drTomasz Dyrmo

Adiunkt (Assistant professor)
- tomasz.dyrmo@amu.edu.pl
- +48 61 829 3534
Collegium Heliodori, room 159
Websites / Profiles::
Duty hours: link
Non-teaching duties (in Polish): link
- Ph.D. in Linguistics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (2024)
- M.A. in English (Applied Cognitive Linguistics), Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (2019)
- B.A. in English (Translation Studies), Olsztyn (2017)
Research interests
- Cognitive Linguistics
- Gesture Studies
- (Multimodal) Conceptual Metaphor Theory
- Psycholinguistics
- LGBT+ Linguistics
- Cognitive Discourse Analysis
- Conceptual Structure and Cognitive Representation
Teaching experience
- Academic Writing for Linguists
- 3BA Proseminar
- PNJA: Writing, Grammar, Integrated Skills, Pronunciation
- TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) for children, teenagers, and adults
- Business English
- Cognitive Media Analysis Workshops
Professional and organisational experience
- Member of the Recruiting Committee for the Languages and Literatures Doctoral School (non-voting linguistics representative), 2022/2023
- Member of the Organising Committee, 9th Young Linguist’s Meeting in Poznań (YLMP 2025)
- Tutor of the Year, 2024/2025, 1BA
- Co-organiser of the invited session: Linguistic Dimensions of Gesture Studies, YLMP 2023 (with Dr. Anna Jelec)
- Member, School of Languages and Literatures PhD Student Council, 2021/2022
- Member, Organising Committee, 6th International Conference on Figurative Thought and Language (FTL6)
- Co-organiser of the invited session: Gender(ed) Identities: Diversity and Attitudes, YLMP 2021
- WA PhD Student Council member, 2019/2020 and 2020/2021
- SNJiL Doctoral School Representative in WA Teaching Assistance Team, 2020/2021
- WA GradTalk meetings with WA PhD Council
- Member, Organising Committee, YLMP 2021
- POL-ENG / ENG-POL Translator and Interpreter
Professional organisations
- Member, Researching and Applying Metaphor group
Conference presentations
- “Levels of metaphor in gesture”. 21st International Congress of Linguists, Poznań, 7–13 September 2024.
- “On the role of valence in bilingual orientational metaphor processing.” 21st International Congress of Linguists, Poznań, 7–13 September 2024.
- "Multimodality meets coming out. A verbo-gestural account", PASE2023, 30 June–2 July 2023
- "Secrets are throwable objects. A qualitative study of outing in metaphorical gestures", YLMP 2023, 19–21 May 2023
- "Viewpoint can be embodied. A look from the cognitive linguistic perspective", Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Embodiment and Relativity, 7–9 October 2022 (poster)
- "How KNOWING IS SEEING in gesture: a case of objectification in coming out narratives", Researching and Applying Metaphor 2022, 21–24 September 2022
- "Viewpoint in metaphorical gestures", 6th Figurative Thought and Language Conference, 20–21 April 2022
- "Is good really up? On the role of valence in orientational metaphor comprehension in Polish and English", Researching and Applying Metaphor 2022, 23–27 June (with Katarzyna Jankowiak and Patrycja Kakuba)
- "When ‘coming out’ is literally ‘coming out’. Gesture-speech alignment at a discourse level", Researching and Applying Metaphor 2022, 23–27 June (with Anna Jelec and Małgorzata Fabiszak)
- "Multimodal coming out: gestural metaphorical scenarios and coming out narratives", Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2021, 23–25 September
- "Perspectivising coming out: a cognitive linguistic look at verbo-gestural narratives", Poznań Linguistic Meeting 2021, 16–19 September (poster)
- "'Why can’t you just be yourself and not say anything?' or a multilevel cognitive approach to coming out", YLMP 2021, 23–25 April 2021
- "Street renaming as a means of re-ordering the symbolic cityscape in the time of shifting borders", B/ordering Cultures Online Conference, European University Viadrina, 8–10 October 2020, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany (with M. Fabiszak, A.W. Brzezińska, and P. Dobkiewicz)
- "Metaphors of coming out in speech and gesture of the LGBT community", Researching and Applying Metaphor Virtual Conference, 18–21 June 2020 (poster presentation, with Dr. Anna Jelec)
- "Metonymic inscription of ideology in cityscape", Researching and Applying Metaphor Virtual Conference, 18–21 June 2020 (with Prof. Małgorzata Fabiszak, Prof. Anna W. Brzezińska, and Patryk Dobkiewicz; presented by Prof. M. Fabiszak)
- "Coming out w spotkaniu z metaforą: Analiza wybranych materiałów z serwisu YouTube w perspektywie językoznawstwa kognitywnego", Horyzonty Języka VIII, Pobierowo, 2019
Workshops and courses
- Badanie gestów z wykorzystaniem czujnika ruchu Microsoft Kinect, KINEMO and ELAN, UAM Poznań, 2018
- Practical Workshop on EEG as a Research Tool in Psycholinguistics, Neuroscience of Language Laboratory, 2019
- Introduction to Corpus Linguistics: Theoretical and Methodological Basics, YLMP 2021 (with Dr. Julien Perrez, 24 April 2021)
- Surfing the Brainwaves, an EEG Workshop: Theoretical Basis and Practical Analysis, PLM 2021 (by Dr. Rafał Jończyk, 17 September 2021)
Other talks and presentations:
- "Making Queer Cognitive Linguistics happen now or how heteronormativity is a metaphor", WA GradTalks, 2021
- "Gesture and bilingualism in interaction: Research proposal", WA GradTalks (with Patrycja Kakuba and Dr. Katarzyna Jankowiak), 2020
- "Gestural metaphorical scenarios in acts of self-disclosure", WA GradTalks, 2020
- Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics
- Applied Psycholinguistics
- Academic Journal of Modern Philology
- Cognitive Semantics
- Current Psychology
Research projects
- Coming out as a multimodal metaphor - perspectives from gesture and speech (PhD project), Primary Supervisor: Dr. hab. Małgorzata Fabiszak, Prof. UAM; Secondary Supervisor: Dr. Anna Jelec (2019–2024)
- Comprehension of Valenced Orientational Metaphors in Polish-English Bilingual Speakers (with Katarzyna Jankowiak and Patrycja Kakuba, 2022–ongoing)
- Memory and Ideology in the Linguistic Landscape: Commemorative (Re)naming in East Germany and Poland 1916-2016, National Science Center Beethoven Grant (2016/23/G/HS2/00827), Role: Researcher (Principal Investigators: Prof. Małgorzata Fabiszak and Prof. Isabelle Buchstaller, 2019–2020)
Popularisation of science
- Series of interactive EEG workshops for primary school students, International School of Poznań, 2019 (with the Neuroscience of Language Laboratory staff)
- Practical Workshop on Frame Analysis in Media and Advertisements, Noc Naukowców 2019 (with the Dyskursanci reading group and Dr. Anna Jelec)
- Cognitive Media Analysis, Festiwal Innowacji Społecznych, 2018 (with Dyskursanci reading group and Dr. Anna Jelec)
- Językoznawstwo kognitywne i japońskie mowy polityczne, Fantamazuria Fan Convention, Ostróda, 2017
- Engrish, czyli jak (niektórzy) Japończycy mówią po angielsku, Olsztyn Days of Fantasy and Science, Olsztyn, 2016
- WA Dean's award for the best M.A. thesis in linguistics in the academic year 2018/2019