prof. UAM dr hab.Karolina Krawczak-Glynn

Karolina Krawczak-Glynn
University professor

Duty hours: link
Non-teaching duties (in Polish): link

Websites / Profiles:


  • B.A. in English, Poznań 2002
  • M.A. in English, Poznań 2004
  • Ph.D in Linguistics, Poznań 2008
  • D.Litt. in Linguistics, Poznań 2019


  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, 2006
  • Unit of Quantitative Lexicology and Variational Linguistics, University of Leuven, 2012
  • Postdoctoral research fellowship (12.237), funded by the Conférence des Recteurs des Universités Suisses – Scientific Exchange Programme, at Institut de langue et littérature anglaises, Université de Neuchâtel, 2013-2014 (Project title: Comparing self-evaluative emotions (SHAME, EMBARRASSMENT and GUILT) across languages and language varieties)
  • Postdoctoral research fellowship, funded by Fernand Braudel – International Fellowships for Experienced Researchers & Marie Curie Action Programme - COFUND - FP7, at LaTTiCe, research unit of CNRS, Ecole Normale Supé­rieure & Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, 2015

Research interests

  • Cognitive semantics
  • Corpus linguistics
  • Quantitative lexicology
  • Social cognition
  • Social emotions: EMOCOMP
  • Categorization of abstract concepts: mental verbs in Polish and English: EMBER project
  • Philosophy of linguistics

Teaching experience

  • Lexicology
  • Lexicography
  • Cognitive Linguistics
  • Corpus Linguistics
  • Discourse Analysis
  • BA seminars and proseminars
  • Categorical statistics
  • Introduction to linguistics
  • Academic writing
  • TEFL at university level

Other professional experience

  • EFL Grammar Coordinator (2010-2015)
  • Member of the Editorial Team of PSiCL (2016-2019)
  • Member of the School of English PR team (2009-2010)
  • Member of AFLICO (Association Française de Linguistique Cognitive)
  • Member of the Scandinavian Association of Language and Cognition
  • Member of Societas Linguistica Europaea
  • Member of International Society of Research on Emotion
  • Secretary of the Board of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association (2011-2015)
  • Web management for the Department of Cognitive Linguistics (2010-)

Invited presentations

  • Center for Language and Literature, Lund, Sweden, November 2010
  • Université Paris 3, journée d’études AFLiCo, Paris, March 2014 (with D. Glynn)
  • Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, Genève, Switzerland, June 2014
  • Ecole Normale Supérieure, journée d'étude, Paris, France, June 2015
  • UTH Zürich Univeristy, Sciex Closing Conference, Zürich, Switzerland, September 2015, (poster)
  • Université Paris Oest Nanterre La Défense, Paris, France, October 2015
  • Université Paris 3, journée d'étude, Paris, France, May 2016 (with F. Becquet, G. Col & T. Poibeau)
  • École normale supérieure, journée d'étude, Paris, France, November 2016 (with F. Becquet & L. Sarda)

Papers presented at international conferences and congresses

  • Meaning from a holistic, evolutionary, socio-cognitive perspective, 36th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 2005, Poznań
  • I feel, therefore I am. (Inter)subjectivity and objectivity reanalyzed, 10th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, 2007, Kraków
  • (Inter)subjectification and Objectification: All paths lead to conceptualization, 2nd Conference of the UK-Cognitive Linguistics Association, New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics, 2007, Cardiff
  • Tam, gdzie zbiegają się Intersubiektyfikacja i Obiektyfikacja, Językoznawstwo Kognitywne, 2008, Łódź
  • An Embodied Mind or a Mind-full Body? Semantics without Borders, 2008, Bielsko-Biała
  • (Inter)subjectivity and Objectivity: Meaning at a crossroads, Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, 2009, Łódź
  • Thinking about THINKING: Constructions of Polish mental verbs in discourse (with I. Kokorniak), Syntax in Cognitive Grammar, April 2010, Częstochowa
  • Profiling the Epistemic Stance of THINK Verbs: A multifactorial approach to the processing of onomasiological choice (with D. Glynn), Cognitive Processes in Language, May 2010, Łódź
  • Operationalising Cognition. Epistemic Verbs and Mapping Usage Patterns as Indices of Cognitive Processes (with D. Glynn), International Workshop - What type of cognition for cognitive linguistics? June 2010, Bordeaux
  • Meaning Construction and the Individuated Shared Mind, 3rd UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, July 2010, Hertfordshire
  • Subjective Construal of THINK and BELIEVE in Polish (with I. Kokorniak), 3rd UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, July 2010, Hertfordshire
  • Verbs of Cognition and their Construal in Interactive Events (with I. Kokorniak), The 4th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, October 2010, Bremen
  • Corpora, context and conceptual structure. A usage-based and quantitative study in of / about verb complementation (with D. Glynn), Meaning, Context & Cognition, March 2011, Łódź
  • Meaning Construction: Between Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity, 42nd Poznań Linguistic Meeting, May 2011, Poznań
  • A socio-cognitive, corpus-driven analysis of intersubjective emotions: A case of SHAME in English, 4th International Conference of the French Cognitive Linguistics Association, May 2011, Lyon
  • Cognition verbs in Polish and their complementation: A corpus-based study (with M. Fabiszak), 3rd Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition, June 2011, Copenhagen
  • Usage-based Operationalization of Cognition. A multifactorial approach to the processing of epistemic stance (with D. Glynn), 3rd Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition, June 2011, Copenhagen
  • Emergent grammar and intersubjectivity. A corpus-driven approach to epistemic stance (with D. Glynn), 44th Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea, September 2011, Logroño
  • Concepts across Cultures. A corpus-driven and contrastive study of FATE in Polish, Russian and Ukrainian (with D. Glynn), Cognitive Perspectives on Contrastive Grammar Conference, September 2011, Bielsko-Biała
  • Thinking about THINK ABOUT: Convergences and divergences between the English and Polish predicate (with I. Kokorniak), Meaning, Context & Cognition, March 2012, Łódź
  • A quantitative approach to social emotions: A contrastive perspective on SHAME in British English and American English, ICAME 33 Corpora at the centre and crossroads of English linguistics, May 2012, Leuven
  • Operationalising Intentionality: Multifactorial corpus-driven analysis of epistemic stance constructions in British and American English (with D. Glynn), ICAME 33 Corpora at the centre and crossroads of English linguistics, May 2012, Leuven
  • Epistemic stance. A multifactorial usage-feature analysis (with D. Glynn), Modality – Corpus – Discourse: Stance, Subjectivity, Evidentiality and Epistemicity Observation-based Approaches, June 2012, Lund
  • A corpus-driven quantitative study of think about and its near-synonymous constructions in Polish (with A. Hebda and I. Kokorniak), 43rd Poznań Linguistic Meeting, September 2012, Poznań
  • Mental predicates in Polish and English:A comparative study of verb construal and complement semantics (with M. Fabiszak), 5th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, October 2012, Freiburg
  • A Corpus‐driven approach to Cognitive Grammar and intersubjectivity. A multifactorial study of epistemic stance in English (with D. Glynn), 5th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, October 2012, Freiburg
  • Reconstruing social emotions: A quantitative corpus-driven approach to SHAME, New Directions in Lexical Semantics and Discourse Organization, February 2013, Osnabrück
  • Observation, elicitation, multidimensional structure: Corpus evidence for social effects upon the conceptual structure of ANGER (with D. Glynn), New Directions in Lexical Semantics and Discourse Organization, February 2013, Osnabrück
  • Construing social emotions in English and Polish: A quantitative corpus-driven approach to SHAME, Empirical Approaches to Multi-modality and to Language Variation (AFLiCo 5), May 2013, Lille
  • Think about and its near-synonyms in Polish: A corpus-driven perspective (with A. Hebda & I. Kokorniak), Empirical Approaches to Multi-modality and to Language Variation (AFLiCo 5), May 2013, Lille
  • Developing methods for the study of social emotions: SHAME in British and American English, 5th Conference on Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics (QITL-5), September 2013, Leuven
  • Complement alternation of predicative adjectival constructions for SHAME in English: A multifactorial corpus-­‐based approach, International Symposium on Verbs, Clauses and Constructions. Theory, Variation and Change, November 2013, Logroño
  • Intersubjective stance. A multifactorial discourse approach to epistemic constructions in British and American English (with D. Glynn), Journée d’études d’Association Française de Linguistique Cognitive, March 2014, Paris
  • Shame, embarrassment, and guilt : Corpus evidence for the cross-cultural structure of social emotions, International Conference on Empirical Methods in Linguistics, April 2014, Łódź
  • Usage-based operationalisation of inter-subjectivity : A multifactorial approach to stancetaking (with D. Glynn), Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea, September 2014, Poznań
  • Constructional construal of predicative adjectives for SHAME in English: A multifactorial usage-based approach toward of/about complement alternation, Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea, September 2014, Poznań
  • A corpus-based multifactorial analysis of near-synonymous exponents of SHAME: A cross-cultural perspective, Expressing emotions in corpora, September 2014, Poitiers
  • A corpus-based quantitative approach to mental predicates and their complementation: A cross-linguistic perspective (with M. Fabiszak & M. Hilpert), Constructions and Cognitions: 6th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Associaiton, October 2014, Erlangen
  • Constructional profiling of mirativity in English, International Conference on Evidentiality and Modality in European Languages, October 2014, Madrid
  • Self-evaluative emotions across languages and cultures: A multifactorial profile-based approach to SHAME, Conference of the International Society of Research on Emotion, July 2015, Genève
  • Negative social emotions from a comparative perspective: A usage-based approach, 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, July 2015, Newcastle
  • Constructional semantics of SHAME: A corpus-driven quantitative account of complement patterns, Journées Internationales de Linguistique de Corpus, September 2015, Orléans
  • Predicate-based epistemic markers in English: A corpus-based quantitative study, Colloque International de Linguistique GReG-PLS IV, «Marqueurs et structures – Quelles articulations dans la (re)construction du sens?», November 2015, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, Paris
  • Contrasting cultures and languages A multifactorial profile-based account of SHAME in English, French and Polish, International conference on Language in Contrast: Diachronic, variationist, and cross-linguistic studies, Université Paris 8, December 2015, Paris
  • Constructions of Epistemicity in British and American English: A Corpus-Driven Quantitative Study, École normale supérieure, April 2016, Paris
  • Multimodal and cross-register profiling of epistemic stance in spoken English: A multifactorial quantitative account, 7th Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies, July 2016, Paris (with C. Debras)
  • Multimodal profiling of intersubjectivity in spoken English: A multifactorial quantitative account, 46th Poznan Linguistic Meeting, September 2016, Poznan, Poland (with C. Debras)
  • Complement alternation of complex causal adpositions in Polish: A multifactorial usage-feature analysis, 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, September 2016, Napels
  • Complex causal adpositions and their complementation in Polish: A corpus-based quantitative account, 7th German Cognitive Linguistics Conference, October 2016, Essen
  • Constructions of Epistemicity in British and American English: A Corpus-Driven Quantitative Study, 10th Conference of the Spanish Society of Cognitive Linguistics, October 2016, Alcalá de Henares, Spain
  • Identifying usage patterns in corpus data: A multifactorial account of stance-taking markers in English and French, TAM-E 2016 Conference (Tense, Aspect, Modality and Evidentiality), Université Paris Diderot, November 2016, Paris (with G. Col, F. Melanie-Becquet & T. Poibeau)
  • Évolutions dans la complémentation verbale : une étude de cas, Colloque international de diachronie du français, Université de Strasbourg, February 2017, (with B. Fagard)
  • Reconstructing emotions across cultures and languages. A multifactorial profile-based account of SHAME in English, French, and Polish, 14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, July 2017, Tartu, Estonia
  • The dative alternation revisited: The role of verb polysemy in constructional profiling, 10th International Conference on Construction Grammar, July 2018, Paris, France
  • Between grammar and semantics: A multivariate account of complement alternation in complex causal adpositions, 11th International Conference of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association (AELCO), October 2018, Córdoba, Spain
  • Modeling the metaphorical structure of SHAME in American English across genres, 6th International Conference on Figurative Thought and Language (FTL6), Poznań, Poland, 21-22 April 2022
  • Borders in flux: The changing conceptualization of borders from a diachronic and cross-cultural perspective, Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (CADAAD), Poznań, Poland, July 2024 (with Małgorzata Fabiszak and Anna Rogos-Hebda)
  • A context-informed study of the conceptualization of British border, Polish granica, Austrian Grenze, French frontière, Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2024, Katowice, Poland, September 2024 (with Małgorzata Fabiszak and Anna Rogos-Hebda)

Organizer of conference sessions and workshops/Conference organizer

  • Cognition in Context: empirical approaches to social cognition and emergent language structure (with D. Glynn), 44th Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea, September 2011, Logroño
  • Corpus Approaches to (Lexical and Grammatical) Semantics (with D. Glynn, A. Hebda & I. Kokorniak), 43rd Poznań Linguistic Meeting, September 2012, Poznań
  • Organizing Committee member, RaAM 2013 Seminar: Metaphor, metonymy and emotions, May 2013, Poznań
  • Organizing Committee member, Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2013, a conference of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association, September 2013, Warsaw
  • Organizing Committee member, Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2014, a conference of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association, September 2014, Częstochowa
  • From methodology back to theory: How do current empirical methods feed back into linguistic theory? (with M. Fabiszak and M. Hilpert), 47th Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea, September 2014, Poznań
  • Corpus and discourse approaches to epistemic stance and evidentiality: subjectivity and intersubjectivity at the crossroads (with D. Glynn and F. Doro-Mégy), 47th Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea, September 2014, Poznań
  • Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to Emotion Studies in Linguistics, workshop organized within the Labex TransferS program at École normale supérieure, November 2015, Paris
  • Organizing Committee member: Cognitive Linguistics in the year 2018: Multimodal Patterns in Cognition and Communication, a conference of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association, September 2018, Poznań
  • Introduction to Statistics in Corpus Linguistics (with D. Glynn), statistics workshop at the conference Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2018, September 2018, Poznań
  • Member of the Organising Committee, 6th International Conference on Figurative Thought and Language (FTL6), Poznań, Poland, 21-22 April 2022

Peer reviewer for

  • Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, since 2014
  • Functions of Language, since 2015
  • Review of Cognitive Linguistics, since 2016
  • English Text Constructions, since 2016
  • Mouton de Gruyter, Cognitive Linguistics Research series, since 2016
  • International Journal of English Studies, since 2017
  • Jezikoslovlje, since 2018
  • International Journal of Lexicography, since 2018


  • AMU Rector’s Scholarship for research achievements (2017)
  • AMU Rector’s Scholarship for research achievements (2022)