drKamila Dębowska-Kozłowska

Adiunkt (Assistant professor)
- kamila@amu.edu.pl
- (+48) 61 829 1026
Collegium Heliodori, 248
Websites / Profiles:
- M.A in English, Poznań, 2004
- Ph.D. in Linguistics, Poznań, 2008
Research interests
- cognitive pragmatics
- linguistic pragmatics
- argumentation and persuasion theory
- dialectics and rhetoric
- discourse analysis
Teaching experience
- BA seminars (A pragmatic approach to argumentative discourse, Linguistic pragmatics and cognitive science)
- MA supplementary seminar in pragmatics
- Academic Discourse
- TEFL at university level ( Grammar, Phonetics, Translation)
Other professional experience
- 2008-2012 IFA press spokesperson
- 2016 - Book review editor for "Cogency: Journal of Reasoning and Argumentation"
- Member of the Communication Department in the ArgDiaP Association – https://argdiap.pl/
- 2018 Co-Editor of the special issue of Studia Semiotyczne 32: 1
- Sokrates/Erasmus, Mid Sweden University (Mitthögskolan), Sweden 2002
- University of Amsterdam, September 2007
- FSS EEA grant / Norway grant Universitet in Agder, 2016
Professional organisations
- IPrA - International Pragmatics Association
- ISSA - International Society for the Study of Argumentation
Papers read at international and Polish conferences and congresses
- 3rd Łódź Symposium - New Developments in Pragmatics, Łódź, 2006
- 6th International Conference on Argumentation, Amsterdam, 2006
- 11th International Conference on Dialogue Analysis and Rhetoric, Münster, 2007
- 10th International Pragmatics Conference, Göteborg, 2007
- International Conference: Argumentation as a Cognitive Process, Toruń, 2008
- 2nd Conference on Rhetoric in Society, Leiden, 2009
- ARZP, Argumentacja i Racjonalna Zmiana Przekonań, Ustroń, 2009
- 11th International Pragmatics Conference, Melbourne, 2009
- 3rd International Conference on Individual and Specific Signs, Bacau, 2009
- 5th Conference on Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation, Kazimierz Dolny, 2010
- 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, SemDial/PozDial, Poznań, 2010
- 12th International Pragmatics Conference, Manchester, 2011
- Konferencja "Czynności mowy. Modele teoretyczne i ich zastosowania", Pobierowo, 2011
- EPICS V, 5th International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social pragmatics: Relevance Theory: Recent Developments, Current Challenges and Future Directions, Sevilla, March 2012
- Conference on Meaning, Context and Cognition (MCC 2012), Łódź, March 2012
- 9th ArgDiaP Conference: Applied Rhetoric: Practical Perspectives on Argumentation, Dialogue and Persuasion, Warsaw, May 2012
- 6th Lodz Symposium: New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics, Łódź, May 2012
- 4th International Conference: Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines (CADAAD), University of Minho in Braga, Portugal, July 2012
- 11th ArgDiaP Conference: The Polish School of Argumentation, Warsaw, October 2013, member of the Organising Committee
- 12th ArgDiaP Conference: From Real Data to Argument Mining, Warsaw, May 2014
- 8th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, Amsterdam, July 2014
- International Communication Association Regional Conference: Expanding Communication: Old Boundaries and New Frontiers (Workshop MCC: Relevance theory and intercultural communication), Łódź, April, 2015
- 1st European Conference on Argumentation: Argumentation and Reasoned Action (ECA), Lisbon, June, 2015
- International Conference ‘Argumentation & Language: Linguistic markers, discursive processes, cognitive operations’ (ARGAGE 2015), Lausanne, September, 2015
- Workshop on Informal Logic and Linguistics: An Argumentation Forum, University of Łódz, 2016
- 6th International Conference: Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines (CADDAD), the Rhetoric and Argumentation panel, Universitat di Catania, Sicily, September 2016
- 2nd European Conference on Argumentation: Argumentation and Inference (ECA),
University of Fribourg, June, 2017 - Workshop on Informal Logic and Linguistics: Language and Argument, University of Łódz, May, 2018
- 9th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, University of Amsterdam, July 2018
- COMMA (Computational Models of Argument) workshop: Argumentation and Society, Warsaw, September 2018
- Cognitive Linguistics in the year 2018, Conference of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association, Poznań, September 2018
- PhiLang 2019: The Sixth International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, the PhilArg workshop, University of Łódź, May 2019
- 3rd European Conference on Argumentation: Reason to Dissent, Argument strength panel, University of Groningen, June 2019
- PhiLang 2021: The Seventh International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, the PhilArg workshop, University of Łódź, May 2021
- 4th European Conference on Argumentation (ECA): The cognitive dimension of social argumentation 2022, Università di Roma Tre, September 2022
Invited talks and guest lectures
- 2007 – at the Research Colloquium ‘Rhetoric and Argumentation Theory’ at the University of Amsterdam, invited by the Department of Speech Communication, Argumentation and Rhetoric
- 2008 – at the meeting of Polish Semiotic Society ‘Znak - Język – Rzeczywistość’ at the Institute of Philosophy, the University of Warsaw
- 2009 - at the 3rd Argumentation, Dialogue, Persuasion Conference (ArgDiaP): Dynamika dialogu i perswazji, UKSW, Warsaw (with dr K.Budzyńska)
- 2011- at the Conference ‘Interdyscyplinarnie o interdyscyplinarności. Między ideą i praktyką’, Uniwersytet Wrocławski (with dr K. Budzyńska)
- 2012 – at the 9th Argumentation, Dialogue, Persuasion Conference (ArgDiaP): Applied
- Rhetoric: Practical Perspectives on Argumentation, Dialogue and Persuasion, UKSW, Warsaw
- 2014 – at the 2nd Interdisciplinary Graduate School on Argumentation and Rhetoric (IGSAR): Corpus Analysis in Argument Studies, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
- 2017 University of Łodź, Institute of English Studies
- 2018 – School of Computing, University of Dundee, UK
- 2018 - the 3rd Summer School on Argumentation: Computational and Linguistic Perspectives (SSA 2018), Warsaw University of Technology
Research visits
- spring 2018 - ARG-tech, Centre for Argument Technology, University of Dundee, UK
Research projects
- "Persuasiveness: Studies on the Effective Use of Arguments" http://perseus.ovh.org
- "Bilingualism, emotions and creativity. The case of Polish and Romanian." | Polish Academy of Sciences (2019–2022)
- COST Action CA17132 - APPLY, European network for argumentation and public policy analysis, Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme, “Working Group 1: Empirical Study of Public Argumentation”(2019–2022)
Organiser of international and Polish conferences
- Member of the Organising Committee, 40th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 2009
- Member of the Organising Committee, 6th ArgDiaP: Zastosowania technik argumentacyjnych, Warsaw, 2011
- Member of the Organising Committee, 7th ArgDiaP: Cognition and Argument: An Insight into Real-Life Practice, Warsaw, 2011
- 11th ArgDiaP Conference: The Polish School of Argumentation, Warsaw, October 2013
Member of scientific panels and programme committees:
- 12th ArgDiaP Conference: From Real Data to Argument Mining, Warsaw, May 2014
- European Conference on Argumentation (ECA), Lisbon, 2015
- 13th ArgDiaP Conference: Reason, Belief, Consensus, Wrocław, November 2015
- Poznań Reasoning Week 2016, Poznań, September, 2016
- The 14th ArgDiaP Conference: Formal Models of Reasoning and Argumentation, Poznań, September, 2016
- The 15th ArgDiaP Conference: Classical Argumentation and Rhetoric, Lublin 2017
- Poznań Reasoning Week 2018, Poznań, September, 2018
- 4th European Conference on Argumentation (ECA 2022): The cognitive dimension of social argumentation, Rome, 2022
- The 19th ArgDiaP Conference: Ethics and AI, Warsaw, September, 2024
- Adam Mickiewicz University Rector's reward (3rd grade) for excellence in reserach, 2015
- The ArgDiaP association award for the best scientific article on argumentation for the article "Agreement Builds and Disagreement Destroys: How Polish Undergraduates and Graduates Understand Interpersonal Arguing" (Dębowska-Kozłowska Kamila, Hample Dale. 2022. Argumentation 36: 365–392) - handed out during the 19th ArgDiaP & 9th Philosophy in Informatics Joint Conference: Ethics and AI, the Warsaw University of Technology, September 2024
Ad-hoc peer reviewer for:
- Informal Logic
- Journal of Pragmatics
- Lingua Posnaniensis
- Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics
- Argument. Biannual Philosophical Journal
- Anglistica Aion