drAnna Rogos-Hebda

Anna Rogos-Hebda
Assistant professor (adiunkt)

Websites / Profiles


  • M.A. in English, Poznań 2001
  • Ph.D in English, Poznań, 2005

Research interests

  • Language of exclusion in historical perspective
  • Language of emotions from a diachronic perspective
  • (Diachronic) cognitive semantics
  • Conceptualisation of abstract categories in English and Polish
  • Corpus linguistics
  • History of English

Teaching experience

  • History of English
  • Descriptive grammar of English: Phonetics and phonology
  • English phonetics
  • TEFL
  • Introduction to linguistics
  • Conceptual Metaphor Theory
  • Cognitive English grammar

Other scholarly activities

  • Assistant to the Editor "Studia Anglica Posnaniensia", 2001-2010

Professional organizations

  • Societas Linguistica Europea (SLE)
  • Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE)
  • International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE)
  • The European Society for the Study of English (ESSE)
  • The Philological Society (TPS)


  • University of Helsinki, 2000
  • Otto Friedrich Universität, Bamberg (Germany), 2002
  • Conference grant by the Foundation for Polish Science, 2006

Papers read at international conferences and congresses

  • Margaret Schlauch Symposium, Poznań 2002
  • 4th International Conference on Middle English, Vienna 2002
  • 38th International Congress on Mediaeval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA, 2003
  • 2nd Medieval English Studies Symposium (MESS 2), Poznań 2003; “Verbal inflections in the Cursor Mundi”
  • 13th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Vienna 2004; “The orthography of long vowels in the Cursor Mundi”
  • 16th SELIM Conference, Seville 2004; “A vowel before /r/ on the basis of the Cursor Mundi”
  • 4th Medieval English Studies Symposium (MESS 4), Poznań 2005
  • 37th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań 2006; “Consonant dissimilations in Middle English”
  • 5th Medieval English Studies Symposium (MESS 5), Poznań 2006; “On the loss of the pre-consonantal Middle English v”
  • 19th SELIM Conference, Almagro 2007; „On the epenthesis of p in Middle English”
  • 6th Medieval English Studies Symposium (MESS 6), Poznań 2007
  • 10th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Cracow 2007
  • 15th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Munich 2008
  • 20th SELIM Conference, Oviedo 2008; “Cluster simplification in Middle English: The case of ?l and l?”
  • Race, Religion, Representation, Łódź 2009
  • 40th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań 2009; “belief, reason, and emotion: Abstract categories across genres and world Englishes”
  • 21st SELIM Conference, Madrid 2009; “Hope in Middle English: A corpus study”
  • The 2009 Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference (SCLC-2009), Prague 2009
  • International Conference on Foreign Influences on Medieval English, Warsaw 2009; “Onde and envy: A diachronic cognitive approach”
  • Categorisation of the World Through Language, FNP Workshop, February, Serock 2009; “Belief and reason: Boundaries and overlap of abstract categories”
  • 3rd UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference (UK-CLC3), Hatfield 2010; “The semasiological structure of Polish think verbs: A quantitative approach”
  • 16th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Pécs 2010; “The emotion talk of hope in the history of English: A corpus study”
  • 9th Medieval English Studies Symposium (MESS 9), Poznań 2010; “Text-type and the object: Mental predicates in Middle English – the case of thinken ‘think’”
  • „Wspólnoty komunikacyjne”. Konferencja naukowa dedykowana Profesorowi Ludwikowi Zabrockiemu. Sesja specjalna: „Wspólnoty komunikacyjne angielszczyzny: Wczoraj i dziś”, Poznań 2011; „Early Modern communities of practice: Metaphor in medical texts and other genres”
  • Practical Applications in Language and Computers (PALC 2011), Łódź 2011; “The interplay between the prefix and the object in ME (bi)thinken”
  • Cognition, Emotion, Communication, Nicosia 2011; “Humorism and temperament: Metaphor in Early Modern English scientific discourse on emotions”
  • 7th International Conference on Middle English (ICOME 7), Lviv 2011; “Middle English thinken and bileven: The boundaries and overlap of abstract categories”
  • 10th Medieval English Studies Symposium (MESS 10), Poznań 2011; ““You shall know a word by the company it keeps”: Measuring synonymy in ME anger-words”
  • 44th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 44), Logrono 2011; “Social and Individual Cognition, Modality and Negation in the use of the Polish verb wierzyć ‘to believe’”
  • 43rd Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM 43), Poznań 2012; “A corpus-driven quantitative study of think about and its near-synonymous constructions in Polish”
  • 24th SELIM Conference, Salamanka 2012; “Why borrow what’s already there? A study in usage-based cognitive diachronic semantics”
  • 11th Medieval English Studies Symposium (MESS11), Poznań 2012; “A corpus-based approach to near-synonymy in Middle English”
  • Empirical Approaches to Multi-Modality and to Language Variation (AFLiCo 5), Lille - Villeneuve d'Ascq 2013; “Think about and its near-synonyms in Polish: A corpus-driven perspective”
  • 47th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Poznań 2014; “A usage-based quantitative study of wierzyć ‘believe’ and its near-synonyms in Polish”
  • "The conceptual structure of ME sorwe: Multivariate usage-feature analysis", 9th International Conference on Middle English (ICOME 9), Wrocław 2015
  • 1st History of English Language in Poznań conference (HEL-P 1), Poznań 2017; “It's raining immigrants! HELLelujah!"
  • 2nd History of English Language in Poznań conference (HEL-P 2), Poznań 2019; "Refugees - real or fake, that is the question"
  • 6th International Conference on Figurative Thought and Language (FTL 6), Poznań 2022; “Expressing negative emotions: Hate speech in Polish and American English in a political context” (with Małgorzata Fabiszak)
  • 7th Conference on Late Modern English (LModE 7), Ragusa Ibla 2022; “On the (ig)noble savages”
  • 3rd Culture and Cognition in Language conference (CCL3), Rzeszów 2023; “Living on the margins: The concept of a BEGGAR in Late Modern (American) English”
  • 9th Conference on Historical News Discourse (CHINED IX), Poznań 2024; “‘A plague from the east?’: The discursive construction of Jews in Polish and American dailies between 1945 and 1965”
  • CADAAD 2024, Borders and Boundaries in/across Discourses, Poznań 2024; "Borders in flux: The changing conceptualisation of borders from a diachronic and cross- cultural perspective” (with Karolina Krawczak-Glynn and Małgorzata Fabiszak)
  • Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2024, Katowice 2024; "A context-informed study of the conceptualisation of British border, Polish granica, Austrian Grenze, French frontiere” (with Karolina Krawczak-Glynn and Małgorzata Fabiszak)

Member of the organising committees/Conference organiser

  • Session convener (with D. Glynn, I. Kokorniak & K. Krawczak), "Corpus approaches to (lexical and grammatical) semantics", 43rd Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań 2012
  • Organising Committee member, RaAM 2013 Seminar: Metaphor, metonymy and emotions, Poznań, 2013
  • Organizing Committee member, 3rd History of English Language in Poznań conference (HEL-P 2021) [online], Poznań, 27 Nov 2021
  • Organizing Committee member, 6th International Conference on Figurative Thought and Language (FTL6), Poznań, 21-22 April 2022
  • Session convener (with Kathryn Allan and Heli Tissari),  “Why cognitive linguistics and historical linguistics need each other”, 6th International Conference on Figurative Thought and Language (FTL6), Poznań, 21-22 April 2022

Open lectures

  • The Long Nights of Anglicists (25 Nov 2022): “And who by fire, who by water…: On the ‘good’ (real) refugees and ‘bad’ (economic) migrants” [online lecture]
  • The Long Nights of Anglicists (24 Nov 2023) „A tak na marginesie…: Obraz językowy włóczęgi w amerykańskiej angielszczyźnie przełomu XIX i XX wieku" [online lecture]