General Academic specialization

The General Academic programme is designed to provide students with the practical skills of English as well as expand and deepen their knowledge of linguistics, literature and culture.

This page is an archive. Starting with the academic year 2024–2025 the first year of study in the English Philology full-time M.A. programme is no longer split into multiple specializations. For up-to-date information on the whole programme, please refer to its page.

English as a foreign language is taught in small groups according either to the British or American model of pronunciation. Subjects included in this practical component are designed to help students with the preparation of their M.A theses according to the Anglo-Saxon model of academic writing. A wide variety of subject and supplementary seminars accompanied with monographic lectures, all related to the students’ fields of academic interests, facilitate the surge of knowledge which will be realised in the academic pursuit of linguistics, literature and culture of the Anglo-sphere, to which a M.A. seminar and M.A. thesis are just the introduction.

Programme coordinator: dr Maciej Kielar