drMałgorzata Drwal

Adiunkt (Assistant professor)
- maldrw@amu.edu.pl
- (+48) 61 829 3773
Collegium Heliodori, room 355
Websites / Profiles:
- M.A. in English Studies, Wrocław, 2007
- M.A. in Dutch Studies, Wrocław, 2009
- Ph. D. in literature, Wrocław, 2014
Research interests
- Literature and culture of the Low Countries
- South African literatures and cultures
- Theory of literature
- Cultural transfer
- Working-class literature
- Literature and propaganda
- Life writing
Teaching experience
- Dutch language
- English language
- Culture and literature of the Low Countries
- South African cultural studies
- South African literature in English
- Theory of literature
- Academic writing
- Thesis supervision
Other professional experience
- Research associate, University of Pretoria, South Africa (since August 2021)
Professional organizations
- Internationale Vereniging voor Neerlandistiek (International Association for Dutch Studies)
- Comenius Vereniging voor Neerlandistiek in Centraal-Europa ("Comenius" Association for Dutch studies in Central Europe)
- The International Position of Dutch Language and Culture, Utrecht 2019
- Seminarium Nederlands als Vreemde Taal, Antwerp/Amsterdam, 2013
- Literatuur en cultuur in het taalonderwijs, Amsterdam, 2011
- Alles over het vak Nederlands, Leuven, 2010
- SONATA 14, NCN grant no. 2018/31/D/HS2/00131: "White South African New Women and cultural mobility in the first half of the 20th century", 2019-2024
- NCN Ph.D. grant; coordinator: Jerzy Koch, project: N N 103 405240, 2011-2014
Guest talks
- University of Pretoria, South Africa, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Afrikaans, September 2021
- University of Malmo, Faculty of Culture and Society, November 2020
- University of Pretoria, South Africa, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Afrikaans, February 2020
- Unisa, South Africa, February 2020
- University of Wrocław, Erasmus Chair for Dutch Studies, December 2018
Papers read at international conferences and congresses
- 21e Colloquium Neerlandicum, Nijmegen, 22-26 August 2022
- 14th ALCS Conference in Neerlandic Studies, Edinburgh, 10-12 July 2022 (keynote speaker)
- XV Nordic Labour History Conference, Copenhagen, 26-30 Jan 2022
- Viva Africa: International Conference on African Studies, Prague, 15-17 Sept 2021
- Working-Class Studies Association Conference: Beyond the Heartlands,
University of Kent, Canterbury, Sept. 2019 - Regionaal Colloquium Neerlandicum, Bratislava, 29 May - 1 June 2019
- "Własne pokoje pisarskie", Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Pobierowo, 20-22 May 2019
- 18de ALV-KONGRES, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 12-14 September 2018
- 20de Colloquium Neerlandicum IVN, Leuven, 27-31 August 2018
- Trefpunt Praag: Doctorandi- en habilitandicolloquium, Prague, March 2018
- 4de Colloquium over het Afrikaans, Ghent, October 2017
- Regionaal Colloquium Neerlandicum, Wrocław, May 2017
- Nowa Kobieta: Ideał, postać, metafora. Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Pobierowo, May 2017
- Wêrelde en/in wêrelde: Die Afrikaanse letterkunde en "vertaling". Kongres van die Afrikaanse Letterkundevereniging (ALV), North-West University - Noord-Wes Universiteit, Potchefstroom, 31 Augustus - 2 September 2016.
- Colloquium van doctorandi en habilitandi in de neerlandistiek in Centraal-Europa, KUL&Comenius, Lublin, May 2016
- Kobieta, literatura, medycyna, Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Pobierowo, May 2016
- Achter de Verhalen 6, Het belang van de literaire cultuur, University of Groningen, April 2016
- Negentiende Colloquium Neerlandicum; Internationale Vereniging voor Neerlandistiek, Leiden, August 2015
- Regionaal Colloquium Neerlandicum; Comenius Vereniging voor Neerlandistiek in Centraal-Europa, Brno/Olomouc, May 2015
- Cross-Over. Regionaal, (trans)nationaal, globaal. Definities en methodologieën, grenzen en gemeenschappelijke ruimtes, schrijvers en erfgoed, Poznań, February 2015
- Neerlandistische ontmoetingen – Trefpunt Boedapest. Doctorandi- en habilitandicolloquium, Budapest, May 2014
- Współczesne literatury afrykańskie i teksty kulturowe w świetle badań postkolonialnych, Uniwersytet Warszawski – Polskie Towarzystwo Afrykanistyczne, October 2013
- Regionaal Colloquium Neerlandicum, Poznań, May 2013
- On the Contrary: André Brink and his Oeuvre (University of Pretoria), Pretoria, March 2013
- 18th Colloquium Neerlandicum (IVN), Antwerp, August 2012
- Old Challenges, New Horizons, 21st Annual Conference of the Polish Association of the Study of English, PASE, Kraków, April 2012
- Regionaal Colloquium Neerlandicum, Belgrade, Serbia, May 2011
- 14de Tweejaarlikse Afrikaanse Letterkundevereniging-kongres, Magrinalisering en Transnasionalisme, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth (South Africa), September 2010
- Neerlandistische ontmoetingen - Trefpunt Olomouc. Derde Centraal-Europees colloquium van doctorandi en habilitandi, Palacký University Olomouc, March 2010
Organizational experience at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
- Cooperation with the editors of Werkwinkel, Journal of the Low Countries
- Coordinator of Dutch Studies syllabi
- Tutor 3BA Dutch Studies
- Organizer of literary translation workshops for students “Vertaalatelier op Locatie”, Poznań, May 201