prof. dr hab.Liliana Sikorska

- (+48) 61 82 91 017
Collegium Heliodori, room 223
Websites / Profiles
- M.A. in English, Poznań, 1991
- Ph.D. in English literature, Poznań, 1994
- D.Litt. in English literature, Poznań, 1996
Research interests
- Medieval English literature
- Contemporary literture in English
- Contemporary Irish literature
- Literary linguistics
- Theory of literature
Teaching experience
- History of English literature
- Medieval English literature
- Contemporary literature in English
- Irish literature
- Canadian literature
- Theory of literature
- Literary linguistics
- Feminist (gender) studies
- Modern Polish literature and culture
- Polish as a foreign language
Professional experience
- Lecturer, summer school of Polish language and culture for American students Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 1991, 1992, 1994.
- Deputy director of the summer schools of English for Polish students Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 1991, 1992
- Assistant lecturer, School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 1991-1994
- Visiting lecturer, Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Florida, Gainesville, 1992-1993
- Coordinator of the program of teaching Polish literature and culture to American Students, 1993-1994
- Adiunkt (American assistant professor), School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 1994-1996
- Head of the Canadian Literature Section, School of English Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 1996-1998
- Head of the Department of English Literature and Literary Linguistics, School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 1997-
- Deputy head for student affairs, School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 1997-1998
- Professor, Adam Mickiewicz University, 1997-2002
- Professor, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa [State Higher Vocational School], Konin, 1998-1999
- Professor, Pomorska Akademia Pedagogiczna, Słupsk, 1999- 2002
- Professor, College of Foreign Languages, Poznań, 2001- 2004
- Professor extraordinaria, School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 2002-2003
- Professor ordinaria, School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 2003-
- Professor, College of Foreign Languages, Szczecin, 2002-
- President (Pol. rektor), College of Foreign Languages, Szczecin, 2003-
- Professor, Poznań School of Business and Foreign Languages, 2004-
- Professor, College of Foreign Languages, Szczecin, 2002-2008
- President (Pol. rektor), College of Foreign Languages, Szczecin, 2003-2008
- Professor, Poznań School of Business and Foreign Languages, 2004-2005
- Professor, Samuel B. Linde College of Modern Languages, Poznań, 2016 -
Other professional experience
- Interviewer in Spanish and English for the Economic Survey, State of Florida Central Agency for Economic Research, College of Business Administration, University of Florida, Gainesville, 1992-1993.
- Assistant Group coordinator for the University of Florida students at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 1991, 1992.
Professional organizations
- British Comparative Literature Association, Coventry, UK
- Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE)
- Societas Linguistica Europaea
- Modern Language Association of America
- Polish Linguistic Society
- International Association of University Professors of English
- Medieval Academy of America
- European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, Paryż (since 2011)
- Agder Vetenskaps Akademie, Kristiansand, Norwegia Agder/ Academy of Sciences and Letters (since 2007)
- IAUPE International Association of University Professors of English (member since 2002, President 2016-2019)
- IAUPE Prepresentative to FILLM [Fédération Internationale des Langues et Littératures Modernes since 2014]
- FILLM (Treasurer: 2018-2020)r
- PAIS (Polish Association for the Study of English (since 2019)
- PAIS’s International Relations Officer (since 2019)
- Member, Editorial Board, (series) Studies in English Language and Literature in Poland, Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang Verlag, 1999
- Member, Editorial Board, (series) Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature, Frankfurt/ M.: Peter Lang Verlag, 1999
- Member, Editorial Board, Studia Anglica Posnaniensia, 2001
- Co-editor, Medieval English Mirror (Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang Verlag), 2004
- Editor, Studies in Literature in English (Frankfurt/M: Peter Lang Verlag); 2008
- Studia Anglica Posnaniensia (literary editor since 2016)
Visiting lecturer
- University of Florida, Gainesville, 1992-93
Guest lectures
- University of Bamberg, 1995, 1997
- University of Jordan, Amman, 1996
- University of Tromso, Norway, 1997
- Modern Languages and Literature Committee, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 1998
- Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 1999
- Umea University, Sweden, 1999
- Southern Georgia University, Statesboro, USA, 2001
- Hiroshima University, Japan, 2003
- Kansai University, Osaka, Japan, 2003
- Seijo University, Tokyo, Japan, 2003
- Lviv University, Ukraine (2004)
- KukminUniversity, Seoul, Korea (2005)
- Wyższa Szkoła Filologiczna, Wrocław (2009)
- Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Humanistycznych i Dziennikarstwa (2010)
- CornellUniversity, Ithaca, USA (2010)
- Texas A&M University, Laredo (2010)
- Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń (2014)
- Agder Academy Meeting, Poznań (2015) “Being (non)-human on the topography of monsterns medieval and modern"
- Agder Academy Meeding, Poznań (2017) “Kasuo Ishiguro and his work”
- Wyższa Szkoła Języków Obcych w Poznaniu Perspektywy rozwoju kształcenia filologicznego: potrzeby a rzeczywistość" Wyższa Szkoła Języków Obcych w Poznaniu (2016, 2018).
- Kyoto (Doshisha University), (2019) ”The Animal and the Human in medieval English Romances”
- Kobe (Kobe Women’s University), (2019): “The Waning of old Japan in Andrew Miller’s One Morning like a Bird”
- Workshop dla studentów Hamamatsu Medical University (Japonia) (2019): “When parallel lines meet: Literature and medicine in interaction.”
Plenary lectures
- ”Internal Exile: Dorothea of Montau’s Inward Journey” (2nd Medieval English Studies Symposium, Poznań, 2003).
- "Imagining Heaven: Visions of bliss in medieval mystical discourse" (3rd Medieval English Studies Symposium, Poznań, 2004).
- "Forbidden books and Banished authors: Their literary afterlife" (Polish Association for the Study of English Annual Conference, Poznań, 2004).
- "Pilgrims in Purgatory: Penance and pleasure in medieval and contemporary journeys" (Medieval Studies Conference, Warsaw, 2008).
- "Sacred spaces. Journeys of self-discovery in medieval and contemporary Literature” (Polish Association for the Study of English Conference, Opole, 2009).
- "Waiting for the barbarians: Conceptualizing fear in medieval Saracen romances" (7th International Conference on Middle English, Lviv, 2011).
- "Malevolent visitors: on hosts and hostiles in medieval romances" (4th International Conference of the Society of Historical English Language and Linguistics Tokyo, 2012).
- "Sir Isumbras meets Jack Bauer, or on the (re)reading of medieval Saracen Romances" (Culture and Space. Composition Creation Edition, Toruń, 2014).
- "The bizarre bazaar, or on "going into hethen cuntre" in medieval and nineteenth century romances" (The Outlandish, Uncanny, and Bizarre in Literatures and Cultures, Opole, 2014).
- "The e/illusive idea of freedom: Brian Moore's The Magician's Wife and Laroussi el Metoui's Halima" (Freedom of Culture/Cultures of Freedom Łódź, 2015).
- "Being (non)human, or on the topography of "monsters" medieval and modern" (Agder Academy meeting, Poznań, 2015).
- Freedom of Culture/Cultures of Freedom. "The e/illusive idea of freedom: Brian Moore's The Magician's Wife and Laroussi el Metoui's Halima" (Łódź, 2015).
- First World Humanities Congress. Wystąpienie w panelu reprezentującym FILLM “Humanities "in crisis", or the Ivory Tower Besieged” (Liege, 2017).
Papers read at international conferences and congresses
- International Conference of British Comparative Studies, Warwick University, 1991
- Annual Meeting of the Polish Association for the Study of English, Popowo, 1994
- Tempus Conference, Rydzyna, 1994
- Annual Meeting of the Polish Association for the Study of English, Poznań, 1995
- Annual Meeting of the Polish Association for the Study of English, Łódź, 1996
- Annual Societas Linguistica Europaea Meeting, Klagenfurt, 1996
- Middle English Text and Context, 2nd International Conference on Middle English, Helsinki, 1997
- Annual Convention of Modern Language Association of America, Toronto, 1997
- International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 1998
- The Evidence of Literature, International Conference on Literature and Linguistics, Kazimierz nad Wisłą, 1998
- 3rd International Conference on Middle English, Dublin, 1999
- 35th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, 2000
- International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 2001
- 36th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, 2001
- British Drama through Ages, Łódź, 2001
- 37th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, 2002
- Medieval Literature, Languages and Culture: A Symposium in Memory of Margaret Schlauch (1898-1986), Poznań, 2002
- Postmodern Medievalism. The Seventeenth International Meeting of the Conference on Medievalism, Cedar Falls, Iowa (USA), 2002
- 38th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, 2003
- Medieval English Studies Symposium (MESS2), Poznań, 2003
- 39th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, 2004
- 13th Annual Meeting of the Polish Association for the Study of English, Poznań, 2004
- International Association of University Professors of English Conference, Vancouver, 2004
- "From Medieval to Medievalism: Student Approaches to Medieval English Studies", Warsaw, 2008
- 8th MESS: Medieval English Studies Symposium, Poznań, 2009
- 6th LIES: Literature in English Symposium, Poznań, 2010
- 7th International Conference on Middle English (plenary paper), Lviv, 2011
- 4th International Conference of the Society of Historical English Language and Linguistics Tokyo 2012.
- International Conference on Medieval English Literature and Culture, Tokyo, 2012
- International Association of University Professors of English, Beijing 2013
- Federation Internationale des Languages et Literatures Modernes, Ningbo 2014
- IAUPE Triennial Conference. London (2016) “The marriages of Margery K. and Dorothea S."
- FILLM Congress, New Delhi, Indie (2017) “Turning the Exotic into the Familiar. Tabish Khair's Novels and their Contemporary Cultural and Political Context.”
- International Medieval Congress, Leeds (2017) The Animal that Therefore I am: Between the Marvelous and the Mundane in Selected Medieval Romances”
- “Traveling with Coetzee”, Oxford (2017) “Slow Man, Some Notes on the Poznań Reception of the Opera”.
- FILLM Executive meeting, Vienna (2018) “Associations and Academies: their roles in the contemporary world”.
- PASE conference, Poznań (2019) “Japan in English: The Waning of Old Japan in Andrew Miller’s One Morning like a Bird.”
- Wykład na konferencji międzynarodowej upamiętniającej dziesięciolecie powstania Poznańskiego Oddziału Agder Academy (2019): ”Norwegian Wood(s), or on the three possible roads to be taken.”
- The Ninth International Conference on Middle English, Wrocław (2015) “Being Non-Human. Reading Saracen Romances in their cultural background.
- 30 Rocznica Anglistyki Toruńskiej, Toruń (2016) ”The Pleasures of (Medieval and Modern Texts). A comedy in Three Acts”.
- Minister of National Education of Poland Award for outstanding research results, 1997.
- Adam Mickiewicz University President's prize for outstanding post-doctoral dissertation, 1997
- Minister of National Education of Poland Award for outstanding research results, 2003
Research grants/fellowships
- Tempus scholarship, Northampton University College, UK (winter semester), 1991
- Exchange scholarship, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, 1994, 1997
- British Council scholarship, Summer School of English Literature, Edinburgh, 1994
- Brown University, Providence R.I. (summer semester), 1994
- Research grant, Bamberg University, Germany, 1995, 1997
- Kosciusko Foundation fellowship, University of California, Los Angeles. (six months), 1995-1996
- Polish Ministry of Research grant, Stanford University, California, and The American University, Washington DC (six months), 2000-2001
- Fulbright Scholarship: Cornell University, Ithaca, USA (winter semester), 2010-2011
- Adam Mickiewicz University President’s Prize for outstanding research (2016)
- Dean of the Faculty of English prize for organizational achievements (2016)
- Dean of the Faculty of English prize for organizational achievements (2019)
Direction of dissertations and theses
- Completed 16 Ph.D. diss. and 62 M.A. Theses
Defended PhD theses
- 2001
- Agnieszka Setecka: “We other Victorians”: Victorian inspiration in the fiction of contemporary British women
- 2002
- Dagmara Drewniak: Imaginary homelands lost and found in the selected texts of the postcolonial literature written in English
- Ryszard Bartnik: (De)construction of female identity in contemporary women’s writing
- Joanna Maciulewicz: Vestiges of the eighteenth century debate of history and fiction in selected historical novels by Sir Walter Scott
- Dagmara Krzyżaniak: Miscommunication, aggression and violence. A sociolinguistic study of contemporary drama
- Ewa Urbaniak-Rybicka: The interplay of high and low literary forms in English Canadian novels by women writers
- Krzysztof Fordoński: The symbolic systems of the Italian Novels of Edgar Morgan Foster.
- 2003
- Joanna Bukowska: Between the concept of man and the concept of romance hero. Semiotic cultural analysis of characters in Thomas Malory’s Morte Darthur
- 2007
- Anna Warmuz: “Metaphors they lived by”, the language of English Medieval literary texts. A stylistic investigation.
- 2009
- Łukasz Hudomięt: Medieval vices, modern texts. Tracing vanity, greed and lust in medieval and (post)colonial literature.
- Małgorzata Milczarek: Writing against the closure: genre, time and space in new woman fiction.
- 2011
- Katarzyna Bronk: From Religious to Secular Drama. Female Saints and Sinners in Medieval and Restoration Theatre/Drama
- 2012
- Jacek Olesiejko: Sin and moral tradition in Old English poetry: A study in tropological poetics
- 2013
- Joanna Jarząb: Houses, towns, cities – The changing perception of space and place in contemporary Irish novels
- 2015
- Joanna Ludwikowska-Leniec: Crime and Punishment: aspects of Otherness and traces of late medieval religiosity in the literature of sevnteenth century Puritan communities in England and America"
- Marta Frątczak: (R)evolution in the perception of history, national identity and nature in the contemporary Anglo-Guyanese novel.
Organised Literary Events and Meetings with Distinguished Guests
- Irish Literature Festival 2002: Anthony Cronin, Anne Haverty and Dermot Healy
- Irish Literature Festival 2003: Leland Bardwell, Anthony Cronin, Paul Durcan
- Irish Literature Festival 2004: Michael Smith and Trevor Joyce
- 2005 A session dedicated to prof. Henryk Zbierski, devoted to Shakespeare Studies with Prof. Jerzy Limon (Gdański University), Prof. Małgorzata Grzegorzewska (Warsaw University) and Prof. Jacek Fabiszak
- 2006 2d "Irish Literature and its afterlife" Literature in English Symposium with Kevin Lavin and Professor Jerzy Jarniewicz (Łodż University)
- 2007 3d "Only the Impossible is Worth the Effort: Magic and the Occult in the Literature in English"
- Literature in English Symposium with Lindsay Clarke and Professor Wiesław Krajka (UMCS)
- 2008 4th "History is Mostly Repair and Revenge. Discourse of/on History in Literature in English Literature in English Symposium with Adam Thorpe and Professor Sabine Heinz [then Adam Mickiewicz University]
- 2009 5th "Counterfeited our names we have, craftily all thynges vpright to saue" Literature in English Symposium with Dr. Andrew Miller and Professor Leszek Drong (University of Silesia)
- 2010 6th "Empty treasure chests dumped from departed ships" Literature in English Symposium David Dabydeen (Bookarest ) and Professor Marta Wiszniowska (Toruń University)
- 2011 7th "Eyes deep with unfathomable histories. The poetics and politics of magic realism today and in the past" Literature in English Symposium with Pauline Melville and Professor Jeanne Delbaere-Garant.
- 2012 8th "Of what is past and passing and to come. Travelling in Time and Space in English". Literature in English Symposium with Professor Cathy Caruth (Cornell University) and Marina Warner .
- 2013 9th "I am an exile from heaven beating on its closed doors". Saints and Sinners: Postmodernism, Feminism and Medievalism in Literature in English" Literature in English Symposium with Michele Roberts and Professor Sarah Salih.
- 2014 10th ‘Las palabras no secaen en el vacío’ [Words do not fall into the void]: On imagination, borders and friendship Literature in English Symposium with Sharon Maas.
- 2015 11th "Poetry and Beyond ..." Paul Muldoon and Nick Hayes
- Literature in English Symposium Lindsay Clarke 2006 meeting in Bookarest
- Literature in English Symposium Adam Thorpe meeting in Bookarest
- Literature in English Symposium Andrew Miller meeting in Bookarest
- Literature in English Symposium David Dabydeen meeting in Bookarest
- Pauline Melville (2011 & 2012) meeting with Wydawnictwo Poznańskie
- CLASH I 2012 with Ulrich Schreiber (director of Berlin Literature Festival)
- CLASH II 2014 Sheila Kohler (Princeton University)
- Akademicki Poznań: 2013 Glenn Patterson
- Akademicki Poznań: 2015 Paul Muldoon
- MESS 2002: A Symposium in Memory of Professor Margaret Schlauch (1898-1986) Sheila Delany (Simon Fraser University), Stephanie Trigg (University of Melbourne), John Ganim (University of California, Riverside), Al Shoaf (university of Florida, Gainesville), Jane Chance (Rice University, Texas) and Joyce Coleman (then University of North DAkota), Barbara Kowalik (then Maria Curie-Skłodowska Universiy, Lublin), Andrzej Wicher (University of Łodź) and Władysław Witalisz (Jagiellonian University).
- MESS 2003: Jerzy Strzelczyk (Adam Mickiewicz University
- MESS 2004: Ruta Nagucka (Jagiellonian University), Yung-Bae Park (Seoul University), , Michiko Ogura (then Chiba University, Tokyo), Paul Szarmach (University of Michigan, Kalamazoo)
- MESS 2005: Stephen Wright (The Catholic University of America, Washington DC), Joyce Coleman (University of North Dakota), Michał Bilynsky (Lviv University), Gaby Knappe (Bamberg University) Andreas Weihe, (Bamberg University) Noel Harold Kaylor (Troy University, Alabama).
- MESS 2006: John Coldewey (University of Seattle), Christine Rose (Portland University)
- MESS 2007: Noel Harold Kaylor (Troy University, Alabama)
- MESS 2008: Rory McTurk (Leeds University)
- MESS 2009: Michael Alexander, Sabine Heinz (then)
- MESS 2013: Richard Newhauser (Arizona State University)
- CLASH 2016 połączony z MMESS (współorganizowane z Instytutem Filologii Germańskiej i Instytutem Filologii Romańskiej) (gość Jeffrey Jerome Cohen Washington University)
- IAUPE Executive Committee Meeting, Poznań 2018.
- IAUPE Triennial Conference, Poznań 2019.
- Paul Muldoon (Princeton University w ramach programu Akademicki Poznań), 2015. Organizacja wykładu, przygotowanie dwujęzycznej ulotki o pisarzu oraz tłumaczenie wykładu.
- Tabish Khair (Dania), 2015 Organizacja wykładu, przygotowanie dwujęzycznej ulotki o pisarzu
- Mike Absalom (Irlandia) 2016. Organizacja spotkania z pisarzem i malarzem w ramach obchodów Dnia świętego Patryka 17. 03. 2016.
- Vona Groarke (Manchester University w ramach programu Akademicki Poznań) 2016. Organizacja spotkania z poetką, przygotowanie dwujęzycznej ulotki o pisarce).
- Jeffrey Jerome Cohen (George Washington University, USA w ramach programu Akademicki Poznań), 2016. Oranizacja spotkania z badaczem literatury i kultury Średniowiecza oraz specjalistą z dziedziny ekokrytyki dla studentów i Koła Literackiego LoveLit Club.
- Meenakshi Bharat (University of New Delhi) 2018. Organizacja warsztatów, spotkania Love lit Club oraz wykładu otwartego, przygotowanie dwujęzycznej ulotki o pisarce.
- Bernardine Evaristo (IAUPE 2019) przygotowanie dwujęzycznej ulotki o pisarce
- Elleke Boehmer (IAUPE 2019) przygotowanie dwujęzycznej ulotki o pisarce
- Maurice Fitzpatrick (IAUPE 2019)
- Siofra O’Donovan (Meet the Writer: Connections 20-21)
Listed in
- Who's who in the world, Chicago
- International who is who, Cambridge
- Złota księga humanistyki polskiej [Golden book of Polish humanities], Warsaw
- The contemporary who's who, Cambridge
Selected Recent Publications
- "Jacek Fisiak: The Presence of an absence" in: Sauer, Hans, Piotr Chruszczewski (eds). 2020. Mostly Medieval. In Memory of Jacek Fisiak. San Diego: Academic Publishing.
- "Voluntary Enclosure: Dorothea of Montau's Exemplary Journey" in: Vikram Chopra (ed). Corona Crisis. Gems from Debris. A Spectrum of Fresh Reflections. New Delhi: Heritage Publishers. pp 80-85.
- "Professor Michiko Ogura in "A Fair Field Full of Folk" in: M.J. Toswell and Taro Ishiguro (eds.). 2022. New York: Peter Lang Verlag, 21-27.
- 2022. “Associations and Academies: Their Roles in the Contemporary World” in: Tom Clark and Paddy Gordon (eds). Beyond Babel. Scholarly organizations and the study of Languages and Literatures. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 59- 75. DOI 10.1075/fillm.18.