drKatarzyna Jędrzejewska-Pyszczak

Senior lecturer
- jkat@amu.edu.pl
- (+48) 61 829 3522, (+48) 61 829 1026
Collegium Heliodori, room 219
- M.A. in English, Poznań 2004
- Ph.D in English and Celtic Studies, Poznań 2009
Research interests
- Modern Welsh language and culture
- Sociolinguistics of Celtic languages
- Celtic (especially Welsh) semantics
- Celtic onomastics
- Welsh phraseology and folklore
Teaching experience
- TEFL at university level
- Introduction to Celtic Studies
- History of the Welsh language
- Welsh as a foreign language
- Culture of Wales
- The history of Welsh literature
- British Life and Institutions
Professional organisations
- International Association of Paremiology
Scholarships and courses
- SOCRATES exchange student at University of Wales, Bangor, UK, 2003-2004
- Welsh language course at University of Wales, Cardiff, UK, 2007
- Welsh language course at University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK, 2010
- Welsh Summer Course Bursary, University of Wales, Cardiff, 2016
Guest lectures
- "Dni celtyckie", Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, Lublin, 2011
- University of Limerick, Ireland, 2012
Papers read at international conferences and congresses
- 15th PASE (Polish Association for the Study of English), Puławy, Poland, 2006
- 5th MESS (Medieval English Studies Symposium), Poznań, Poland, 2006
- 13th International Congress of Celtic Studies, Bonn, Germany, 2007
- 38th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Gniezno, Poland, 2007
- Celto-Slavica, Lodz, Poland, 2009
- Celto-Slavica 5, Pribram, The Czech Republic, 2010
- 41st Poznan Linguistic Meeting, Gniezno, Poland, 2010
- "Łużyczanie i inne mniejszości językowe, kulturowe i etniczne w Europie", Warszawa 2011
- 14th International Congress of Celtic Studies, Maynooth, Ireland 2011
- Celto-Slavica 6, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2012
- "Język, kultura, komunikacja", Opole, Poland, 2014
- 17th International Morphology Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 2016
- 11th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, Tavira, Portugal, 2017
Other talks and presentations
- Celtic Research Circle, 2009
- Celtic Research Circle, 2011
- Noc Naukowców (Researchers' Night), Adam Mickiewicz University, 2014
- Noc Naukowców (Researchers' Night), Adam Mickiewicz University, 2015
- Res Celticae, Assistant to the Editor, 2014
- Studia Celtica Posnaniensia, Assistant to the Editor, 2016 -
Conference organisation
- Member of the organising committee of the Celtic Satellite Session, 42nd Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 2011
- Member of the organising committee of the 2nd Poznań Conference of Celtic Studies, 2016
- Member of the organising committee of the 3rd Poznań Conference of Celtic Studies, 2018