drMaciej Kielar

Senior lecturer (Starszy wykładowca)
- m_kielar@amu.edu.pl
- (+48) 61 829 3744
Collegium Heliodori, room 344
Websites / Profiles
- M.A. in English, Poznań, 2003
- Ph.D. in English Linguistics, Poznań, 2008
Research interests
- Discourse analysis
- Sociolinguistics
- Pragmatics
- Semiotics
- Theory of communication
Teaching experience
- Syntax
- TEFL at university level (grammar, phonetics)
- N N104 055639 research grant from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science, 2010-2012
Papers read at international conferences and congresses
- 35th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań, 2004
- I Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowo-Szkoleniowa, Jelenia Góra, 2008
- 40th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Gniezno, 2009
- 3rd International Conference on Individual and Specific Signs, Bacau, 2009
- 28th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Applied Linguistics (AESLA): Analysing Data - Describing Variation, Vigo, 2010
- 42nd Poznań Linguistic Meeting Poznań, 2011
- AILA, Pekin, China, 2011
- 4th International Conference: Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines (CADAAD), University of Minho in Braga, Portugal, 2012