dr hab.Katarzyna Burzyńska

Katarzyna Burzyńska
Adiunkt (Assistant professor)

Websites / Profiles:


  • B.A. in English 2008 (UAM)
  • M.A. in English 2010 (UAM)
  • Conference Interpreting Programme at AMU School of English, 2010 (Languages: A - Polish, B - English, C – German, additionally basic Dutch)
  • Ph.D. in English 2014 (UAM)
  • D.Litt. in Literature 2023 (UAM)

Research interests:

  • Shakespeare studies
  • Literature and philosophy
  • Existentialism
  • Interpreting and Translation

Research projects:

  • Principal investigator of the project entitled “Sir, she came in great with child, and longing”: phenomenology of pregnancy in English early modern drama (Measure for Measure 2.1.96)” funded by The National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki) within OPUS 14 framework. Project No. UMO-2017/27/B/HS2/00089 "Przyszła ona do nas brzemienna": fenomenologia ciąży w angielskim dramacie wczesnonowożytnym ("Miarka za miarkę", 2.1.96).

Teaching experience:

  • EFL at university level
  • History of English literature
  • Scientific-technical translation
  • Popular scientific translation
  • Translation strategies

Professional organizations:

  • The Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE)
  • Deutsche Shakespeare Gesellschaft (DSG)
  • European Shakespeare Research Association (ESRA)
  • European Society for the Study of English (ESSE)
  • Société Française Shakespeare (SFS)
  • British Shakespeare Association


  • LLP Erasmus for PhD students Ludwig-Maximillian Univesität München, summer semester 2013

Papers read at international conferences:

  • The 20th Annual Conference of the Polish Association for the Study of English In Comparison - Juxtapositions, Correspondences, and Differentiations in English Studies 12 – 14 May 2011, Toruń
  • Shakespeare's Shipwrecks: Theatres of Maritime Adventure - An International Conference organized by Deutsche Shakespeare Gesellschaft and European Shakespeare Research Association, 28 April - 1 May 2011, Weimar
  • Hamlet and Poetry - An International Conference organized by University of Glamorgan and Cardiff University, 13-14 September 2011, Cardiff
  • Drama Through the Ages and Medieval Literature Conference - Eroticism and its discontents at the University of Łódź, Poland, 20-22 October 2011, Łódź
  • Reflections and transfigurations: tradapting and performing Shakespeare today organized by University of Toulouse, 26 April2012, France
  • LIES, Literature in English Symposium, 13 May, 2012, Poznań
  • Fury (literature, culture, language and translation), 26-27 October 2012, University of Gdansk
  • 1st International Postgraduate Conference CLASH (Culture, Literature, Anthropology, Sociology, History), 7-8 December 2012, Poznań
  • Shakespeare and Myth organized by European Shakespeare Research Association and Société française Shakespeare, Montpellier, 26-29.06.2013
  • Diversity and Homogeneity: Politics of Nation, Class, and Gender in Drama, Theatre, Film, and Media, Univeristy of Łódź and Międzynarodowe Centrum Badań Szekspirowskich (International Shakespeare Studies Centre), Łódź, 25-27.10.2013
  • Early Modern Memory Conference organized by Early Modern Research Group at University of Worcester, Worcester, 8-9.05. 2014
  • Sixth Biennial British Shakespeare Association Conference: Shakespeare: Text, Power, Authority organizowaną przez University of Stirling i British Shakespeare Association, 3-6. 07. 2014.
  • CLASH 2014: "(Non)Belonging: (Re)Reading Identities", Department of English Literature and Literary Linguistics, Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań 5-6.12. 2014.
  • British Shakespeare Association Biennial Conference "Shakespearean Transformations: Death, Life and Afterlives, Hull, 8-11. 09. 2016.
  • "Old Masters in New Interpretations", Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski, Olsztyn, 28. 10. 2016.
  • "Aboriginal North America and Europe: Strengthening Connections" Faculty of English, AMU, Poznań, 11-13. 11. 2016.
  • The European Shakespeare Research Association (ESRA) “Shakespeare and European Theatrical Cultures: AnAtomizing Text and Stage”  27-30 July 2017, Gdańsk (programme coordinator, seminar co-convener, book launch coordinator).
  • Biennial British Shakespeare Association Conference: “Shakespeare Studies Today”, Queen’s University Belfast, 14-17 June 2018.
  • “Teaching Early Modern Drama” University of Warwick, Coventry 4th May 2019
  • 28th PASE Conference “Diversity is inclusive: Cultural, literary and linguistic mosaic”, Poznań 27-28 June 2019
  • European Shakespeare Research Association and Roma Tre University Conference “Shakespeare and European Geographies: Centralities and Elsewhere”, Rome 9-12 July 2019
  • “Interrupted Ideas – An Early Modern Virtual Colloquium” organized by Early Modern Postgraduate Forum, University of York, 27-28 July 2020

Honours and awards

  • Adam Mickiewicz University Rector's Award for Teaching Excellence (2016)
  • Award for the best conference poster at “Teaching Early Modern Drama” University of Warwick, Coventry 4th May 2019
  • Scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland for Distinguished Young Researchers (2020)