drKatarzyna Bronk-Bacon

Assistant professor
- kbronkk@amu.edu.pl
- (+48) 61 829 1017
Collegium Heliodori, room 202
Websites / Profiles:
- B.A. in English 2005
- M.A. in English 2007
- PhD in English 2011
Research interests
- Medieval drama
- Restoration drama
- Eighteenth-century theatre and drama
- Inter-disciplinary Maternity Studies
- Humanistic gerontology
- Gender studies
Teaching experience
- History of English Literature
- British and American life and institutions
Papers read at international conferences and congresses
- 6th Medieval English Studies Symposium, Poznań 24-25 November, 2007
- "From Medieval to Medievalism: Student Approaches to Medieval English Studies", Warsaw 14th March, 2008
- 5th Literature in English Symposium, Poznań, Poland, 5th May 2009
- "From the Battle of Finnsburgh to Tony Harrison's Shrapnel: The glory and misery of war in English literature and culture", Koszalin, 3-5 September 2009
- 2nd Global Conference: "Evil, Women and the Feminine", Prague 3-5th May, 2010
- Mythologies 2010: Recycling Myths, Inventing Nations, University of Wales Conference, Gregynog, Powys, 14-16th July 2010
- Unity in Diversity, Szczecin, 21-24th October, 2010.
- 3rd Global Conference: Evil, Women and the Feminine. Warsaw, 13-15th May, 2011
- 10th Medieval English Studies Symposium Poznań, 19-20 November 2011
- 1st Global Conference: Celebrity: Exploring Critical Issues, Prague, 15-17th March, 2012
- 1st Global Conference: Sins, Vices and Virtues: At the Interface of Morality, Prague, 18th-20th March, 2012
- 7th Global Conference: The Erotic; Exploring Critical Issues, Oxford, 10th-12th September, 2012
- 2nd Global Conference: Celebrity: Exploring Critical Issues, Lisbon, 10-12th March, 2013
- 2nd Global Conference: Sins, Vices and Virtues: At the Interface of Morality, Lisbon, 13th-15th March 2013
- Literature in English Symposium, Poznań, 21st April 2013
- 12th Medieval English Studies Symposium, Poznan, 30th November - 1st December 2013
- 10th Literature in English Symposium, Poznan, 13th April 2014
- Perceptions of Pregnancy: From the Medieval to the Modern, University of Hertfordshire, 16-18th July 2014
- CLASH, Poznań, 5-6th December 2015
- Growing Up, Growing Old: Times and Seasons 2nd Global Meeting, May 5, 2016 to May 7, 2016, Praga