prof. dr hab.Geoffrey Schwartz

University professor
- (+48) 61 829 3764
Collegium Heliodori, Room 343
Websites / Profiles
- BA in Slavic Languages, Linguistics. University of Toronto, 1991
- MA in Slavic Linguistics, University of Washington. 1993
- PhD in Slavic Linguistics, University of Washington, Seattle, 2000
- D. Litt. in English linguistics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, 2010
- Professorial Title, December 2021
Research interests
- Phonetics–phonology interface
- Speech perception
- Historical phonology
- Second Language Acquisition
- Slavic languages
Teaching experience
- Russian Language Teaching Asst., University of Washington, 1992–1996
- Visiting Senior Lecturer, AMU School of English, 1996–1999
- Pre-Doctoral Teaching Associate, Slavic Dept., University of Washington, 1999–2002
- Visiting Assistant Professor, AMU School of English, 2002–
Papers read at international conferences and congresses
- American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages Annual Meeting 2001, New York
- American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages Annual Meeting 2002, New Orleans
- 34th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań, 2003
- Dydaktyka Fonetyki Języka Obcego, Soczewka 2003 (workshop)
- Dydaktyka Fonetyki Języka Obcego, Mikorzyn 2004 (three papers)
- 35th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań 2004 (two papers)
- Perception in Phonology Workshop at the Annual Meeting of the German Linguistic Association, Cologne 2005
- Dydaktyka Fonetyki Języka Obcego, Soczewka 2005 (two papers)
- 36th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań 2005
- Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference, London 2005
- Old World Conference in Phonology, Budapest 2006 (poster)
- 37th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań 2006 (two papers)
- Dydaktyka Fonetyki Języka Obcego, Mikorzyn 2006
- 38th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Gniezno 2007
- Old World Conference in Phonology, Toulouse 2007 (poster)
- 39th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Gniezno 2008
- Government Phonology Roundtable 2009, Piliscsaba, Hungary
- Manchester Phonology Meeting 2009 (poster)
- 40th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Gniezno 2009
- Accents 2009, Łódź
- GLOW Colloquim 2010
- NewSounds 2010, Poznań
- Manchester Phonology Meeting 2010
- 41st Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań 2010 (two papers)
- 8th Old World Conference in Phonology, Marrakech 2011
- Accents 2011. Łódź
- 20th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 2012
- 43rd Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 2012 (two papers)
- 10th Old World Conference in Phonology, Istanbul 2013
- 7th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech (New Sounds 2013), Montreal
- Approaches to phonetics and phonology, Lublin (2 papers), June 2013
- Accents 7, Łódź (2 papers), Dec 2013
- Contemporary Issues in Theoretical Phonology, Paris, Feb 2014
- GLOW Phonology Workshop, Brussels, Apr 2014
- Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium (2 papers), June 2014
- SLE, Poznan (2 papers), Sep 2014
- Accents 8, Lodz (2 papers), Dec 2014
- CUNY Phonology Forum, New York, Jan 2015
- Annual meeting of the German Linguistics Society, Leipzig, Mar 2015
- Approaches to Phonetics and Phonology, Lublin (2 papers), June 2015
- International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Glasgow (2 papers), Aug 2015
- 45th Poznan Linguistic Meeting (2 papers), Sep 2015
- Accents 9, Dec. 2015, U of Lodz
- CUNY Phonology Forum, Jan. 2016
- New Sounds, U of Aarhus, Jun. 2016
- LabPhon, Cornell Univ. July 2016
- Recursion in Phonology Workshop, Tohoku Gakuin Univ. Sendai, Japan. September 2016 (Invited)
- Accents 10, Dec. 2016, U of Lodz
- GLOW Workshop (The Interface Within), Amsterdam. March 2017
- 25th Manchester Phonology meeting. May 2017
- Approaches to Phonology and Phonetcs, Lublin, June 2017
- Reseau francais de la phonologie (RFP), Grenoble, June 2017
- 47th Poznan Linguistic Meeting, September 2017
- Accents 11, Lodz, December 2017
- 26th Manchester Phonology Meeting - May 2018
- Elements Conference, Nantes - June 2018
- LabPhon, Univ. of Lisbon - June 2018
- 48th Poznan Linguistic Meeting - September 2018 (Plenary)
- Accents 12, U. of Lodz, December 2018
- 16th Old World Conference in Phonology, Verona - January 2019
- 27th Manchester Phonology Meeting - May 2019
- International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne - August 2019
- 49th Poznan Linguistic Meeting - September 2019
- Recersivity in Phonology Workshop, Universitat Autonoma di Barcelona - November 2019
- Berkeley Linguistics Society Workshop, UC Berkeley, Feb. 2020
- 18th Old World Conference in Phonology, University of the Balearic Islands, Jan. 2021
- Approaches to Phonology and Phonetics, UMCS Lublin, June 2021 (Plenary)
- 50th Poznan Linguistic Meeting, September 2021
- New Sounds, University of Barcelona, April 2022
Invited talks
- UCL Phonology Seminar, University College London, April 2016
- Recursion in Phonology Workshop, Tohoku Gakuin Univ. Sendai, Japan. September 2016
- BU PAM-Lab seminar, Boston University, February 2017
- McGill University Phonology Reading Group, February 2018
- Concordia University - L2 Research Group, February 2018
- Plenary talk at 48th Poznan Linguistic Meeting - September 2018
- MIT Phonology Circle - February 2019
- Phonetics Lab Colloquium, University of Cologne - November 2019
- University of Potsdam, Phonetics and Phonology Colloquium, January 2022
Conference organizer
- Interfaces Session, 34th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań 2003
- Dynamic Phonology Session, 38th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Gniezno 2007
- Melody vs. Structure Session, 40th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Gniezno 2009
- Session on phonological heads, 45th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań 2015
- "Beyond VOT" session on laryngeal phonology, 47th Poznan Linguistic Meeting, 2017
Research projects
- Sandhi in Second Language Speech – Principal Investigator. Narodowe Centrum Nauki (Polish National Science Centre), grant no. DEC-2012/05/B/HS2/04036. With Anna Balas and Arkadiusz Rojczyk.
- Vowel dynamics in the speech of Polish learners of English. Principal Investigator. Narodowe Centrum Nauki (Polish National Science Centre), grant nr UMO-2014/15/B/HS2/00452.
- Modulation in laryngeal features - evidence from Polish learners of English. NCN Opus grant nr. UMO-2016/21/B/HS2/00610. Principal Investigator.
- Consonant synchronicity in Polish and English. NCN OPUS grant nr. UMO-2018/29/B/HS2/00088. Principal Investigator.
- OPUS grant 2021/41/B/HS2/00239, Phonation in L1 and L2 speech, Principal Investigator.
- Adam Mickiewicz University Rector's prize for publications, 2016
- Adam Mickiewicz University Rector's prize for publications, 2013
- Finalist for Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Washington, 1999–2000
- Teaching Prize, University of Washington Slavic Dept., 1999–2000
- Polish Home Language prize, University of Washington, 1995–96
- Willie Ann Luckett Prize in Modern Languages and Literatures, University of Toronto, 1991
- Slavic Linguistics Prize, University of Toronto, 1990