prof. UAM dr hab.Hanna Rutkowska

University professor (profesor nadzwyczajny)
- (+48) 61 829 1030
Collegium Heliodori Święcicki, room 160
Websites / Profiles
- M.A. in English, Poznań, 1997
- Ph.D. in English, Poznań, 2001
- D.Litt. in Linguistics, Poznań, 2015
- Diplôme Supérieur d’Etudes Françaises, Université Rennes II Haute Bretagne, 1995
- Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française (DALF), Centre international d'études pédagogiques, Ministère de l’Education nationale, France, 1997
- Professional Certificate in University Teaching, Centre for Teaching, Learning and Assessment, Department of Higher and Community Education, University of Edinburgh, 2004
Research interests
- Late Middle English and Early Modern English orthography, phonology and morphosyntax
- Writing systems and orthographic systems
- Early books printed in English (15th-17th century)
- Historical sociolinguistics
- Corpus linguistics
Teaching experience
- MA supervision
- BA supervision
- History of English
- Descriptive grammar (phonology&phonetics, morphology, and syntax)
- TEFL at university level
- Accents of standard English in Britain and overseas
- Standard and dialect in England and Scotland
- Social variation
- Style and structure in English Texts
- Pragmatics of English
- Early Modern English
Professional organizations
- Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE)
- Library search, University of Edinburgh, UK, January/ February 1999
- Team Member in the project entitled “Digitising the manuscripts of Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Man of Law's Tale”, in cooperation with the University of Birmingham, UK; financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education grant, N104 04532/4256, Principal Investigator: dr Jacob Thaisen, 2007-2009
- Principal Investigator in the post-doctoral individual project entitled “The development of the standard in English: Graphemics and orthography in the sixteenth-century and seventeenth-century editions of the Kalender of Shepherdes”, N N104 055438, financed by Ministry of Science and Higher Education, 2010-2013
- Team Member in the international project entitled “Corpus electrónico de manuscritos ingleses de índole científica: el período moderno temprano (1500-1700)” [An electronic corpus of scientific English manuscripts: the early modern period (1500-1700)], ref: FFI2014-57963-P, Principal Investigator: dr Javier Calle Martín (University of Malaga), financed by Ministerio de Economía y Competividad [Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness], Spain, 2015-2017
Editorial and advisory boards
- Member of the advisory board, De Gruyter Open 2014-
Visiting lecturer
- University of Edinburgh, 2001-2003
- Sound Changes in the History of English Ph.D. course, University of Stavanger, Norway, 31 March - 4 April, 2014
Papers read at international conferences and congresses
- 33rd Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea, Poznań 2000
- 11th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Santiago de Compostela 2000
- 4th International Conference on Middle English, Vienna 2002
- 12th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Glasgow 2002
- 35th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań 2004
- 16th International SELIM Conference, Sevilla 2004
- 40th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo 2005
- 14th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Bergamo 2006
- 5th Medieval English Studies Symposium, Poznan 2006
- 19th International SELIM Conference, Almagro 2007
- 15th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Munich 2008
- 20th SELIM Conference, Oviedo 2008
- 16th International Medieval Congress, Leeds 2009
- International Conference on Historical Language and Literacy in the North Sea Area, Stavanger 2009
- 16th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Pécs 2010
- „Wspólnoty komunikacyjne”. Konferencja naukowa dedykowana Profesorowi Ludwikowi Zabrockiemu. Sesja specjalna: „Wspólnoty komunikacyjne angielszczyzny: Wczoraj i dziś”, Poznań 2011
- 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Osaka 2011
- 11th Medieval English Studies Symposium, Poznań 2012
- 8th International Conference on Middle English, Murcia 2013 (book of abstracts)
- 34th International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English, Santiago de Compostela 2013 (book of abstracts)
- 4th Conference on Prescriptivism, Leiden 2013 (conference programme)
- 18th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Leuven 2014 (book of abstracts)
- 2nd Southern Englishes Workshop, Cambridge 2015 (book of abstracts)
- "A late medieval French almanac and its early modern Scots and English translations", 9th International Conference on Middle English (ICOME 9), Wrocław 2015 (conference website)
- Revolution, Evolution and Endurance in English Language and Anglophone Literature and Culture, Rzeszów 2015 (programme)
- "Orthographic regularisation in the early modern editions of The Schoole of Vertue", 19th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Essen 2016 (book of abstracts)
- "Medieval heritage in early printed books in English", 29th SELIM Conference, Málaga 2017 (invited speaker)
- “Multi-word sequences in the early modern French, Scots and English versions of Le Compost et kalendrier des bergiers”, 5th Conference on the Diachrony of English (CBDA-5), Tours 2017 (programme and book of abstracts)
- - 48th Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM2018), Poznań (Poland), 13-15 September 2018, paper title: ‘Visual pragmatics of an early modern book: Printers’ paratextual choices in the editions of The School of Vertue’
- 20th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL20), Edinburgh (UK), 27-31 August 2018, paper title: ‘Morphological spelling: Verb inflection in the early editions of the Book of good maners’ (book of abstracts:
- History of English Language in Poznań (HEL-P) 2019, Poznań 2019, paper title: 'Paratextual pragmatic markers in title pages of early printed books'
Member of organising committees of international conferences and congresses
- Organising Committee member: 3rd Medieval English Studies Symposium, Poznań, 2004
- History of English Language in Poznań (HEL-P) 2017, Poznań 2017
- History of English Language in Poznań (HEL-P) 2019, Poznań 2019