drPrzemysław Kaszubski

Starszy wykładowca (Senior lecturer)
- przemka@amu.edu.pl
- (+48) 61 829 1022
Collegium Heliodori, room 164
Websites / Profiles
- M.A. in English, Poznań, 1992
- Ph.D. in English linguistics, Poznań, 2000
Research interests
- English academic writing and discourse
- Applied corpus and text linguistics
- E-learning
Teaching experience
- academic writing
- corpus linguistics
- TEFL at university level
- English phonetics
Other scholarly activities
- co-ordinator of the PICLE Project: the Polish part of the International Corpus of Learner English
Professional organizations
- International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME)
- Saginaw Valley State University, Michigan, 1990-91
- Universite catholique de Louvain 1998
- University of Limerick 2008 (Erasmus TSM)
Guest lectures
- Instytut Podstaw Informatyki PAN, Warsaw, 2002
- Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa, Konin, 2002
- Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne, Poznań, 2004
- University of Limerick, Limerick, 2008
Papers read at international conferences and congresses
- International Students' Conference, Budapest, 1990
- 1st FIPLV Conference for Central and Eastern Europe, Poznań, 1993
- TEMPUS Conference, Rydzyna, 1994
- Język i Technologia (Language and Technology), Poznań, 1995
- New Technologies in Language Education, Toruń, 1995
- 11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Jyväskylä, Finland, 1996
- Global Issues and Foreign Language Education, Poznań, 1996
- Practical Applications in Language Corpora, Łódź, 1997
- Teaching and Language Corpora, Oxford, 1998
- Practical Applications in Language Corpora, Łódź, 1999
- Workshop on "Challenges in computer-assisted applied linguistics" (CCAAL), organised within the Poznań Linguistic Meeting 33, Bukowy Dworek, 2001
- ICAME 22, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2001
- Corpus Linguistics, Lancaster, 2001
- April Conference 9, Kraków, 2002
- ICAME 23, Goteborg, 2002
- Workshop "Language Technology" within International Conference Research and Scholarship in Integration Processes: Poland-USA-EU (INTER 2002), Łódź, 2002
- Practical Applications in Language Corpora, Łódź, 2003
- 2nd International Conference on Teaching Teachers To Teach Through Technology (ICT in ELT), Gliwice, 2003
- 2nd Łódź Symposium on New Development in Linguistic Pragmatics, Łódź, 2004
- Poznań Linguistic Meeting 35, Tarnowo Podgórne, 2004
- Practical Applications in Language and Computers, Łódź, 2007
- Fourth Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) group International Conference, Limerick, 2008
- Teaching and Language Corpora (TaLC 8), Lisbon, 2008
- Practical Applications in Language and Computers, Łódź, 2009
- Teaching and Language Corpora (TaLC 9), Brno, 2010
- Authenticating Language Learning Symposium, Tuebingen, 2011
- Poznań Linguistic Meeting 35, Poznań, 2012
Organizer of international conferences and congresses
- Workshop on "Assessing the potential of corpora" within Poznan Linguistic Meeting 35, Tarnowo Podgórne, 2004
- Minister's of National Education Award for outstanding research results, 1997
- Letter of Congratulations from Head of School of English and EFL Head Coordinator for organizational achievements, 2011
- Award of the Dean of the Faculty of English for achievements in promoting the Faculty on the WA Website, 2014
- Adam Mickiewicz University Vice-Chancellor's Third Degree Award for Organizational Excellence, 2015
- Minister of Science and Higher Education's team award for didactic achievements, 2016
- Adam Mickiewicz University Vice-Chancellor's Third Degree Award for Organizational Excellence, 2017
- Particularly Helpful Moodler badges from Moodle.org: 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
- Adam Mickiewicz University Vice-Chancellor's First Degree Team Award for Teaching Excellence, 2021
- Adam Mickiewicz University Vice-Chancellor's Third Degree (individual) Award for Teaching Excellence, 2021