B.A. seminars in the extramural programme in English Philology

What is this page?

This is a directory of B.A. seminars available for initial selection upon reaching the third year of the study programme at the extramural B.A. programme in English Philology (Filologia angielska) at the Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań.

The pages listed below are B.A. seminars on offer for the given academic.

Which page to click on?

We kindly invite you to click on the one which pertains to the academic year which is the third year of your study. In 2023–2024, this will be the list for the academic year 2023–2024.

Lists of B.A. seminars by the third year of study

Select a page from the list below or browse the menu bar.

If you are looking for information on B.A. seminars in full-time programmes, follow this link.

If you are looking for information on M.A. seminars, see the respective directories in the For Candidates section of the website or follow this link for extramural M.A. seminars or follow this link for full-time M.A. seminars.