PhD.Timothy Williams

Senior lecturer (Starszy wykładowca)
- (+48) 61 829 1023
Collegium Heliodori, room 210
- Ph.D. in Russian Literature, Columbia University, 2015; Minor in Polish Language
- One-year post-graduate course for translators of specialized texts (chiefly EN-PL), UNESCO Chair for Translation Studies and Intercultural Understanding, Jagiellonian University, 2009
- B.A. in French Literature, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1997
Research Interests
- Russian poetry and prose of the Silver Age (1894-1921) and its English, French, and German intertexts and influences
- Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytical literary criticism
- Comparative religion and theology
- Platonic, Neoplatonic and Hegelian philosophy
Teaching Experience
- English Instructor: Suchy Las, Chorzów, Gliwice, Zabrze, Istanbul
- Instructor in Beginning Russian, Columbia University, 2002-2003
Scholarly Articles, Publications, Conference Papers
- "'It was indeed hard to live': Late Paranoid Gothic and the Double-Chase Plot in A Dog’s Ransom" at South Central Modern Language Association conference, New Orleans, September 20, 2024;
- "О пользе истощения: Блок как «даймонический» учитель Гумилева — педагогика отчаяния" at Learning in Transformation, Viljandi, Estonia, August 31, 2024;
- "'Who Can Fathom the Soundless Depths?' Imperialism, Race and Gender in the Disney and Soviet Representations of Captain Nemo," presented at the 7th Global Souths Conference, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, March 24, 2023
- “'My Father's Silence and My Mother's Sadness': Hoffmann's Haunting of Blok's Poem 'The Commander's Footsteps,'" Southern Conference Modern Language Association, Memphis, October 13, 2022;
- “The Sorcerer's Apprentice: Misreading Agrippa in Briusov's The Fiery Angel and Shelley's 'The Mortal Immortal;'” 22nd Annual International Conference of the English Dept. of the University of Bucharest, online, June 4, 2021;
- “Contrary-Wise: Negation and Non-Negation in Miłosz’s Autobiographical Prose (Preliminary Sketches Toward Some New Perspectives),” published in Religijność Czesława Miłosza, ed. Zbigniew Kaźmierczak, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2020
- "Melancholia Becomes Electric: The Dead Mother as Prophetess of Revolution in Blok’s “Шаги Командора”", 21st Annual International Conference of the English Dept. of the University of Bucharest, "Trauma, Narrative, Responsibility," Bucharest, June 7, 2019
- "The Dark at the Top of the Stairs: Hoffmann's 'Der Sandmann' and Green's Dead Mother in Blok's 'The Commander's Footsteps'"; "Gothic Childhood" seminar, American Comparative Literature Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC, March 8, 2019
- “Writing Without Words: Blok’s Contextual Poetics,” in Forum of Poetics / Forum Poetyki, no. 6, winter 2017;
- “‘Living Outside of Life’: Cherubina de Gabriac’s Deep Cover,” presented at the MLA Conference in Austin, Texas, January 8, 2016;
- Review of two 20th century English-language televisual adaptations of Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, in collective article (“Adaptations of Anna Karenina”), Tolstoy Studies Journal, 2016
- “The Evolution of Astronomical Images in Blok’s Poetry: Preliminary Considerations Toward Further Research, or: Copernicus’s Cameo in Blok’s Retribution in Light of the Earth’s Threefold Motion,” in: Szkiełko i oko. Humanistyka w dialogu z aktualną fizyką, ed. Adam Regiewicz and Artur Żywiołek, Warszawa: DiG, 2016
- “Contrary-Wise: Negation and Non-Negation in Miłosz’s Cultural Criticism (Preliminary Sketches Toward Some New Perspectives),” presented at “Religijność Czesława Miłosza,” Gdańsk University, October 23, 2014
- “Victim and Scourge: Baudelairean Echoes in Gumilev,” in Ulbandus Review 8, The Fruits of Evil: Baudelaire, Decadence, and Russia (2004), 144-153
- Diurnum by Maria Baturina, 2018
- The Melancholic Gaze by Piotr Śniedziewski, Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2018
- "Converted Forms" by Merab Mamardashvili and "'Marx Against Marxism, Marxism Against Marx': A Talk with Valeriy Podoroga on Soviet Philosophy," Stasis, vol. 5, #2 (forthcoming in 2017)
- “Freedom is Slavery,” by Oxana Timofeeva, Crisis and Critique, vol. 4, issue 1, 2017 (
- “The Owl and the Angel,” by Oksana Timofeeva, Logos, no. 8, 2016 (
- Forum of Poetics (Forum Poetyki), Volume 1, Issues 1-7; Department of Polish Studies, AMU, 2015-2017
- “The Living Mirror and Learned Ignorance (Vivum Speculum et Docta Ignorantia),” by Yuri Romanenko and “Vladimir Bibikhin’s Ontological Hermeneutics” by Aleksandr Mikhailovsky, Stasis, vol. 3, #1;
- The Lemko Region in the Second Polish Republic: Political and Interdenominational Issues 1918–1939, by Jarosław Moklak, Krakow: Jagiellonian Studies in History, 2013
- “Ada: Make-Believe Stories” by Michał Wiśniewski, Nabokov Online Journal, 2013