prof. dr hab.Jacek Witkoś

- (+48) 61 829 3772
Collegium Heliodori, room 348
Websites / Profiles
- M.A. in political science, University of Poznań, 1986
- M.A. in English, University of Poznań, 1987
- Ph.D. in English, University of Poznań, 1993
- D.Litt. in English linguistics, University of Poznań, 1998
- Titular Professor, 2006
- Full Professor, University of Poznań, 2010
Research interests
- Syntactic theory
- Contrastive linguistics
- Minimalism
- Diachronic syntax
Teaching experience
- English as a foreign language
- English phonetics
- English syntax
- English-Polish contrastive linguistics
- Linguistics
- Descriptive grammar
- Individual grant, N N104 2072 35, Properties of the implicit subject of infinitives and gerunds in English and Polish, 2008-2011
- Opus, 2012/07/B/HS2/02308, Formal Distribution of Nominal Expressions and their Internal Structure: a Generative Comparative Analysis, 2013-2016
- Beethoven, 2014/15/G/HS2/04715, Dative in Polish as a testing device for linguistic theories, 2014-2017
- Opus, 2016/21/B/HS2/00619, The Nanosyntax of Complementizers, 2017-2020
- Opus, 2021/41/B/HS2/01028, The nature of pronouns: on the distribution and reference of Polish pronouns, 2022-now
Other professional experience
- Deputy Head of School of English for Student Affairs
- Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures, 2005-08
- Vice Chancellor of the Adam Mickiewicz University for Research and Foreign Affairs, 2008-16
- President of the SGroup European Universities' Network (SGroup) for term of office: 2016-18
- Assistant to the editor, Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics, 1993
- Papers from the Syntax-Phonology Interface Session of the 38th Poznań Linguistic Meeting. Special edition of Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics (PSiCL) vol. 44 (3), 2008 (guest edited with Tobias Scheer)
- University of Wales, Bangor, 1991-92
- University of Maryland at College Park, 2000-2001
Visiting lecturer
- University of Vienna, 1994-1997
- University of Maryland at College Park, 2001-2002
Guest lectures
- Stuttgart University, 1995
- University of Ostrava, 2002
- University of Tromso, 2003
- Invited speaker, Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL 7) Conference, University of Leipzig, Germany, November 2007
- Invited speaker, Generative Linguistics in Poland (GLiP 6), Warsaw University, April 2008
- Institute of Linguistics at Humboldt University, Berlin, January 2014
- Institute of Linguistics at the University of Gottingen, January 2014
- Institute for Slavic Studies at the University of Gottingen, May 2018
Papers read at international conferences and congresses (selected)
- 24th International Conference on Contrastive Linguistics, Rydzyna, 1990
- 26th International Conference on Contrastive Linguistics, Rydzyna, 1992
- 27th International Conference on Cross-Linguistic Analysis, Rydzyna, 1993
- 29th International Conference on Cross-Linguistic Analysis, Świeradów, 1995
- 30th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań, 1997
- 31st Poznań Liguistic Meeting, Poznań, 1998
- 10th Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics Conference, Ann Arbor, 2001
- 11th Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics Conference, Leipzig, 2003
- 34th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań, 2003
- 22nd Formal Approaches to Slaic Linguistics, McMaster University, May 2013
- Current Exploits in the Morphosyntax of Slavic Languages, Poznań, April 2015
- 25th Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics, Cornell University, May 2016
- Experimental Psycholinguistics Conference, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, June 2017
- 50th annual meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 2017), Zurich, September 2017
- 47th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, September 2017
- 12th Slavic Linguistics Society Annual Meeting, Ljubljana, September 2017
- Linguistics Beyond And Within, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, October 2017
- Formal Description of Slavic Languages 12.5, University of Nova Gorica, December 2017
- Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL 27), Stanford University, May 2018
- CamCoS 7 (Cambridge Comparative Syntax), University of Cambridge, May 2018
- Berlin Dative Days Workshop, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, May 2018
- 51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Tallinn University, August/September 2018
- 48th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, September 2018
- Slavic Linguistics Society Meeting, University of Oregon, September 2018
- 11th Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA), Jagiellonian University in Krakow, October 2018
- Formal Description of Slavic Languages 13; University of Gottingen, December 2018
- Polish Association for the Study of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, June 2019
- Societas Linguistica Europea, University of Leipzig, September 2019
- Slavic Linguistic Society Meeting, University of Potsdam, September 2019
- 49th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, September 2019
- Linguistics Beyond and Within 5, KUL Lublin, October 2019
- Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics, University of Washington, Seattle, May 2020
- 50th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, September 2021
- Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics, McMaster University, Hamilton, June 2022
Organizer of international conferences and congresses
- Organiser and chair of the Generative Syntax Section at the International Poznań Linguistic Meetings (PLM) conference, May 1999
- Organiser and chair of the Generative Syntax Section at the International Poznań Linguistic Meetings (PLM) conference, May 1998
- Organiser and chair of the Generative Syntax Section at the International Poznań Linguistic Meetings (PLM) conference, May 1999
- Organiser and chair of the Generative Syntax Section at the International Poznań Linguistic Meetings (PLM) conference, May 2003
- Co-organiser of the 1st Student Conference on Formal Linguistics (SCoFL 1), September 2004
- Co-organiser of the Syntax Session at the International Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM) conference, April 2005
- Organiser and chair of the Generative Syntax Section at the International Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM) conference, April 2006
- Co-organiser of the 2nd Student Conference on Formal Linguistics (SCoFL 2), April 2007
- Organiser and chair of the Generative Syntax Section at the International Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM) conference, September 2007.
- Co-organiser of the Workshop on Clausal Architecture at the International Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM) conference, September 2009.
- Organiser and Chair of the Session on Slavic Syntax and Semantics at the Generative Linguists of the Old World (GLOW) Colloquium at the University of Wrocław, April 2010
- Co-organiser of the Workshop on Lexical and Functional Decomposition at the International Poznań Linguistic Meetings (PLM) conference, September 2010.
- Co-organizer of the Workshop on Current Exploits in the Morphosyntax of Slavic Languages, Poznań, April 2015
- Minister of National Education's Award for outstanding research results, 1997
- 2nd prize of the Rector of UAM for research achievements, 1999
- Order of merit Polonia Restituta, awarded by the President of Poland, 2019