drKatarzyna Macedulska

Assistant professor (Adiunkt)
- kkasia@amu.edu.pl
- (+48) 61 829 1030
Collegium Heliodori, room 160
Websites / Profiles
- B.A. in English (linguistics/translation), 2003, Poznań
- M.A. in English (American literature), 2005, Poznań
- Ph.D. in English (American literature), 2010, Cotutelle de thèse: Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Gießen, Germany and Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
Research interests
- American autobiography and memoir
- American contemporary literature
- American literature of the 19th century (Transcendentalism)
- American postmodernism
- Theory of culture and memory
- Literary theory (psychoanalysis, narratology, hermeneutics, phenomenology)
Teaching Experience
- History of American Literature
- Interpretation of Literary Texts
- British and American Life and Institutions
- English as a Second Language: Writing and Composition, Speaking, Grammar, and Reading Comprehension
- Academic Discourse
- B.A. seminar in American literature
- M.A. seminar in American literature
- Proseminars in American literature
Professional Organisations
- Polish Association for American Studies (PAAS)
- Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal; Erasmus/Socrates; 2003-2004
- courtesy of Högskolan Dalarna, Falun, Sweden, Swedish Language Course and library search; July - August 2006
- Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany, DAAD Forschungsstipendium; 2007-2008
- European Summer School in Cultural Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2009
- EAAS (European Association for American Studies) Travel Grant, Paris, France, October 2009
- NCN Research grant No. 2012/05/B/HS2/04004 for the project “The aesthetics and politics of North American female memoir (1990-present) – multicultural perspectives”. Source of funding: National Science Centre (other investigators: Prof. UAM dr hab. Agnieszka Rzepa, Prof. UAM dr hab. Dagmara Drewniak) (2013-2016)
Research Projects (Other)
- EPIDI (European Partnership for Innovation in Distant Internships), within the framework of EPICUR. A joint project of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, and University of Strasbourg (UNISTRA), France. Member of the UAM team, together with: mgr Anna Schmidt-Fiedler (Project Coordinator), Prof. Małgorzata Rosalska (WSE), Prof. Natalia Walter (WSE), dr Joanna Morawska-Jancelewicz (WGSEiGP), dr Adam Przystacki (WMiI), mgr Dorota Pisula (Biuro Karier), mgr Katarzyna Wala (Studio Filmowe UAM). The main result of the project is the Best Practice Guide: https://epidi.unistra.fr/en/best-practice-guide and the e-learning modules: https://epidi.unistra.fr/en/e-learning-modules/e-learning-modules.
Papers Read at International Conferences and Symposia
- IV IALS (International Association for Literary Semantics) Conference, "In Search of (Non)Sense, Literary Semantics and the Related Fields and Disciplines," Kraków, Poland, October 2006
- PAAS (Polish Association for American Studies) Annual Conference, "Ideology and Rhetoric - Constructing America," Warsaw, Poland, October 2006
- 1st HELAAS (Hellenic Association for American Studies) International Graduate Student Conference, "ExCentric Narratives: Identity and Multivocality in Anglo-American Cultures," Thessaloniki, Greece, March 2007
- "American Poetry in Europe: Teaching, Translation, Reception," Symposium, Poznań, May 2007
- "Values in Literature and the Media," Gießen, Germany, June 2008
- "Trans-cultural remembrance" - 2nd International Symposium for Young Researchers and Investigators, Utrecht, The Netherlands, September 2008
- PAAS (Polish Association for American Studies) Annual Conference, "The Past in the Present: The American Uses of History," Warsaw, Poland, October 2008
- "Anders: Identitäten," Conference of the Research Area Culture and Identities, Gießen, Germany, November 2008
- "Narrative Networks: Kultur und Narration im Spannungsfeld von Fakten und Fiktionen," Conference of the Research Area Culture and Narration, Gießen, Germany, December 2008
- ESSCS 2009 "The Cultural Life of Catastrophes and Crises", Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2009
- Margaret Fuller Conference, Paris, France, October 2009
- PAAS (Polish Association for American Studies) Annual Conference, "American Diversity: Identities, Narratives, Politics", Łódź, Poland, October 2010
- PAAS (Polish Association for American Studies) Annual Conference, "American Experience - the Experience of America", Gdańsk, Poland, October 2011
- LIES VIII (Literature in English Symposium), "Of what is past, or passing, or to come" Travelling in time and space in literature in English, Poznań, Poland, May 2012
- 1st Global Conference: Making Sense of: Play: Project, Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom, July 2012
- Trauma & Memory: the Holocaust in Contemporary Culture, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, July 2013
- PAAS (Polish Association for American Studies) Annual Conference, "Eating America", Wrocław, Poland, October 2013
- 5th Global Conference: Storytelling, Lisbon, Portugal, 10-13 May 2014
- Autobiography, International Conference, Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden, 2-4 October, 2014
- PAAS Annual Conference, American 'Wild Zones': Space, Experience, Consciousness, The University of Białystok, Białowieża, Poland, 22-24 October 2014
- PAAS Annual Conference, Transnational American Studies: Histories, Methodologies, Perspectives, American Studies Center, University of Warsaw, 27-29 October 2016
- Diversity is Inclusive: Cultural, Literary and Linguistic Mosaic, 28th PASE Conference, Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, 27-28 June 2019
- Translating Cultural Memory in Fiction and Testimony - Memory Studies and Translation Studies in Dialogue, Forschungszentrum Kulturen in Kontakt (Innsbruck) and Centrum voor literatuur in vertaling (Ghent), University of Innsbruck, Austria, 10-11 October 2019
- Narrating Lives”: International Conference on Storytelling, (Auto)Biography and (Auto)Ethnography, organized by the London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research. London, Great Britain (online), 28-29 August 2021
- Life-Writing w/obec Transformacji, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, 5 November 2021
- EPIDI Final Conference, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, 2-3 June 2022
- IABA (International Association for the Study of Autobiography), Life-Writing in Times of Crisis, Warsaw, Poland, 5-8 July 2023
- America and Deep Time: Alternate Geographies, Temporalities, and Histories, The Polish Association for American Studies 2023 Annual Conference, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, 25-27 October 2023
Guest Lectures
- University of Zielona Góra, 24 April 2014
Organization of International Conferences
- "Narrative Networks: Kultur und Narration im Spannungsfeld von Fakten und Fiktionen," Gießen, Germany, December 2008. Together with: Miriam Wallraven, Daniela Meinhardt, Sandra Berger, Uwe Mayer, and Stephan Freißmann
- International Conference: "The aesthetics and politics of contemporary women's life-writing in Canada and the US: multicultural perspectives", 07 March 2015, WA UAM Poznań, Poland. Together with: Prof. Agnieszka Rzepa and Prof. Dagmara Drewniak. The conference is part of the research grant NCN 2012/05/B/HS2/04004 for the project “The aesthetics and politics of North American female memoir (1990-present) – multicultural perspectives”.
- Secretary and member of the organizing committee of the international conference: America and Deep Time: Alternate Geographies, Temporalities, and Histories, The Polish Association for American Studies 2023 Annual Conference, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, 25-27 October 2023
Other Organizational Experience
- REAL (Re-Examining American Literature), Symposium/Conference for BA, MA, and PhD students, AMU Poznan (online), together with: prof. Paulina Ambroży and dr Małgorzata Olsza
- Summa cum laude (PhD), 2010, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Gießen, Germany
- PhD Student representative to RIFA (Rada Instytutu Filologii Angielskiej) (2005-2007)
- Member of the UAM Disciplinary Commission for PhD Students and Authorities (2007)
- Member of the IFA PhD Studies Council (Rada Studium Doktoranckiego Instytutu Filologii Angielskiej) (2008-2009)