prof. UAM dr hab.Jacek Fabiszak

Jacek Fabiszak
University professor

Websites / Profiles


  • M.A. in English, Poznań, 1991
  • Ph.D. in English, Poznań, 1997
  • D.Litt. in English literature, Poznań, 2006

Research interests

  • Shakespeare on Screen
  • Literary linguistics
  • Theory of drama
  • Elizabethan drama
  • Pragmatics

Teaching experience

  • English literature
  • Literature and linguistics
  • Polish literature for English speaking students
  • TEFL at university level
  • TEFL at secondary and primary school level

Professional organizations

  • European Society for the Study of English (ESSE)
  • Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE)
  • Polish Shakespeare Society
  • European Shakespeare Research Association
  • International Shakespeare Association


  • University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 1992
  • University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 1995-96
  • University of Coleraine, UK. 2002

Guest lectures

  • Meeting of the Committee for Modern Languages of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Warsaw, 28 January 2002
  • Polish Shakespeare Society. Gdańsk/Tczew, 2002
  • Sztuka Teatru Telewizji a sztuka Teatru Elżbietańskiego: podobieństwa i
    różnice [The art of television theatre and the art of Elizabethan theatre:
    similarities and differences]. Lecture delivered at sesja naukowa [scholarly
    session]: "Teatr Telewizji - sztuka telewizji" [Television Theatre - the art
    of television]. Gdańsk, 22 April 2006.
  • Ze sceny na ekran raz jeszcze: kilka uwag na temat filmowych metod
    traspozycji sztuk Szekspira w latach dziewięćdziesiątych [From stage to
    screen revisited: some remarks on filmic ways of transposing Shakespeare's
    plays in the 1990s]. Lecture delivered within the International Summer
    Academy of Theatre and Drama. Gdańsk, 5 August 2006.
  • Żywot i Śmierć Króla Jana [ The Life and Death of King John]. Lecture delivered within the so-called Shakespeare University organized by Instytut Teatralny in Warsaw devoted to an analysis of selected Shakespearean plays from many perspectives: scholars', actors' and directors'. Instutut Teatralny, Warsaw, 1 March 2007.
  • "Albo co chcecie": o późnej komedii Szekspirowskiej na przykładzie Wieczoru Trzech Króli ["Or what you will": on Shakespeare's late comedy with reference to The Twelfth Night]. Toruń Shakespearian Days, Toruń. 26 March 2007.
  • "Stracone zachody miłości" Szekspira a "Stracone zachody miłości" Branagh'a: relacje między sztuką a filmem. Prelekcja wygłoszona w ramach przeglądu filmowego "Szekspir bez granic" zorganizowanego przez Fundację Theatrum Gedanense, Gdańsk 24.04.2007. [Shakeseare's Love's Labour's Lost and Branagh Love's Labour's Lost: the play vs the film]. Lecture delivered within the film review "Shakespeare without borders" organized by the Theatrum Gedanense Foundation, Gdańsk, 25 April, 2007.
  • Polityczna poprawność "Kupca weneckiego" Michael'a Radford'a. Prelekcja wygłoszona w ramach przeglądu filmowego "Szekspir bez granic", zorganizowana przez Fundację Theatrum Gedanense, Gdańsk, 26.04.2007. [Political correctness of Michael Radford's William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. Lecture delivered within the film review "Shakespeare without borders" organized by the Theatrum Gedanense Foundation, Gdańsk, 26 April 2007.
  • Shakespeare in the cinema in the 1990s. Lecture delivered at Szczecin University, 14 June 2007.
  • Chair in panel: City/town as space in Shakesperean drama [Panelists: Prof. Marta Gibińska and Prof. Małgorzata Grzegorzewska]. Images of City Conference, Łódź, 25 October 2007.
  • Course: "Shakespeare on screen" at Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 23-25 April 2008.
  • Lecture: "Speech Acts and Shakespeare: On the Crossroads of Literary Analysis and Linguistics" at Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 28th April 2008.
  • Moderator of "The Tempest worth the Golden Yorick": a meeting with the Nowy Theatre from Poznań. An event accompanying the 12th Shakespeare Festival, Gdańsk, 8 August 2008.
  • Organizer of Conferences: "From The Battle of Finnsburgh to Thomas Harrison's Shrapnel. The glory and misery of war in British literature and culture", Osieki, 3-5 September 2009.
  • Moderator of the meeting with the combined troupes of Parrabbola and Lightworks after their staging of Shakespeare's The Tempest. An event accompanying the 13th Shakespeare Festival, Gdańsk, 2 August, 2009.
  • Seminar for teachers "Theatre in Education", a pilot project organized within Shakespeare Summer Academy, Gdańsk, 5 August 2009.
  • Moderator of the meeting with La compagnie Irina Brook. An event accompanying the 14th Shakespeare Festival, Gdańsk, 3 August 2010.
  • Moderator of the meeting with Bea von Malchus. An event accompanying the 14th Shakespeare Festival, Gdańsk, 6 August 2010.
  • Seminar for teachers "Theatre in Education", a project organized within Shakespeare Summer Academy, Gdańsk, 5 August 2010. Title of the seminar: Shakespeare - film - mass media. On the interface between the Bard and popular culture. Gdańsk, 5 August 2010.
  • Lecture: From meta-theatre to meta-television: Shakespearean drama on the tube, delivered at the Universidad Complutense Madrid, 11 November 2010.
  • Moderator of the meeting with the combined troupes of Parrabbola and Lightworks after their staging of Shakespeare's The Tempest. An event accompanying the 13th Shakespeare Festival, Gdańsk, 2 August, 2009.
  • Seminar for teachers "Theatre in Education", a pilot project organized within Shakespeare Summer Academy, Gdańsk, 5 August 2009.
  • Moderator of the meeting with La compagnie Irina Brook. An event accompanying the 14th Shakespeare Festival, Gdańsk, 3 August 2010.
  • Moderator of the meeting with Bea von Malchus. An event accompanying the 14th Shakespeare Festival, Gdańsk, 6 August 2010.
  • Seminar for teachers "Theatre in Education", a project organized within Shakespeare Summer Academy, Gdańsk, 5 August 2010. Title of the seminar: Shakespeare - film - mass media. On the interface between the Bard and popular culture. Gdańsk, 5 August 2010.
  • Lecture: Shakespeare on screen: film and television. Vysoká škola múzických umení (Academy of Performing Arts; lecture translated into Slovak), Bratislava, 13 March 2014.
  • Moderator of the meeting with The Gecko Theatre within the British Week at 
    the Gdańsk Shakespeare Festival, Gdańsk 24 September 2014.
  • Moderator of the meeting with the Q Brothers and Chicago Shakespeare 
    Theater. An event accompanying the 18th Gdańsk Shakespeare Festival, 
    Gdańsk, 30 September 2014.
  • Moderator of the meeting with Tamási Áron Theatre in Sfântu Gheorgu. An event accompanying the 19th Gdańsk Shakespeare Festival, Gdańsk, 3 August 2015.
  • Moderator of the meeting with Flute Theatre. An event accompanying the 19th Gdańsk Shakespeare Festival, Gdańsk, 4 August 2015.
  • Seminar for teachers: Shakespeare on screen. An event accompanying the 19th Gdańsk Shakespeare Festival, Gdańsk, 4 August 2015.
  • Panelist in – “Szekspir w kręgu nieoczywistych lektur filozoficznych –  Auden, Kierkegaard, Pascal, Dostojewski” [Shakespeare in the context of  non-obvious philosophical reading], together with Paweł Aigner and Piotr  Nowak, Gdański Teatr Szekspirowski [Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre], 21  October 2015.
  • Open lecture – Shakespeare on screen – Faculty of English Adam Mickiewicz  University, Poznań, January 2016
  • Lecture – Shakespeare on screen – at II Liceum Ogólnokształcące in Gorzów  Wielkopolski during Curie Talks, February 2016
  • Lecture – Shakespeare on screen – at Zespół Szkół Łączności in Poznań,  March 2016
  • Lecture – Shakespeare on screen – at I Liceum Ogólnokształcące in Gniezno,  April 2016
  • Interview for Radio Merkury Poznań (April 2016) about Shakespeare’s oeuvre  and the stagings of King Lear at the Poznań Teatr Nowy (April 2016)
  • Introduction to Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet (Prelekcja) at the Kino  Pałacowe in Centrum Kultury Zamek in Poznań, 17 May 2016, as part of the  Szekspir w kinie (Shakespeare at the cinema) series of screenings and  events
  • Moderator of the meeting with Forced Entertainments. An event accompanying  the 20th Gdańsk Shakespeare Festival, Gdańsk 6 August 2016.
  • Moderator of the meeting with Anna Król of the Big Book Festival Warsaw  after the performance of Hamlet#Casting. An event accompanying the 20th  Gdańsk Shakespeare Festival, Gdańsk 6 August 2016.

Papers read at international conferences and congresses

  • Sixth International Conference on English and American Literature and Language, Cracow, 1993
  • 3rd ESSE Conference, Glasgow, 1995
  • Eighth International Conference on English and American Literature and Language, Cracow, 1999
  • Shakespeare on Screen: The Centenary Conference, Benalmádena, Spain, 1999
  • Fifth ESSE Conference, Helsinki, 2000
  • Societas Linguistica Europaea, Poznań, 2000
  • Sixth ESSE Conference, Strasbourg, 2002
  • British Drama through the Ages/Medieval Studies, Łódź, 2003
  • Seventh ESSE Conference, Zaragoza. Seminar 31: The Branagh Revolution: Shakespeare on Film in the 1990s, 2004
  • British Drama Through the Ages / Medieval Studies, Łódź , 17-18 October 2005
  • Shakespeare in Europe: History and Memory, Kraków , 17-20 November 2005
  • Shakespeare and His Collaborators over the Centuries, Brno, Czech Republic , 2006
  • Images of the City, Łódź, 25-27 October 2007.
  • Shakespeare and Europe: Nation(s) and Boundaries, Iasi, Romania, 14-17 November.
  • Shakespeareana. The Fourteenth Students' National Symposium, Keynote Speaker. Galati, Romania, 18-20 April 2008.
  • The Baltic Literature and Linguistics Symposium. Keynote Speaker. Osieki, 29 May - 1 June 2008.
  • The Ninth ESSE Conference, Seminar 41: Wartime Shakespeare: A European Perspective. Aarhus, Denmark, 22-26 August 2008.
  • Against and Beyond: Subversion and Transgression in Drama, Theatre, Film and Media. Łódź 22-24 October, 2009.
  • Shakespeare and Conflict. A European Perspective. The 8th International ESRA Conference devoted to Shakespeare in Europe. Seminar: Shakespeare's Poetry as the Site of Conflict. Pisa, 19-22 November 2009.
  • Shakespeare on screen: Hamlet. Universite du Havre, 25-26 March 2010.
  • Evil, Ugliness and Disgrace in the Cultures of the West and East. Keynote Speaker. Kamień Śląski, 25-26 October 2010.
  • Shakespeaere-Tage/ESRA Conference 2011: “Shakespeare’s Shipwrecks: Theatres of Maritime Adventure, Weimar. Seminar: Shakespeare in Performance. ‘Happy Wrecks’? Staging Storms and Tempests in Shakespeare’s Comedies. 29th April - 1st May 2011
  • 9th World Shakespeare Congress, Prague; paper given in the seminar: Glocalizing Hamlet in Performance: Geo-politics and Media-Discourses in New Millenium Europe, convened by Lawrence Guntner and Nicoleta Cinpoes, 17-22 July 2011
  • Drama Through the Ages and Medieval Literature International Conference. Eroticism and its discontents. Łódź. Keynote speaker. 20-22 October 2011
  • The Peregrinations of the Text: Reading, Translation, Rewriting. Sofia University, 5-6 November 2011
  • Shakespeare and tyranny. An international symposium. University of Murcia, Spain. 16-18 January 2012.
  • Szekspir w polskiej literaturze, sztuce i mediach. Uniwersytet Łódzki, 18 April 2012.
  • Shakespeare and Performing Spaces, Craiova, Romania. 30 April – 1 May 2012
  • ESRA Conference 2013: Shakespeare and Myth, Montpellier, France. Seminar13: “Staging the Shakespeare Myths, 2000-2012”, co-authored with Laurence Guntner and Seminar 6: “Mythical Performance and its Afterlife”, co-authored with Katarzyna Burzyńska. 26-29 June 2013.
  • Diversity and Homogeneity: The Politics of Nation, Class, and Gender in Drama, Theatre, Film and Media, University of Łódź. 25-27 October 2013.
  • Adaptation Unbounded: New Directions, New Agendas, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania. 31 October-2 November 2013.
  • Shakespeare po polsku [Shakespeare in Polish] on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Polish Shakespeare Association, University of Gdańsk, 21-22  November 2013.
  • Chronicles of the Time. Shakespeare in Central Europe, Theatre Faculty of 
    the Academy of Performing Arts, Bratislava, Slovakia (two presentations on 
    invitation), 28 November 2013.
  • Shakespeare 450, Seminar 21: Shakespeare Festivals in the 21st Century; 
    Seminar 1: Shakespeare on Film: The Romances. Société Française Shakespeare, Paris, 22-27 April 2014.
  • Everyman’s Shakespeare. ESRA Shakespeare Seminar in Partnership with the International Shakespeare Festival, Craiova, and the University of Craiova, Romania, 1-3 May 2014.
  • Pouvoir du théâtre. Théâtrelisation des arts, des pouvoirs religieux et politique en Angleterre à la période élisabéthaine. Université Jean Monnet Saint Etienne, 2-3 June 2014. Invited speaker.
  • ESRA Conference 2015: Shakespeare's Europe and Europe's Shakespeare, Worcester, England. Seminar 05: Directing Shakespeare in the New Europe: Productions, Interpretations, Contexts; Seminar 15: European Shakespearean Festivals (20th-21st centuries) (together with Urszula Kizelbach); Co-convenor (together with Georgi Niagolov and Elizabeth Pentland) of Seminar 09: Teaching Shakespeare for All Time. 29 June - 2 July 2015.
  • Scholars as Fictionists, or an On-/Off-Campus Creative Writing / 'Pictures from an Institution': Academy across Time and Media, University of Gdańsk, 2-4 October 2015, keynote speaker.
  • 20 November 2015: Szekspir słowiański [Slavic Shakespeare], Polskie  Towarzystwo Szekspirowskie [Polish Shakespeare Society], Gdańsk, keynote  speaker.
  • 11 March 2016: Symposium: Shakespeare and the Idea of the Authority of  Performance in Polish Theatre, University of Łódź, invited speaker.
  • 12 March 2016: 3rd Re-Examining American Literature Symposium: American  Literature and the Media. Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University  in Poznań, keynote speaker.
  • 12-14 April 2016: Shakespeare in Romania, Shakespeare in the World.  Biblioteca Academiei Române, Bucharest, Romania (invited speaker).
  • 15-17 April 2016: European Directors of Shakespeare. Shakespeare in  Performance Seminar (ESRA+International Shakespeare Festival, Craiova),  Craiova, Romania.
  • 31 July - 6 August 2016: 2016 World Shakespeare Congress. Chair of panel:  “Shakespeare and Traditional Stories”; participant in seminar: “Tragedies  on Screen: The Case of King Lear”
  • 26-28 September 2016: Disease, Death, Decay in Literatures, Cultures and  Languages, Opole, keynote speaker
  • 27-28 October 2016: Old Masters in New Interpretations. Reinventing  Shakespeare, Olsztyn, keynote speaker
  • 24-25 November 2017: Redefining Australia and New Zealand: Historical Heritage and Contemporary Perspectives in Language, Culture and Literature, University of Opole


  • The prize of the Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University, 3rd degree - for teaching and administration (2009)
  • The prize of the Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University, 3rd degree - for teaching and administration (2010)
  • President of Poland Silver Medal for Long-Standing Service (2012)