Events in 2023
"The Woman Will Be Out: Ophelias on Stage" — a talk by Prof. Nicoleta Cinpoes (University of Worcester)
The Department of Studies in Culture has the pleasure of inviting everybody to a talk by Professor Nicoleta Cinpoes (University of Worcester).“The Woman Will Be Out: Ophelias on Stage”Friday 24th March at 11:30 a.m. in Sala Górna. Nicoleta Cinpoes is Professor of Shakespeare Studies at the University of Worcester, UK, ...
24.03.202324.03 -
Love Lit Club meeting: The Noise of Time by Julian Barnes
The Love Lit Club warmly invites you for our fourth book discussion of this year, which will be devoted to The Noise of Time (2016) by Julian Barnes. The meeting will be held in Room 214 at 1:15pm on Friday, March 17th.
17.03.202317.03 -
Guest lecture by prof. Petya Osenova (Sofia University, Bulgaria)
Guest lecture by prof. Petya Osenova (Sofia University, Bulgaria): March 10th, 2023, 13:30, Aula Coll. Heliodori Święcicki (ul. Grunwaldzka 6, Poznań)“The Grammar and the Lexicon: Towards Applications in Language Technologies” Abstract: In this talk I would like to share my thoughts on the role of the lexicon in the linguistic ...
10.03.202310.03 -
WA Friday Lunch Talk: Opportunities & risks of large language models for university education
WA Friday Lunch Talks are monthly meetings with presentations of current research results or research in progress by WA faculty, staff, or PhD students. We welcome all to a talk and debate: "Opportunities & risks of large language models for university education" by mgr Kacper Łodzikowski and mgr Mateusz Jekiel ...
3.03.2023 - 3.03.2023starts 03.03ends 03.03 -
Culture Vultures meeting: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Within the Framework of Guilt and Forgiveness
The Culture Vultures reading group invites everyone to a meeting devoted to one of the gravest problems of the indigenous population both in Canada and in the United States. The presenter dr Elżbieta Wilczyńska will talk not only about the reasons and manifestations of MMIWG but also the perspectives of ...
28.02.202328.02 -
Talk by Piotr Garbacz on Features of LX-Norwegian spoken by native speakers of Polish
We invite you to a talk by dr Piotr Garbacz from the University of Oslo on Features of LX-Norwegian spoken by native speakers of Polish, which will be held on 31 January 2023 at 11:30-13:00 in 002 (WA Labs). The talk is organised as part of the collaboration between Polish-Norwegian ...
31.01.202331.01 -
8th Young Linguists’ Meeting in Poznan (YLMP 2023): 3rd Call for Papers
8th Young Linguists' Meeting in Poznan (YLMP 2023) will take place on 19-21 May 2023 in Poznan, Poland. The conference will be organized by the Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan. The leitmotif of YLMP2023 is: “Language and communication in the times of crisis” We welcome submissions for oral ...
31.01.202331.01 -
Book Lovers Among Students (BLASt) Meeting: “Comics and Graphic Novels in the Anthropocene"
We invite everyone to the next meeting of BLASt, the scholarly meeting group for American literature and culture. In January, dr Małgorzata Olsza will talk about “Comics and Graphic Novels in the Anthropocene.” We will discuss two contemporary graphic novels, Richard McGuire’s Here [external link] (2014) and Joe Sacco's Paying ...
27.01.202327.01 -
DeSiC Scholarly Meeting: “Shakespearean allusions and uncomfortable truths in Ian McEwan's Nutshell”
The Department of Studies in Culture invites everyone to its second scholarly meeting on the 27th of January 2023 at 11.30 in room 215. DeSic Scholarly meetings are a series of scholarly events organized by the Department of Studies in Culture and featuring a wide range of cultural topics. The ...
27.01.202327.01 -
CLiP Meeting: Darcy Tamayose's Ezra's Ghosts (2022) - POSTPONED until further notice
The upcoming CLiP meeting is postponed until further notice. We will post updated information soon. Canadian Literature in Perspective Reading Group invites everyone interested in literature to join CLiP for a discussion of Darcy Tamayose’s Ezra’s Ghosts (2022). Join us on January 26 (Thursday) at 6.30 pm in 341 (Heliodori). ...