drMarcin Turski

Starszy wykładowca (Senior lecturer)
Pracownia Studiów Amerykanistycznych: Język i Kultura
- marcin.turski@amu.edu.pl
Collegium Heliodori, room 370
Rzecznik prasowy Wydziału Anglistyki (Press Spokesperson for the Faculty of English)
Websites / Profiles
- M.A. in English, Poznań, 1992
- Ph. D. in American literature, 1999
Research interests
- American literature
- Intertextuality
- Literary criticism
- Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting
Teaching experience
- TEFL at university and high-school level
- American literature
- Analysis of literary texts
- Theory of literature
- British literature
- Translation and interpreting
- British and American life and institutions
- PhD supervisor, College of Arts and Humanities, Swansea University
Other professional experience
- Conference interpreting and translations
- Assisstant to the editor: Canons, Revisions, Supplements in American Literature and Culture, Poznań, Bene Nati 1997
- Assisstant to the editor: Journal of Research in Higher Education, Cluj-Napoca, no. 2, vol. VI, 2022
Research projects
- Grant awarded by the National Science Centre, Program Opus-9: The Impact of Translation Directionality on the Translation Process. Principal investigator: Prof. Bogusława Whyatt, Faculty of English
- Grant for the promotion of science, awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, No. 507/P-DUN/2016. Principal investigator: Prof. Elżbieta Wesołowska, Faculty of Polish and Classical Studies
- Grant of the Polish Society of Authors and Composers (ZAiKS) for the translation of a monograph of Igor Mitoraj’s oeuvre
- Grant from the National Program for the Promotion of the Humanities, awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. No. 21H 17 0302 85. Translation into English of Z. Ogonowski's book Socynianizm. Principal investigator: Prof. Danilo Facca, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences
- Grant awarded by the National Science Centre: Transformation in Art in Postcommunist Europe. Principal investigator: Dr Magdalena Radomska, AMU Institute of Art History
- Nene College of Education, Northampton, 1993
- The American University, Washington, D.C., 1994
- University College Northampton, 1991, 1993, 1999
- Edinburgh University 1993
- Center for Conference Interpreting, CBS, Copenhagen 1995
- Directorate General for Interpetation, Brussels 2013
- Swansea University, Wales, 2014
- Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2015, 2016
- Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 2019
- York University, Toronto, 2023
- Prize of the Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University for organisational excellence, 2024
Guest lectures
- University of Valencia, 1995
- Catholic University of Lublin, 2015
- London Metropolitan University, 2019
- Centre for Polish Language and Culture, Cluj-Napoca, 2019
- Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2024
- University of Warsaw, 2024
Participation in international conferences and congresses
- 8th Fulbright Conference on American Studies, Toruń, 1995
- 5th Annual PAAS Conference, Poznań, 1995
- Conference of the Belarussian Association for American Studies, Mińsk, 1996
- 6th Annual PAAS Conference, Gdańsk, 1996
- Conference of the Belarussian Association for American Studies, Mińsk, 1997
- 8 annual PAAS Conference, Ustron, 1998
- 11th PAAS Conference, Puławy, 2001
- 12th Annual PASE Conference - Warsaw-Miedzeszyn, 2003
- Tallinn Pedagogical University, Tallinn, 2003
- Annual PASE Conference, Tarnowo Podgórne 2004
- Nauczanie przekładu pisemnego i ustnego, Łódź 2009
- 6th Congress of the European Society for Translation Studies "Tracks and Treks in TS", Leuven, Belgium, 2010
- Conference on Fictional Translators in Literature and Film, University of Vienna, 2011
- Translating Voices, Translating Regions, Durham University, 2012
- Translation and Localization Conference, Warsaw, 2013
- Talking to the World, Newcastle University, 2013
- Interdisciplinary Encounters - Dimensions of Interpreting Studies, University of Silesia, Sosnowiec, 2015
- Talking to the World II, Newcastle University, 2015
- Communication Across Cultures, University of Social Sciences, Warsaw, 2015
- Congress of the Consortium for Translation Education Research, Kraków, 2016
- First APTRAD International Conference, Porto, 2016
- Points of View in Translation and Interpreting, Kraków, 2017
- Translation in Transition 3, Ghent, Belgium, 2017
- Translating Europe. New technologies in specialist translation. AMU, Poznań, 2017
- Norma a uzus. Przekład specjalistyczny jako dylemat, AMU Poznań, 2018
- 20th Translation Studies Conference, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2018
- IATIS 6th International Conference: Translation & Cultural Mobility, Hong Kong, 2018
- IAPTI International Conference, Valencia, 2018
- 15th International Conference on Persons, Tiberias, Israel, 2019
- L2 Translation: Getting Out of the Grey Zone, Charles University, Prague, 2019
- Literature, Cultural Studies, and Translation, Cappadocia University, Turkey, 2021
Professional organisation
- International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC)