drRafał Jończyk

Adiunkt (Assistant professor)
- rafal.jonczyk@wa.amu.edu.pl
- (+48) 61 829 3761
Collegium Heliodori Święcicki, rooms 248 and 006
Websites / Profiles:
- AMU Research Portal (OMEGA PSiR)
- Open Science Framework
- Google Scholar
- ResearchGate
- Publons
- Academia
- B.A. in English Linguistics, Poznań, 2009
- M.A. in English Linguistics, Poznań, 2011
- Ph.D. in English Linguistics, Poznań, 2015
Professional experience
- Postdoctoral fellow, Centre for Language Science, Department of Psychology, Pennsylvania State University, USA (October 2017 - October 2018)
Research interests
- Affective Neuroscience
- Experimental Pragmatics
- Psycholinguistics
- Bilingualism and Emotion
- Neurophysiology of Creativity
- Neurophysiological methods in language processing studies (EEG)
Teaching experience
- English as a Foreign Language at university level
- Psycholinguistics
- Emotions in social communication
- Creativity and language
Professional training
- Workshop on "Computational modelling in psycholinguistics” by Prof. Walter van Heuven, Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, 1 June 2017
- Course on Neuroanatomy: Visceral Mind Summer School 2017, Bangor, UK, 4–8 September 2017
- 27th EEGLAB Workshop, Pittsburgh, USA, 4–5 September 2018
- EEG training workshop on "The Biosemi Active Two system in nerocognitive research," Neurostimulus, Poznań, Poland, 25–26 August 2021
- The Society for the Neuroscience of Creativity
Invited talks
- "How knowledge, language & emotion affect creativity", guest lecture in the Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics, University of Reading, March 5, 2019
- "Emotions in the proactive bilingual brain: Evidence from electrophysiology", guest lecture at the Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan (MultiLing), September 11, 2019
- “Speak your heart out: Brain dynamics of emotional speech production in bilingualism”, ESCOP 2022 Symposium “Emotions in native and foreign languages” (organized by Simone Sulpizio & Nicola del Maschio), August 31, 2022, Lille, France
Research projects
- Principal investigator
- "Psychophysiological correlates of affective language processing in bilinguals" (National Science Center, 2015/19/D/HS6/00591, 2016–2018)
- "Speak your heart out: Neurophysiological correlates of emotional speech production in bilingualism" (National Science Center, 2020/37/B/HS6/00610, 2021–2025)
- Post-doctoral investigator
- "Unleashing the Power of Second Language Mastery: Cognitive Foundations of the Foreign Language Effect and Strategic Language Use" (Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, PPN/PRO/2020/1/00006, 2021–2024)
- Co-investigator
- "Attitudes and emotions across languages: The case of Polish and Romanian" (Polish Academy of Sciences, 2016–2018)
- "Bilingualism, emotions and creativity: The case of Polish and Romanian" (Polish Academy of Sciences, 2019–2021)
- "How language of operation constrains communication of affect: Fundamental neurocognitive insights for a multilingual, emotion-driven, social media-obsessed world" (National Science Center, 2021/43/B/HS6/00184, 2022–2025)
- Collaborator
- "Divergent Thinking in the Engineering Design Context: Experimentation to Connect Performance to Neurocognitive Responses" (National Science Foundation USA, #1561660)
- "Collaborative Research: Neurocognitive Experimentation to Enhance STEM Education: Studies on Divergent Thinking in Female and Male Engineering Students" (National Science Foundation USA #1726811, #1726358, #1726884)
Scholarships and awards
- 2018 Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) Post-doctoral Fellows Award
- START 2018 scholarship for most talented young Polish scientists granted by The Foundation for Polish Science (FNP)
- Scholarship from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding young researchers (2020)
- Travel Grant Award: the 9th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB9) 9-13 June 2013
Papers read at international conferences:
- 23rd International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition: The Affective Dimension in Language Acquisition and Learning, Szczyrk, Poland, 26-28 May, 2011
- 24th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition: Language Awareness in Second/Foreign Language Learning, Szczyrk, Poland, 17-19 May, 2012
- Talk-Action-Interaction Conference, Łódź, Poland, 3-5 October, 2012
- “IX EMLAR 2013 (Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research), Utrecht, The Netherlands, January 30 – February, 1 2013
- 1st Silesian Meeting of Young Scholars, Szczyrk, Poland, 18-19 March 2013
- 11th Symposium of Psycholinguistics, Tenerife, Spain, 20-23 March 2013
- NEURONUS 2013 IBRO&IRUN Neuroscience Forum, Kraków, Poland, 09-11 May 2013
- 25th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition (ICFSLA), Szczyrk, Poland, 23-25 May 2013
- 9th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB9), Singapore, 10-13 June 2013
- 44th Poznan Linguistic Meeting (PLM2013), Poznań, Poland, August 29 – September 1 2013
- Young Linguists' Meeting in Poznań (YLMP) 2014, Poznań, Poland 4-6 April 2014
- 26th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition (ICFSLA), Szczyrk, Poland, 22-24 May 2014
- The European Second Language Association (EUROSLA) 24, York, UK, 3-6 September 2014
- Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE) 2015 conference, EMOTIONS, Wrocław, Poland, 17-19 April 2015
- 46th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań, Poland, 15-17 September 2016
- 37th TABU DAG conference, Groningen, The Netherlands, 3 June 2017
- 13th International Conference for Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5-8 August 2017
- First International Conference on Emotions, Language Processing and Psycholinguistic Testing (ELAPSYT 1), Bucharest, Romania, 12-15 October 2017
- 25th annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) meeting, Boston, MA, USA, 24-27 March 2018
- 4th Meeting of the Society for the Neuroscience of Creativity, Cambridge, MA, USA, March 23, 2018
- 10th Society for Neurobiology of Language, Quebec City, Canada, 16-18 August 2018
- The Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association (PCLA), Poznań, Poland, 24-26 September 2018
- The Creative Power of Metaphor, University of Oxford, Oxford UK, 29-30 March 2019
- The Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE), Poznań, Poland, 27-28 June 2019
- American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Virtual Conference, 22-26 June 2020
- Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium 2020 (BMRS2020), 22 September 2020 (conference organised online)
- Society for the Neuroscience of Creativity (SfNC) 12 May 2022 (co-author; conference organised online)
Other talks and presentations
- Centre for Language Science, Department of Psychology, Pennsylvania State University, USA, 3 November 2018
Organizing international conferences and workshops
- Experimental Methods in Linguistics (EmiL). Co-authored with Halszka Bąk. 4th Young Linguists' Meeting Poznań, Poznań, Poland, 4-6 April 2014.
- Programming psycholinguistic experiments in E-prime. First International Conference on Emotions, Language Processing and Psycholinguistic Testing (ELAPSYT 1), Bucharest, Romania, 13 October 2017
- Workshop on advanced EEG analyses in EEGLAB, Centre for Language Science, Pennslvania State University, USA, September 7, 2018
- Surfing the brainwaves: Workshop on EEG data analysis in linguistics, PLM 2019, Poznań, Poland, September 17, 2019
- Convener of the thematic session “How language and emotion interact in a bilingual mind” at Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM 2019), Poznań, Poland, 8-10 September 2022 (with Guillaume Thierry)
- Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Embodiment and Relativity (CoNSoLER 2022), Poznań, Poland, 7-9 October 2022, Member of the Organizing Committee
- Topic Editor for Brain Sciences
- Associate editor for Applied Psycholinguistics
- Topic editor for Frontiers in Language Sciences
Ad-hoc peer reviewer for:
- Emotion
- Psychophysiology
- Brain Sciences
- Frontiers in Psychology
- Creativity Research Journal
- Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism
- International Journal of Bilingualism
- Studies in Polish Linguistics
- Biological Psychology
- Neuropsychologia
- Journal of Neurolinguistics
- Second Language Research
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
- Language and Speech
- Lingua
- Applied Sciences
- Languages
- Bilingualism: Language and Cognition
- The Journal of Creative Behavior
- Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development