SELIM), September 2009, Madrit, Spain (with A. Hebda)
- Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference, October 2009, Prague, The Czech Republic (with I. Kokorniak and A. Hebda)
- International Conference on Figurative Language Learning and Figurative Language Use: Theory and Applications (CRAL) October, 2009 (with R. Szczepaniak)
- Cognitive Processes in Language 2010, Łódź, Poland (with I. Kokorniak)
- UK-Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2010, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK (with A. Hebda)
- First International Young Scholars Symposium "Discourse Ideology, Society", Łódź, March 18-20th, 2011 (plenary lecture)
- Wspólnoty komunikacyjne: Konferencja naukowa dedykowana Profesorowi Ludwikowi Zabrockiemu, Poznan, April 11-12, 2011 (with A. Hebda)
- Poznań Linguistic Meeting, May 1st-3rd, 2011
- Jewishness in Contemporary Culture, Warszawa, May 17-18, 2011
- The 3rd International Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition (SALC III). Copenhagen, June 14-16th 2011 (with K. Krawczak)
- Cognition, Emotion, Communication, Nicosia, June 23-26 2011 (with A. Hebda)
- Societas Linguistica Europea (SLE), Logrono, September 8-11, 2011 (with A. Hebda)
- Grammaticalization and data, Rouen, May 2012 (with I. Kokorniak)
- Metodologie Językoznawstwa, Łódź, May 2012 (invited talk, with Barbara Konat)
- Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2012, Wrocław, September 2012 (invited speaker, with Barbara Konat)
- The 5th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, Freiburg, October 2012 (with Karolina Krawczak)
- Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium, Olomouc, the Czech Republic, June 6-8,2013, "Collocation analysis as a means of measuring the grammaticalization of aspectual prefixes in Polish" (with Iwona Kokorniak)
- Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2013, Warszawa, September 16-17, 2013 (with Iwona Kokorniak & Rafał L. Górski)
- "Collective memory, collective identity and urban landscape: Poznań regional online media and their readers", Political Linguistics, Warszawa, May 8-10, 2014 (with A. W. Brzezińska)
- RAAM, Cagliari, Sardinia, June 20th-23rd, 2014: “Historical Dynamics of Metaphor: empirical application” (with E. Wacker, N. Ritt)
- “Collective memory, identity and urban landscape: Poznań regional media vs. city elites”, CADAAD, Budapest, Septemebr 1st-3rd, 2014 (with A. Brzezińska)
- SLE, Poznań, September 11th-14th 2014: “Historical Dynamics of Metaphor: corpus explorations” (with E. Wacker, N. Ritt)
- Językoznawstwo Kognitywne 2014, September 15th-16th, 2014: “Historical Dynamics of Metaphor: corpus explorations” (with E. Wacker, N. Ritt)
- "Sacrum w kulturze tradycyjnej i współczesnej" Konferencja PTL, Lublin, September 18th-20th, 2014, “Desakralizacje miejskie pomiędzy zapomnieniem, a komercjalizacją przestrzeni” [Urban desacralisation between nonmemory and commertialization of space) (with A. Brzezińską)
- A corpus-based quantitative approach to mental predicates and their complementation: A cross-linguistic perspective (with M. Hilpert & K. Krawczak), Constructions and Cognitions: 6th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Associaiton, October 2014, Erlangen
- "Neighbour, stranger, citizen of Poznań – representation of the other in the narratives of four generations of Poznań inhabitants” (with Anna Brzezińska), New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics, April 12-14, 2015, Łódź, Poland
- "Sąsiad, obcy, obywatel — pamięć o dawnych mieszkańcach Poznania wyrażona słowem i gestem” [Neighbour, stranger, citizen - remembering the past inhabitants of Poznań expressed in words and gestures”, conference "Między interpretacją a kreacją. Negocjowanie znaczeń w (nie)miejscach (nie)pamięci”, May 7th-8th 2015, in Museum Stutthof in Sztutowo, Poland
- "Żydzi i Niemcy w Poznaniu – zapomniane dziedzictwo? Analiza korpusu prasowego i wywiadów fokusowych” [Jews and Germans in Poznań: Forgotten heritage? Newspaper corpus and focus groups analysis.] (with Dr. Anna Brzezińska), Transdyscyplinarne Sympozjum Badań Jakościowych [Transdisciplinary Symposium of Qualitative Research], 27-30 maja 2015, Poznań, Poland
- "Multimodal discourses of collective memory: Gesture” (with Dr. Anna Brzezińska), International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, 20-25 July 2015, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
- “Between populism and civic engagement” (with Marta Gruszecka), Interdisciplinary perspectives on populist discourse in Germany and Poland, Viadrina University, Collegium Polonicum, Słubice (Poland), August 20–21, 2015
- “Kibice Lecha a władze miasta – zacieranie się dystansów władzy, czy próba zagospodarowania politycznego ruchów społecznych”, (with Anna Weronika Brzezińska Marta Gruszecka), konferencja: Demokratyzacja debaty publicznej. Zagadnienie teoretyczne i badania dyskursu, 18-19 kwietnia 2016, Wydział Ekonomiczno-Socjologiczny Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
- “Dynamic transformation of urban landscapes – a case of Jewish cemetery in Poznań”, an international symposium: “Imagining and Communicating Space/Place: Critical Reflections and Interdisciplinary Perspectives”, 09 June 2016, Örebro University, Sweden.
- “Memorial plaques – small forms of cultural memory” (with Anna Brzezińska), Small Forms, 13-14 June 2016, Łódź University.”Metaphor, metonymy and image schemata in memorial landscapes”, Researching and Applying Metaphor Conference, 1-4 July 2016, free University, Berlin, Germany.
- “They say - I say. Shrugs, head tilts and palm up open hand gestures as markers of uncertainty in the context of collective memory” (with Anna Jelec), 46th Poznan Linguistic Meeting, 15-17 September 2016, Poznan, Poland.
- “My i inni w dyskursach o tożsamości i pamięci zbiorowej czterech pokoleń poznaniaków”, Sympozjum in memoriam Prof. Anny Duszak, ILS, 18.11.2016, Uniwersytet Warszawski.
- “Axiological ambiguity of the CONTAINER and related schemas in multimodal discourses of collective memory”, The 6th conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition, 20-22 April 2017, Lund, Sweden
- “Discourse Historical Approach to metaphor or the socio-political and historical ecology of metaphor”, Researching and Applying Metaphor Conference: ““Ecological Cognition and Metaphor”, 18-19 May 2017, University of Southern Denmark in Odense, Denmark
- “CONTAINER and SOURCE-PATH-GOAL schemata in multimodal discourses of collective memory”, 7th International Conference of the French Association for Cognitive Linguistics (AFLiCO): Discourse, Cognition & Constructions: Implications & Applications, 31 May – 1 June 2017, Liège, Belgium
- “Individual variation in gestural markers of uncertainty” (in collaboration with Dr. Anna Jelec and Dr Anna Weronika Brzezińska), Gesture and Speech in Interaction, 25-27 August 2017, Poznań, Poland
- “CONTAINER and SOURCE-PATH-GOAL schemata in multimodal discourses of collective memory”, Culture, Cognition, Communication, 14-15 September 2017, Lublin, Poland
- “CONTAINER and SOURCE-PATH-GOAL schemata in multimodal discourses of collective memory”, Językoznawstwo Kognitywne w 2017, konferencja Polskiego Towarzystwa Jezykoznawstwa Kognitywnego, 21-23 September 2017, Rzeszów, Poland
- "Micronarrative as a unit of multimodal narrative” (with Dr Anna Jelec), TEPEN: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives on Events and Narratives, Łódź, 10-12.05.2018
- “Competing ideologies, competing semiotics: A critical perspective on politically-driven renaming practices in Eastern Germany and Poland” (with Prof. I. Buchstaller, Prof. A.W. Brzezińska, Prof. S. Alvanides); The 38th International LAUD Symposium and The Second Cultural Linguistics International Conference, Landau, 20-25.07.2018
- „Pamięć i język w Poznaniu”, konferencja Pamięć w ujęciu lingwistycznym – Multimodalne ramowanie pamięci w muzeum, Warszawa, 8-9.10.2018
- “Media perception of transformations in the commemorative cityscape”, Urban Language Research – Variation, Contact, Perception Conference, Graz, 30.10.-04.11.2018
- "Context and cognitive principles in memorial landscapes” (keynote talk); Culture and Cognition in Language 2, Rzeszów, 25-26.05.2019
- “(Nie-)widzę, (nie-)pamiętam, (nie-)wiem: Język i pamięć w mieście” [I (can’t) see, I (don’t) know: Language and memory in the city] (with A.W. Brzezińska), Widzę więc wiem Międzynarodowa Interdyscyplinarna Konferencja Naukowa 30-31.05.2019
- "Shifting border shifting languages: Investigating commemorative cityscape at the Polish-German border” (with A.W. Brzezinska, I. Buchstaller, S. Alvanides, P. Dobkiewicz, F. Griese), ICLAVE 10: International Conference on Language Variation in Europe; Leeuwarden/Ljouwert, the Netherlands, 26-28.06.2019
- “Commemorative street naming in Zbąszyń” (with A.W. Brzezińska and P. Dobkiewicz), Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 16-18.09.2019
- “Context and cognitive principles in memorial landscapes” Cognitive Linguyistics in the year 2019, a conference of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association, Białystok, 26-28.09.2019
- “Konflikt pamięci czy konflikt władzy? Strategie językowe w dyskusji nad zmianą nazwy ulicy w Poznaniu” [Conflict of memory or conflict of power? Linguistic strategies in the debate over the renaming of a street in Poznań] (with A.W. Brzezińska), II Konferencja Pamięcioznawcza [2nd Memory Studies Conference] in Warsaw, 05-07.12.2019
- "Metonymic inscription of ideology in cityscape" (with A.W. Brzezińska, P. Dobkiewicz, T. Dyrmo), Researching and Applying Metaphor Virtual Conference, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Hamar, Norway, 18-21.06.2020
- "The semiotics of museum displays: Language for community metonymy", Researching and Applying Metaphor Virtul Conference, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Hamar, Norway, 18-21.06.2020
- "Street renaming as a means of re-ordering the symbolic cityscape in the time of shifting borders” (with A.W. Brzezińska, P. Dobkiewicz, T. Dyrmo), B/ordering cultures: everyday life, politics, aesthetics online conference, European University Viadrina, 08-10.10.2020. Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
- “Figuration in city as text” (with A.W. Brzezińska, P. Dobkiewicz), Figurative Thought and Language 5 online conference, Sofia University of St. Kliment Ohridsky, Sofia, Bulgaria, 29-31.10.2020.
- “Street renaming practices in Poznań and Słubice“ (with A.W. Brzezińska, P. Dobkiewicz, T. Dyrmo), Ningbozinan 2021 China, Poland and Other Eastern European Countries Language and Culture Studies: Significance and Prospects, 15-16.04.2021. online.
- “Commemorative cityscapes: spatio-temporal patterns in street names in Eastern Germany and Poland“ (with Serafeim Alvanides, Isabelle Buchstaller, Frauke Griese, Patryk Dobkiewicz, Carolin Schneider, Anna Weronika Brzezińska) Sociolinguistics Symposium 23 (e-SS23), The University of Hong Kong, 07-10.06.2021.
- “Narrative triggers: Metonymy and metaphor in the process of recovering temporality in atemporal representations“ (with Ewa Olszewska), Researching and Applying Metaphor Conference, University of Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26.06.2021. online.
- “When coming out is literally coming out. Gesture speech alignmet at a discourse level” (with Anna Jelec and Tomasz Dyrmo), Researching and Applying Metaphor Conference, University of Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26.06.2021. online.
- “Exploring the commemorative streetscape through time and space” (with Isabelle Buchstaller, Seraphim Alvanides, Patryk Dobkiewicz), 11th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe, ICLaVE 11, University of Vienna, Austria, 11-14.04.2022. online.
- “Commemorative street naming in the border towns Frankfurt (Oder)/S¬ubice” (with Isabelle Buchstaller, Anna Weronika Brzezi˜ska, Seraphim Alvanides), Linguistic Landscape Workshop 13, Hamburg, Germany, 07-09.09.2022.
- “Ideology of street naming (with Anna Weronika Brzezińska), “Language – Ideology and Social Differentiation”, Slovenian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 26-28.09.2022.
- “Semiotics of museum displays”, Culture and Cognition in Language 3, Rzeszów, 26-28.04.2023.
- “Multimodality and Polysemiosis: Producer’s, Recipient’s or the Analyst’s Perspective (plenary lecture), Modes, Mediums, Modalities, 31st Conference of the Polish Association for the Study of English, Olsztyn, Poland, 30.06.-02.07.2023.
- “Commodification, nostalgia and dystopia of post-industrial heritage in Silesia, Poland”, 14th Linguistic Landscape Workshop, Madrid, Spain, 06.09.-08.09.2023.
- “Narrative triggers: Metonymy and metaphor in the process of recovering temporality in atemporal representations” (with Ewa Olszewska), Cognitive Linguistics in the year 2023, Krosno, Poland, 13-15.09.2023.
- "Borders in flux: The changing conceptualisation of borders from a diachronic and cross-cultural perspective” (with Karolina Krawczak, Anna Rogos-Hebda), Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (CADAAD), Poznań, Poland, 10-12.07.2024.
- "(Re-)Imagining the Polish-German borderland: The case of post-Soviet army bases” (with Anna W. Brzezińska), Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (CADAAD), Poznań, Poland, 10-12.07.2024.
- "A context-informed study of the conceptualisation of British border, Polish granica, Austrian Grenze, French frontiere" (with Karolina Krawczak and Anna Rogos-Hebda), Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2024, Katowice, Poland, 18-20.09.2024.
Organizer of conference sessions/workshops:
- Approaches to Language and Meaning at PLM 2005
- National stereotypes, national identities in language and text at PLM 2006 (together with Prof. Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky)
- Discourses of identity at PLM 2008 (together with Prof. Peter Bodor)
- Mind, discourse, society at PLM 2011
- Corpora in Poland at PLM 2012
- From methodology back to theory: How do current empirical methods feed back into linguistic theory? (with Prof. Martin Hilpert, University of Neuchatel and Dr Karolina Krawczak), 47th Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea, September 2014, Poznań
- “Dziedzictwo, pamięć i upamiętnienie. Instrumentalizacja pojęć a interakcja badań ilościowych i jakościowych” [Heritage, memory and commemoration. Instrumentalisation of concepts vs. interaction of quantitative and qualitative research] (with Dr. Anna Brzezińska), a session at Transdyscyplinarne Sympozjum Badań Jakościowych [Transdisciplinary Symposium of Qualitative Research], 27-30 maja 2015, Poznań, Poland
- "Meaning Making in Multimodal Discourse and its relevance for Cognitive Linguistic Theory” (with Prof. Cornelia Mueller), a session at the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, 20-25 July 2015, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
- “Linguistic landscape and memory: Linguistics, geography and cultural studies in urban research”, (with Prof. I. Buchstaller), thematic session at PLM 2019, 16-18.09.2019, Poznań
Organizer of conferences
- Conference: Stutthof 2.0. Pamięć, Twórczość, Ekspresja. Muzea i miejsca pamięci a wyzwania współcześci [Stutthof 2.0. Memory, Creativity, Expression. Museums and memorial sites: challanges of the present] (together with the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, AMU and Stutthoff Museum)
- Konferencja "Między interpretacją a kreacją. Negocjowanie znaczeń w (nie)miejscach (nie)pamięci” zorganizowana we współpracy z Muzeum Stutthof w Sztutowie [conference “Between interpretation and creation. Negotiating meaning in (non-)places of (non-)memory” organized in collaboration with Museum Stutthof in Sztutowo] May 7-8th, 2015
- Cognitive Linguistics in the year 2018: Multimodal Patterns in Cognition and Communication, a conference of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association, 24-26.09.2018, Poznań, Poland
- 6th International Conference on Figurative Thought and Language (FTL6), Poznań, Poland, 21-22 April 2022. Online.
Outreach activities
- Debata na temat książki "Cmentarz - Park - Podwórko. Poznańskie przestrzenie pamięci" moderowana przez Błażeja Wandkę z udziałem Prof. dr hab. Katarzyny Kuczyńskiej-Koschany, Dr Łukasza Skoczylasa i autorek odbyła się w siedzibie Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk. 17.04.2018
- Interview on the radio (in Polish); udział w audycji „Popołudnie radia TOK FM”, 01.11.2018
- „(Nie)pamiętane poznańskie cmentarze – metodyka badań nad pamięcią zbiorową” (with Prof. A.W. Brzezińska), Seminarium „Cmentarze – milczący świadkowie historii. Edycja II”, a seminar organized by an NGO, Łódź, 17-18.11.2018
- Wykład “Cmentarze ewangelickie w przestrzeni współczesnego Poznania” [Protestant cemeteries in contemporary Poznań] (with Prof. A.W. Brzezińska), Europejskie Dni Dziedzictwa [European Heritage Days], 14.09.2019
- Talk: "Reconstructing Jewish cemetery in Poznań” at 12th Holocaust Victims Remembrance Days in Rzeszów, 27.01.2020.
- The prize of the Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University - for research achievement (2008)
- The prize of the Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University - for teaching and administration (2009)
- The prize of the Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University - for teaching and administration (2011)
- The prize of the Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University - for research achievement (2017)