drKrzysztof Hwaszcz

dr Krzysztof Hwaszcz, zdjęcie profilowe
Postdoc (Adiunkt – stażysta podoktorski)

Websites / Profiles


  • B.A. in English philology, Legnica, 2013
  • M.A. in English philology, Wrocław, 2015
  • Eng. in Mechanical engineering, Wrocław, 2016
  • Ph.D. in Linguistics (with distinction), Wrocław, 2020

Research interests

  • Experimental linguistics
  • Corpus linguistics
  • Syntax-semantics interface
  • Mental lexicon
  • Syntax in the theoretical perspective
  • Phonetics and Phonology
  • Second and Third Language Acquisition

Teaching experience

  • Practical English (grammar, phonetics, vocabulary, writing and conversation)
  • Descriptive grammar (phonology, morphology, syntax)
  • Introduction to linguistics
  • Psycholinguistics

Papers read at international conferences and congresses

  • 2022, April. The University of Vienna, Austria. Colloquium: Slavic Linguistics in Vienna (invited talk). “Indefiniteness across Slavic languages: A corpus-based study in Polish” [joint presentation with Hanna Kędzierska]
  • 2019, May. Multilingual Theories and Practices (MTP19), Kerkyra, Corfu. “Figurative language in the bilingual brain: An experimental study of opaque compounds”
  • 2019, August. International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 2019 (ISMBS 2019), Chania, Greece. “Hemispheric asymmetries in the processing of opaque compounds: A cross-modal priming evidence from Polish (L1) and English (L2)” [joint presentation with Hanna Kędzierska]
  • 2019, May. The Students’ Voices 6, Rzeszów, Poland. “Bilingual brain: Experimental study on the processing of Polish and English opaque compounds”
  • 2019, May. The Students’ Voices 6, Rzeszów, Poland. “The components of semantics and syntax: Experimental study on compound processing”
  • 2018, June. The Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium, Olomouc, The Czech Republic. “Primary and secondary factors in the processing of Polish compounds: Data from manipulations of semantic transparency and filler items”
  • 2018, June. The Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium, Olomouc, The Czech Republic. “The rise of an indefinite article in Polish: A corpus-based study” [joint presentation with Hanna Kędzierska]
  • 2017, December. European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages 12.5, 7-9 December, Nova Gorica, Slovenia. “The processing of compound words in Polish: Effects of non-words ans semantic transparency on reaction times during lexical decision”
  • 2017, July. Morphological Typology and Linguistic Cognition, Lexington, KY, The United States of America. “The morphological organization of Polish compound words: Evidence from masked semantic priming”
  • 2017, April. April Conference Fourteen: New Perspectives in English and American Studies, Cracow, Poland. “Polish compound words: Decomposition or storage”
  • 2016, December. 12th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages, Berlin, Germany. “The processing of Polish compounds: Evidence from a priming experiment”
  • 2015, September. 5th Central European Conference in Linguistics for Postgraduate Students, Olomouc, The Czech Republic. “The relationship between prosody and semantic transparency in English compounds: Evidence from language processing.”
  • 2015, September. 5th Central European Conference in Linguistics for Postgraduate Students, Olomouc, The Czech Republic. “Processing figurative language vs. literal language: The case of novel metaphors and opaque Adjective-Noun compounds”  [joint presentation with Joanna Bożek]

Research grants

  • As co-Investigator: 2022-2024. Across-Domain Investigations in Multilingualism (ADIM), NCN GRIEG-1 (UMO-2019/34/H/HS2/00495), PI: prof. UAM dr hab. Magdalena Wrembel
  • As Principal Investigator: 2018-2019. Grant from the Foundation for Polish Science, Faculty of Letters, University of Wrocław, research project (0420/2630/18): Syntactic and semantic components of experimentally elicited compound blends in Polish.
  • As co-Investigator: 2018-2019. Grant from the Foundation for Polish Science, Faculty of Letters, University of Wrocław, research project (0420/2632/18): Cerebral asymmetries in the processing of compounds in L1 and L2: The role of salience and semantic transparency. PI: dr Hanna Kędzierska
  • As Principal Investigator: 2016-2018. Grant from the Foundation for Polish Science, Faculty of Letters, University of Wrocław, research project (0420/2570/17): The numeral jeden as an indefinite article: A corpus-based study in Polish.
  • As Principal Investigator: 2017-2018. Grant from the Foundation for Polish Science, Faculty of Letters, University of Wrocław, research project (0420/2568/17): The role of semantic transparency in the processing of Polish compound words.
  • As Principal Investigator: 2016-2018. Grant from the Foundation for Polish Science, Faculty of Letters, University of Wrocław, research project (0420/1743/16): The representation and organization of the mental lexicon in the processing of Polish compound words.