drElżbieta Wilczyńska

Starszy wykładowca (Senior lecturer)
- elzbietw@amu.edu.pl
- (+48) 61 829 3774
Collegium Heliodori, room 359
Websites / Profiles
- M.A. in English, Poznań, 1985
- Ph.D. in English, Poznań, 2008
Research interests
- American and British civilization
- American and British history
- American studies: Native Americans, ethnicity
- Cultural studies
Teaching experience
- British and American life and institutions
- American studies: Native Americans and ethnic minorities
- American and British history
- Teaching culture
- TEFL at university level
Other professional experience
- Translator of academic texts and articles
Professional Organizations
- Polish Association for American Studies
- American Indian Workshop
Papers read at international conferences and congresses
- Cultural Curriculum. Theory. Practice and Trends. Lipiec 2000. Zajączkowo. Zorganizowana przez KJO UAM Poznań. Referat: “Three Approaches to Teaching American Life and Civilization: Academic, Integrational, and Vocational”.
- Multicultural Dilemmas. Ustroń 25-29.09.2002. Referat: “Reinventing Traditions. The Pequot Nation in Search of Itself”.
- Obrzycko 2002. Zorganizowanie British and American Studies Seminar Raising Literary and Cultural Awareness. 18-20.06. 2002
- Obrzycko 2003. Zorganizowanie konferencji: Mythologies: From Construction to Transgression. Changes in American and British Social Life, Culture, and Lietarature. Referat: “The Myth of Pocahontas and Squanto Reconsidered”.
- 12 Konferencja PASE. Miedzeszyn. 24-26.04. 2003 Referat: “Black Indians in Search of Identity”.
- 2003 Konferencja PAAS. America: The Natural and Artificial. Poznań 19-21.10.2003 Referat: “Mother Earth in Retreat. The End of Ecological Indian”.
- American Studies Workshop. Toruń 16-18.04.2004. Negotiating Identity: What Does it Mean to be American?
- Obrzycko 2004. Zorganizowanie konferencji: Autobiography and Biography: Construction of the Self in Literary, Historical and Cultural Texts. Referat: “Early Native American Autobiography as a Conversion Narrative and Political Manifesto: The Case William Apess”.
- Konferencja PAAS 2004. American Freedoms, American (Dis)Orders. Jadwisin. 2004.
- Konferencja PAAS 2005. Conformity and Resistance in America. Kamień Ślaski. 23-25.10. 2005. Referat: “Catherine Maria Sedgwick and William Apess in a Debate about the Predicament of the New England Indians in the Context of the 19th Century Indian Policy.”
- New Developments In American Ethnic Literature. Łódź, 19-22.02.2006. Warsztaty z literatur etnicznych.
- Konferencja PAAS 2006. Ideology and Rhetoric: Constructing America. 26-28.10.2008 Warszawa. Referat: Constructing a Casino Native American in North America. The Case of the Pequot Nation.
- “The Battle over Genocide – Was it also the Experience of Native Americans. American Indian Workshop, Graz 2011.
- “The Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center: “Representation and the poetics of exhibiting of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe”, American Indian Workshop. Zurich 2012.
- “The Pequot War as a central theme of the 19th century narratives: Spectralization or revivalism”, read in October in Ledyard, Ct, USA, in 2013, at a conference “Diplomacy, Warfare and Culture in 17th century New England”;
- Cultural Traditions of the Southern New England Tribes in the 21st century, American Indian Workshop. Helsinki, 2013.
- American Workshop Conference w Helsinkach 2014 “Cultural Traditions of the Southern New England Tribes in the 21st century”.
- American Workshop Conference w Frankfurcie nad Menem. Referat: “Nostalgia in the Native American country” w 24-27 marzec, 2015.
- “Nostalgia w literaturze amerykańskiej”, Białystok 12-14.09.2014. Referat: The power of nostalgia in perpetuating powwows in Native America”.
- 15. P AAS, Homeliness, “Domesticity and security in American Culture”, Warszawa 23-25.09. 2015. Referat: Let’s move into the Longhouse: The Iroquoian Women’s quest for the home.
- American Workshop Conference w Odense, Dania. 25-28 maj, 2016. Referat: “What does it take to be funny and why? Humor in Infinity of Nations.”
- Polish Association of American Studies, Warszawa 27-29 październik, 2016. Referat: “Transgression of the western paradigm by the Kumeyaay people of the California/Baja California through adoption of Native American Cosmology in chosen areas of their contemporary life”.
- Aboriginal People of North American and Europe: Strengthening Connections, 11-13, listopad, Poznań. Referat: Polish Indianist Movement and Cultural Appropriation.
- AIW The Art of Resistance and resurgence, w Londynie, Wielkiej Brytanii, 3- 7 lipiec 2017. Referat: “Brian Jungen: Prototypes for A New Understanding and their power to empower challenge”
- PAAS, Performing America, w Szczecinie 18-20 październik 2017. Referat: „#NoDAPL as a Performance of Ingenuity”,
- Redefining Australia and New Zealand: Historical Heritage and Contemporary Perspectives in Language, Culture and Literature, University of Opole, 24-25 November 2017. “The Return of the Silenced: Aboriginal Art as a Flagship of New Australian Identity”
- AIW Arrows of Time: Narrating the Past and Present w Gandawie, Belgia, 11-13 kwiecień, 2018., Referat: “Sat-Okh - a contested story of Stanisław Supłatopwicz - a “Polish shaman”.
- AIW Indigenous Economies: Sustenance, Sustainability and Sovereignty”, w Poznaniu, 24-27 kwiecień, Referat: “The ambivalence of rich Native Americans - the Osage and the Pequots”
- ANZORA I UMSC, Problemy i perspektywy rozwoju Oceanii. Transkulturowosc a zycia I sztuka Williama Baraka. Lublin 2017.
- AIW “Indigenous shapes of water”, Monachium (online), wrzesień 2020, Referat: “Water and Women Link Representations vs. Native Feminist Ethics in Contemporary Native American and First Nations’ Art”.