drSamuel Bennett

- sbennett@amu.edu.pl
- (+48) 61 829 1023
Collegium Heliodori, room 210
Websites / Profiles:
- B.A. in International Relations, University of Sussex, 2003
- M.A in Peace and Development Studies, Universitat Jaume I, Spain 2005
- PhD in Linguistics, Poznań, 2015
Research interests
- Critical Discourse Studies
- Populism and Far-right discourses
- Immigration and Integration
- Social media and social movements
- European identity and values
- DEMOS: Democratic Efficacy and the Varieties of Populism in Europe. Horizon 2020 EU Project (Researcher)
- MEDIVA: Media for Diversity and Migrant Integration (Researcher)
- Colonial Forgettings Colonialism and decolonising education
Teaching experience
- English as a Foreign Language
- Human Rights
- British and American Life and Institutions
- Communication in the European Union
Grants and funding awarded
- ESSE Type A Research Bursary, 2013
- Conference attendance grant, British Sociological Association, Birmingham, June 2013
- Conference attendance grant, University of Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, November 2013
- Erasmus+ STA, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey, March 2019
- Erasmus+ STA, Vrije University, Brussels, Belgium, April 2022
- Erasmus+ STA, University of Malta, Valletta, Malta, October 2022
Other Professional Experience
- Assistant Editor, Journal of Language & Politics
- LANCOM Research Group organiser
- Teaching Assistant, European Consortium for Political Research Methods School:
- Ljublijana 2015
- Budapest 2016
- Critical Discourse Analysis methods workshop, Tomas Bata University, Zliń, Czechia, 8-9 March 2019
Papers read at international conferences, congresses and workshops
- 6th Global Conference: Pluralism, Inclusion, Citizenship, Prague, March 2011
- Poznań Linguistic Meeting, May 1st-3rd, 2011
- Young Linguists Meeting, Poznan, May 2012
- MEDIVA International Workshop, Utrecht, May 2012
- MEDIVA National Workshop, Instytut Spraw Publicznych, Warsaw May 2012
- Race, Migration and Citizenship: Post-colonial perspectives, British Sociological Association, Birmingham, July 2013
- Discourse, Gender and Sexuality: South-South Dialogues, Wits University, Johannesburg, November 2013
- Political Linguistics III, Warsaw, May 2014
- Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (CADAAD), Budapest, September 2014
- Laws, walls and crises, University of Helsinki, April 2016
- Mediatisation and Politicisation of the Refugee Crisis in Europe Workshop, European University Institute, Florence, April 2016
- Forging Linguistic Identities: Language in the Nation, the Region & the World, Towson University, Baltimore, March 2017
- Towards the development of the mediatization research, Wroclaw, December 2017
- Co-organiser, Political Discourse in Poland: Current Changes and Challenges, Poznań, May 2018
- 27th PASE Conference "Language, art, literature: In search of identity", Łódź, June 2018
- Europe in Discourse II: Agendas of Reform,Athens, Greece, September 2018
- In the Name of the People: Representing the People in Twenty-first Century Politics, Pamplona, November 2018
- DiscourseNet 23, Bergamo, June 2019
- European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, online, August 2020
- Plenary lecture, Approaches to Language, Migration and Identity, Sussex University/online, June 2021
- Futures of Populism Workshop, Glasgow Caledonian University, May 2022
- Critical Approaches to Discourse Across Disciplines 2022, University of Bergamo, July 2022
- Plenary presentation, Europe in Discourse III, Hellenic American University, September 2022
Guest lectures
- Negotiating community and belonging: Migrant discourses of (local) integration, Orebro University, December 2015
- Seminar: Media, Migration and Migrant Integration: Analysing Discourses and Practices, Orebro University, December 2015
- Deserving and Undeserving Migrants: Neo-liberal Discourses of Citizenship in the United Kingdom, University of Helsinki, April 2016
- Immigration and Integration: Public sphere discourses and media practices, Georgetown University, Washington DC, March 2017
Bennett, Samuel. 2022. “Designing Qualitative Discourse Analysis Research with Twitter.” In The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research Design, edited by Uwe Flick, 886–902, London: SAGE.
Bennett, Samuel. 2022. ‘Mythopoetic Legitimation and the Recontextualisation of Europe’s Foundational Myth’. Journal of Language and Politics. John Benjamins.
Zappettini, Franco, and Samuel Bennett. 2022. ‘Reimagining Europe and Its (Dis)Integration: (De)Legitimising the EU’s Project in Times of Crisis’. Journal of Language and Politics. John Benjamins.
Bennett, Samuel. 2021. "‘Crisis’ as a discursive strategy in Brexit referendum campaigns" in Franco Zappettini and Michał Krzyżanowski (eds.) "Brexit" as a Social and Political Crisis Discourses in Media and Politics. London: Routledge, pp.449-464.
Bennett, Samuel et al. 2020. Populist communication on social media. DEMOS Working paper.
Bennett, Samuel, and Cezary Kwiatkowski. 2019. "The Environment as an emerging discourse in Polish far-right politics", in Bernhard Forchtner (ed) The Far Right and the Environment: Politics, Discourse and Communication. London: Routledge, pp. 237-253.
Bennett, Samuel. 2019. "Standing up for ‘real people’: UKIP, the Brexit, and discursive strategies on Twitter", in Zienkowski, Jan, and Ruth Breeze (eds.) Imagining the Peoples of Europe: Populist discourses across the political spectrum. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 230-256.
Bennett, Samuel. 2019. "‘Crisis’ as a discursive strategy in Brexit referendum campaigns", Critical Discourse Studies 16(4): 449-464.
Bennett, Samuel. 2019. "Values as tools of legitimation in EU and UK Brexit discourses", in Koller, Veronika, Susanne Kopf, and Marlene Miglbauer (eds.) Discourses of Brexit. London: Routledge, pp. 17-32.
Bennett, Sam. 2018. Constructions of Migrant Integration in British Public Discourse: Becoming British (London: Bloomsbury)
Bennett, Sam. 2018. “New ‘Crises’, Old Habits: Online Interdiscursivity and Intertextuality in UK Migration Policy Discourses", Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies 16(1): 1-21.
Bennett, Sam. 2017. “Whose line is it anyway?: The diffusion of discursive frames in Pride movements of the South.” Journal of Language and Politics 16(3): 345-366.
Bennett, Samuel. 2015. Book review: P. Bayley and G. Williams (eds.) (2012). European Identity: What the Media Say. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Journal of Language and Politics, 14(2), pp. 309-313
Bennett, Samuel. 2015. “Performing Citizenship and Integration in the UK”, in Gozdecka, Dorota and Magdalena Kmak (eds.), Europe at the Edge of Pluralism. Cambridge: Intersentia, pp 115-129.
Bennett, Samuel. 2015. “Constructions of Community in a Local Newspaper Over Time”, in: Krzyżanowska, Natalia and Karolina Nowak, (eds.). Urban Transitions. Torun: Adam Marszalek, pp. 171-193
Bennett, Samuel, Jessika Ter Wal, Artur Lipinski, Malgorzata Fabiszak and Michal Krzyzanowski. 2012. “The representation of Third Country Nationals in European news discourse: Journalistic perceptions and practice. Journalism Studies
Bennett, Samuel. 2011. “Above, below and between the Lines: A Critical Analysis of the Interplay between Articles and Online Comments on Immigration in the UK Media”, in Jovanović Maldoran, Srdjan (ed.) Citizenship, Inclusion or Exclusion. Oxford: Inter-disciplinary Press.
Bennett, Samuel, Jessika ter Wal, Artur Lipinski, Małgorzata Fabiszak and Michał Krzyżanowski. 2011. Media Content. MEDIVA thematic reports, 2011/02. http://hdl.handle.net/1814/19730
Other media dissemination work:
- Interview on language and migrant integration. Refugee Radio, Brighton.
- Bennett, Samuel, 2015. While Europe squabbles, others drown. Krytyka Polityczna
- Bennett, Samuel. 2014. Time to muzzle neoliberal rhetoric and find a new language to promote immigration
- Bennett, Samuel. 2014. It’s not just the anti-immigration voices that have lost the argument. It’s the left too.
- Bennett, Samuel. 2019. Horizontal and Vertical Populism: The case of UKIP and Brexit. Demos blog.