drKarolina Rosiak

Adiunkt (Assistant professor)
- rosiak@amu.edu.pl
- (+48) 61 829 3522
Collegium Heliodori, room 219
- B.A. in English, Poznan 2004
- M.A. in English, Poznan 2006
- Ph.D. in Celtic Studies, Poznan 2010
Non-degree courses:
- Post-graduate studies in Contemporary International Migrations, Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, 2021
Research Interests:
- Modern Welsh
- Language attitudes and linguistic identity
- 'New speakers' of minority languages
- Language socialisation
- Language ideologies
- Welsh language course at University of Wales, Lampeter, 2007
- Welsh language course, Cwrs Wlpan, University of Bangor, Wales, 2007-2008
- Welsh language course, Cwrs Sylfaen, Cardiff University, Cardiff, 2010
- Welsh language course, Cwrs Meistrioli, Cardiff University, Cardiff, 2011
- University of Wales, Lampeter, 2009
- The Lifelong Learning Programme - Erasmus Staff Mobility, University of Limerick, Ireland, 2013
- Erasmus +, Bangor University, Wales, 2015
- Erasmus +, Swansea University, Wales, 2019
- Erasmus +, University of Bonn, Germany, 2024
Teaching experience:
- TEFL at the university level
- Welsh as a foreign language
- History of the Welsh language
- Welsh Culture
- Other Celtic languages
- Descriptive Grammar of Welsh
- Diploma Seminar
- British Life and Institutions
- Wales on Film
Research Projects:
- 'The Linguistic integration of Polish Migrants in Wales and their attitudes towards the Welsh language'; STSM Cost Action IS1306 "New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe; 2014; with Dr Kathryn Jones (IAITH Welsh Centre for Language Planning, UK)
- "‘They lie, swear and their weddings are completely different’ - language socialisation and affect in Polish migrants to Ireland and Wales." STSM Cost Action IS1306 "New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe; 2017; with Dr Małgorzata Machowska-Kościak (Marino Institute of Education, Trinity College Dublin)
- 'Language repertoire and language practices of Polish migrants in Aberystwyth (Wales)'; National Science Centre grant number 2017/01/X/HS2/02094 (Miniatura 1)
Professional organisations:
- North American Association for Celtic Language Teachers
- British Association for Applied Linguistics
Guest lectures:
- I Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Lesznie, 2013
- Cardiff University, School of Welsh, 2019
- University of Oxford, Jesus College, 2022
- Cardiff University, School of Modern Languages 2022
- Harvard University, Department of Celtic Languages and Literatures, 2022
- Instytut Slawistyki, Polska Akademia Nauk, 2023
Papers read at international conferences:
- 38th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Gniezno,Poland, 2007
- 39th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Gniezno, Poland, 2008
- 44th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, USA, 2009
- Celto-Slavica, Łodź, 2009 (co-authored with prof. Sabine Heinz)
- Young Linguists Meeting in Poznań, Poznań, Poland, 2010
- 41st Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Gniezno, Poland, 2010 (co-authored with prof. Sabine Heinz)
- "Łużyczanie i inne mniejszości językowe, kulturowe i etniczne w Europie", Warszawa, Poland, 2011
- 14th International Congress of Celtic Studies, Maynooth, Ireland 2011
- Language, Thought and Education: Exploring Networks, Zielona Góra, Poland 2012
- 8th Australian Conference of Celtic Studies, Sydney, Australia, 2013
- Poznań-Irlandia Wzajemne Relacje i Współpraca, Poznań, Poland, 2013
- 2nd Symposium on New Speakers in Multilingual Europe: Opportunities and Challenges, Barcelona, Spain, 2014
- Badania nad mniejszościami. Łużyczanie i inne mniejszości europejskie w perspektywie róznych dziedzin nauki, Warszawa, Poland, 2015
- WISERD Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, 2015
- 15th International Congress of Celtic Studies, Glasgow, UK, 2015
- Konferencja Polonijna, Poznań, Poland, 2016
- New Speakers Network 2nd Whole Action Conference (COST Action), Hamburg, Germany, 2016
- New Plurilingual Pathways for Integration: Immigrants and Language Learning in the 21st Century, Edinburgh, UK, 2016
- 2nd Poznań Conference of Celtic Studies, Poznań, Poland, 2016 (co-authored with Dr Małgorzata Machowska-Kościak and Dr Kathryn Jones)
- NAASWCH International Conference on Welsh Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2016
- Bilingual Child Migrants in a Multilingual Europe, Warsaw, Poland, 2016 (poster)
- The New Speakers Network Final Whole Action Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, 2017 (co-authored with Dr Małgorzata Machowska-Kościak)
- Language, Identity, and Education in Multilingual Contexts, Dublin, Ireland, 2018 (poster & paper)
- 3rd Poznań Conference of Celtic Studies, Poznań, 2018
- Celtic Sociolinguistics Symposium III, Galway, Ireland, 2018
- Plurilingual Pathways for Integration: Rethinking Hosts vs. Guests in the 21st c., Swansea, UK, 2018
- 28th Polish Association for the Study of English Conference, Poznań, Poland, 2019
- The XVIth International Congress of Celtic Studies, Bangor, Wales/UK, 2019
- Multilingual Awareness and Multilingual Practices (MAMP), Antwerp, Belgium, 2019
- B/Ordering Cultures: Alltag, Politik, Ästhetik, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany, 2020
- Approaches to Migration, Language & Identity, Brighton, UK, 2021
- International Symposium on Bilingualism 13, Warsaw, Poland, 2021
- Conventional and Unconventional Ways of Transmitting and Revitalising Minoritised Languages in European Context and Beyond, Warsaw, Poland 2021
- Polish Studies Today and Tomorrow 3rd Annual Conference, London 2021
- X Konferencja Komitetu Badań nad Migracjami PAN, Pogranicze. Zmiana i kontynuacja w obliczu spotkania z odmiennością, Gdańsk 2021 (2 papers)
- British Assossiation for Slavonic and Eastern European Studies Annual Conference, Cambridge, UK, 2022
- 4th Poznań Conference of Celtic Studies / Celtic Sociolinguistics Symposium 4, Poznań, Poland, 2022
- XI Konferencja Komitetu Badań nad Migracjami PAN, Migracje w dobie kryzysów społecznych, Łódż, Poland, 2022
- XIX International Conference on Minority Languages, Carmarthen, UK, 2023
- The XVIIth International Congress of Celtic Studies, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2023
- From and for Wales: New ways of thinking shaping Modern Languages research, Swansea, UK, 2024
- Mercator International Conference: Shaping Policy for Minority Languages and Multilingualism, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 2024
Conferences attended
- Minority Language Pupils and the Curriculum: Closing the Achievement Gap, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin, Ireland, 2017
- Engaged Humanities: preserving and revitalising endangered languages and cultural heritage, Warsaw, Poland, 2017
- COMBI Conference 2019, Swansea, UK, 2019
Other talks and presentations
- Celtic Research Group, School of English, 24.04.2009
- Celtic Research Group, School of English, 8.01.2010
- Celtic Research Group, School of English, 27.04.2012
- Noc Naukowców (Researchers' Night), Adam Mickiewicz University, 2014
- Noc Naukowców (Researchers' Night), Adam Mickiewicz University, 2015
- WA Friday Lunch Talk, 8.03.2019
- Eisteddfood Genedlaethol 2019, Session organised by Mercator International, 8.08.2019
- Celtic Research Circle, Faculty of English, UAM, 29.04.2022
- Celtic Research Circle, Faculty of English, UAM, 28.04.2023
Conference organistation
- Member of the organising committee of the Celtic Satelite Session, 42nd Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 2011
- Member of the organising committee of the Celtic Satellite Session, 43rd Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 2012
- Organiser of the Celtic Satellite Session, 44th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 2013
- 1st Poznań Conference of Celtic Studies, Poznań, 18-19 October 2014.
- 2nd Poznań Conference of Celtic Studies, Poznań, 5-6 July 2016
- 3rd Poznań Conference of Celtic Studies, Poznań, 9-10 July 2018
- 4th Poznań Conference of Celtic Studies / Celtic Sociolinguistics Symposium 4, 2022
- Conference thematic session co-organiser, XI Konferencja Komitetu Badań nad Migracjami PAN: "Migracje w dobie kryzysów społecznych", Łódź, 2022
- 5th Poznań Conference of Celtic Studies, Poznań, 8-9 July 2024
- Workshop - Teaching modern Celtic languages as foreign languages at the 5th Poznań Conference of Celtic Studies
- Studia Celtica Posnaniensia, Editor-in-Chief
Other professional experience
- Guest reviewer for Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies
- Guest reviewer for Zeszyty Łużyckie
- Guest reviewer for Language, Culture and Curriculum
- Guest reviewer for the Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices
- Guest reviewer for Glottodidactica
- Guest reviewer for the International Journal of Multilingualism
- Guest reviewer for Ethnography
- Member of the Scientific Board of Multilingualism and minority languages in a global context 2025 conference
Other publications
- "'It's a matter of finding a cultural community'. Polish migrants and the Welsh language."Planet, no. 235, Summer 2019.