drJoanna Jarząb-Napierała

Assistant professor
- joanna.jarzab@amu.edu.pl
- (+48) 61 829 1032
Collegium Heliodori, room 163
Websites / Profiles
- BA in English, 2007
- MA in English, 2009
- BA in Russian, 2011
- PhD in English, 2013
- MA in Russian, 2016
Research interests:
- 20th century Irish literature
- Contemporary Irish novel in English
- Contemporary Irish poetry in English
- Russian literature
- Theory of literature
- Principal Investigator of the project "Irish cosmopolitanism: the case of Russian literary and cultural influence on the development of modern Irish prose funded by The National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki) within SONATA framework
Professional Organizations:
- International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures (IASIL)
- PAIS (Polish Association for the Irish Studies)
- EFACIS (The European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies)
Teaching experience:
- History of English Literature
- EFL at university level (grammar, writing)
- Theory of literature
- Introduction into Humanities
Papers read at international conferences and congresses:
- 6th Literature in English Symposium, Poznań, Poland, 11th April 2010
- International Postgraduate Literature Conference: Literary Dimensions:
Reading time and space, Lublin, 22-24 September 2011 - All that Gothic Conference, Łódź, 17-19 November 2011
- New Voices 2012 "Legitimate Ireland", Belfast, 19-21 April 2012
- 3rd Global Conference Space and Place, Oxford, 3-6 September 2012
- 1st International CLASH Conference (Culture, Literature, Anthropology, Sociology, History), Poznań, 7-8 December 2012
- Rage, Rebellion, Revolution Conference, University of Social Sciences, Warsaw, 24 May 2013
- New Voices 2013 – Diversities, Maynooth 13-15 czerwca 2013
- IASIL conference 2013 – Urban cultures, Belfast 22-26 lipca 2013
- ‘Seamus Heaney: a Conference and Commemoration’, Queen's University Belfast, 10-13 April 2014
- IASIL 2015 – Reconciliations, University of York, 20-24 July
- VI Konferencja Młodych Naukowców – Kultury wschodniosłowiańskie – oblicza i dialog, Instytut Filologii Rosyjskiej UAM, Orzycko 26-27 listopada 2015
- Culture and Space Conference: Easter Rising Centenary, Nikolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, 25-25 April 2016
- IASIL 2016 - Change, University College Cork, Ireland, 25-29 July 2016
- Competing Traditions - The 20th and 21st Century Irish Literatures between Realism and Experimentation, Łódź 29 June-1 July 2017
- VIII Konferencja Młodych Naukowców Kultury Wschodniosłowiańskie - oblicza i dialog, Obrzycko 7-8 December 2017
- Strategie Komunikacyjne Projektów Politycznych i Społecznych: Studium Przypadków, SGGW i UAM, Poznań 15-16 June 2018
- IASIL 2018 - Reimagining Traditions, Nijmegen 23-27 July 2018
- 28th PASE Conference "Diversity is inclusive: Cultural, literary and linguistic mosaic" Poznań 27-28 June 2019
- „Ulisses w czasach brexitu. Literatura i kultura irlandzka wobec rzeczywistości społeczno-politycznej” – 27-28 November 2020, online.
- IASIL 2021l Lódź (online) ""[Seeing] the Western Road as the Nevsky Prospekt"- Frank O'Connor's literary journeys to Russia
Organizer of International Conferences:
- 1st International CLASH Conference (Culture, Literature, Anthropology, Sociology, History) 2012
- 2nd International CLASH Conference (Culture, Literature, Anthropology, Sociology, History) 2014
- 11th LIES (Literature in English Symposium) 2015
- 3rd International CLASH Conference (Culture, Literature, Anthropology, Sociology, History) 2016
Grants and Awards:
- Travel Grant: New Voices 2012
- Travel Grant 2013 – IASIL 2013