prof. UAM dr hab.Wiesław Kuhn

University professor
- (+48) 61 829 1025
Collegium Heliodori, room 218
Websites / Profiles
- M.A. in English, Oxford University, 1984
- Ph.D. in American literature, University of East Anglia, 1986
- D.Litt. in American literature, Poznań, 2011
Research interests
- Literature of the South
- The Agrarian tradition in Southern Writing: Allen Tate, Robert Penn Warren, John Crowe Ransom and Katherine Anne Porter
- Henry James
- Modernism
- American Naturalism, especially Stephen Crane and Henry Adams
- Religion and literature, particularly in relation to the theoretical work of Blanchot and Levinas
- Political theology and literary theory
- Edgar Allan Poe and the American Gothic
Teaching experience
- Southern literature
- American writers of the 1920s
- American modernism
- History of American literature
- Critical theory
Professional organizations
- International Association of University Professors of English
- Society for the Study of Southern Literature
- Modern Language Association
- Polskie Stowarzyszenie Studiów Amerykanistycznych (Polish Association for American Studies)
- The Association for Continental Philosophy of Religion
- Christian Literary Studies Group
- The Katherine Anne Porter Society
- Société d'études modernistes
- Adam Mickiewicz University Rector’s Prize for Scholarly Research, 2011
- Medal of the Commission of National Education (KEN), 2015
Research Fellowship
- Harry Ransom Center Research Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin, 2016-2017. Title of project: “The Politics of Bare Life: The European Imagination of James Agee”. Supported by the Fred W. Todd Southern Literature Endowment Fund.
- Visiting Scholarship, John F. Kennedy Centre for American Studies, Free University, Berlin, October-November 2002
- Visiting Scholarship, John F. Kennedy Centre for American Studies, Free University, Berlin, November-December 2008
Guest Lectures
- “‘I Can’t Live in Their World Any Longer’: Modernity and the Literature of the American South”, University of Vienna, April 2016
Guest Seminar
- Katherine Anne Porter seminar in “The American South and Europe: Mutual Perceptions” (seminar series organized by Prof dr Waldemar Zacharasiewicz), English Department, University of Vienna, April 2016.
Papers read at international conferences and congresses
- 4th Annual PAAS Conference, Puławy, 1994
- 6th Annual Fulbright Conference, Toruń, 1995
- EAAS Biannual Conference, Warsaw, 1996
- Literary Theory Conference, Sevastopol, 1996
- Annual Literary Conference, St. Petersburg, 1997
- 3rd International Gothic Association Conference, London, 1997
- EAAS Southern Studies Forum Symposium, Aero, Denmark, 1997
- Organs, Organisms, Organisations Conference Ustron, 1999
- Polish Association of American Studies Annual Conference, Toruń, 2000
- "Nature's Nation Revisited": European Association of American Studies Conference, Graz, 2000
- Polish Association for American Studies Annual Conference, Poznan, 2003
- PAAS (Polish Association for American Studies) Annual Conference, “American Experience—The Experience of America”, Gdansk, Poland, October 2011
- PAAS (Polish Association for American Studies) Annual Conference, “Americascapes”, Puławy, Poland, October 2012
- “Henry James: His Great Wars and Battles”. International Conference, Nicolas Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland, May 2013
- PAAS (Polish Association for American Studies) Annual Conference, "Eating America", Wrocław, Poland, October 2013
- Society for the Study of Southern Literature, Biannual Conference, Arlington, Virginia, March 2014
- “Religion and Spirituality in Literature and the Arts”, Department of English, University of Bucharest, Romania, June 2015
- Polish Association of American Studies annual conference, “Homeliness, Domesticity and Security in American Culture”, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, September 2015
- Katherine Anne Porter panel, American Literature Association annual conference, San Francisco, May 2016
- "Ideas Crossing the Atlantic: Theories, Normative Conceptions and Cultural Images": international conference held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Dec 2-4 2016
- "Border Crossings: Translation, Migration and Gender in the Americas, the Transatlantic and the Transpacific", Society for the Study of American Women Writers, University of Bordeaux, Montaigne, France, July 2017
- Société d'études modernistes, “Modernist Objects”, Sorbonne University, Paris, 13-16 June 2018 [paper and chairing panel on 'Magical Materialism']
- International Association of University Professors of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 22-26 July 2019 [paper and chairing session on Early American Literature (with Laura Stevens)]
- Christian Literary Studies Group Conference, “‘Every man a liar”: truth, text, rhetoric”, Corpus Christi College, Oxford University, 2 November 2019