prof. UAM dr hab.Magdalena Wrembel

University professor
- (+48) 61 829 3522
Collegium Heliodori, rooms: 187, 247
Fot. NCN, autor Michał Łepecki
- Head of Bilingualism Matters@Poznań
- PI of GRIEG-1 NCN/Norway grants (ADIM)
Websites / Profiles:
- M.A. in English, Poznań, 1993
- Ph.D. in English, Poznań, 2005
- D.Litt. in Linguistics, Poznań, 2016
Research interests
- Second and Third Language Acquisition
- Phonetics and phonology
- Bilingualism and multilingualism
- Language awareness
- Psycholinguistics
- Innovative trends in pronunciation pedagogy
Teaching experience
- Practical English: pronunciation
- English phonetics and phonology
- Bilingualism and multilingualism
- BA/MA seminars
- Acquisition of foreign language phonology
- Methodology of TEFL
- TEFL at university level
- Translation and interpreting
- Teaching English for Special Purposes
Professional experience
- Lecturer of English, Franco-Polish School of New Information and CommunicationTechnologies, Poznań, 1993–1996
- Freelance translator and interpreter, 1996–
- Assistant lecturer in English, Teacher Training College, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 1996–2005
- Assistant professor, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 2005–2017
- University professor, Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (UAM), 2017–
Other professional experience
- Coordinator of the International Youth Trust Exchange Programme, Teacher Training College, Roehampton University London, 2000–2005
- Proxy to the Dean for students' financial support (2008–2010)
- Acting Deputy Dean for Research and International Collaboration (2015–2016)
- Deputy head of the Poznań branch of Bilingualism Matters (2018- )
Professional organizations
- International Phonetic Association
- Association for Language Awareness
- Societas Linguistica Europaea
- EUROSLA – European Second Language Association
- International Association of Multilingualism
Papers read at international conferences and congresses
- Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference (PTLC), 2001, London
- Teaching Foreign Language Phonetics, 2001, Soczewka k. Płocka
- Teaching Phonetics - theories and practice, 2002, Wąsosze k. Konina
- IATEFL PL, 2002, Poznań
- 10th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 2002, Manchester, UK
- Teaching Foreign Language Phonetics, 2003, Soczewka k. Płocka
- 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), 2003, Barcelona
- Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 2004, Poznań
- Teaching Foreign Language Phonetics, 2004, Mikorzyn k. Konina
- IATEFL PL, Toruń, 2005
- Teaching Foreign Language Phonetics, 2005, Soczewka k. Płocka
- Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference (PTLC), 2005, London
- 37th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 2006, Poznań
- Teaching Foreign Language Phonetics, 8–10 May 2006, Mikorzyn
- Phonetics Teaching and Leaning Conference (PTLC), 2007, London
- Transfer in L3 phonology -- satellite workshop of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), 2007, Freiburg
- IATEFL Research SIG Conference -- Exploring English Language Learning and Teaching, 2007, Konin
- Phonetics and Phonology in Third Language Acquisition – Satellite workshop of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), 3–4 August 2007, Freiburg, Germany
- Fifth International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech, New Sounds 25–28 November 2007, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
- 20th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition, 15–17 May 2008, Szczyrk
- ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, 25–27 August 2008, Athens, Greece
- 39th Poznań Linguistic Meeting PLM 2008, 11–14 August 2008, Gniezno, Poland
- Accents 2008, Variability in non-native English speech, 12–14 December 2008, Łódź, Poland
- 43rd International IATEFL Conference, 31 March–4 April 2009, Cardiff, UK
- Mówienie w języku obcym – sukcesy i porażki uczenia się i nauczania, 18–20 May 2009, Konin, Poland
- 40th Poznań Linguistic Meeting PLM 2008, 2–5 September 2009, Gniezno, Poland
- 42nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, 9–12 September 2009, Lisbon, Portugal
- Accents 2009 (Variability in non-native English speech), 11–13 December 2009, Łódz, Poland
- 6th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech (New Sounds 2010) 1–3 May 2010, Poznań
- Third Language (L3) Acquisition Workshop: Developing a Research Base, 6–11 June 2010, Iowa City
- 20th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Acquisition (EuroSLA 20), 1–4 September, 2010, Reggio Emilia, Italy
- Accents 2010 (4th International Conference on Native and Non-native Accents of English), Łódź
- 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), 17–21 August 2011, Hong Kong
- 21st Annual Conference of the European Second Language Acquisition (EuroSLA 21), 8–10 September, 2011, Stockholm
- 7th International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism, 15–17 September 2011, Warszawa
- Accents 2011 (5th International Conference on Native and Non-native Accents of English), 15–17 December 2011, Łódź
- 24th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition, 16–19 May 2012, Szczyrk
- Third Language (L3) Acquisition: A focus on cognitive approaches, 24–25 May 2012, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
- 22nd Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association EuroSLA 22, 5–8 September 2012, Poznań, Poland
- 8th International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism, 13–15 September 2012, Castelló, Spain
- Workshop on “Universal or diverse paths to English phonology? Bridging the gap between research on phonological acquisition of English as second, third and foreign language”, 19–21 September 2012, Münster, Germany
- Accents 2012 (6th International Conference on Native and Non-native Accents of English), 6–8 December 2012, Łódź
- EPIP3 (3rd International Conference on English Pronunciation: Issues & Practices), 8–10 May 2013, Murcia, Spain
- 7th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech (New Sounds 2013), Montreal
- 46th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, 18–21 September 2013, Split, Croatia
- Accents 2013 (7th International Conference on Native and Non-native Accents of English), 5–7 December 2013, Łódź
- 9th International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism, 12–14 June 2014, Uppsala, Sweden
- 24th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association EuroSLA 24, 3–6 September 2014, York, UK
- 47th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, 11–14 September 2014, Poznań, Poland
- Workshop on Multilingual Language Acquisition, Processing and Use, 20–21 March 2015, Tromsø, Norway
- 48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, 2–5 September 2015, Leiden
- 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), 10–14 August 2015, Glasgow
- The International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 7–10 September 2015, Chania, Greece
- LASLAB Workshop on CLI: Working with cross-linguistic effects in the classroom, 27 April 2016, Vitoria-Gasteiz
- 8th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech (New Sounds 2016), Aarhus, 10–12 June 2016
- 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, 31 August–3 September 2016, Naples
- Symposium on multilingualism, language proficiency and age, 1–2 December 2016, Stockholm
- 5th Workshop on Multilingual Language Acquisition, Processing and Use, 6-7 May 2017, Poznań
- The International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 4-7 September 2017, Chania, Greece
- 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, 10-13 September 2017, Zürich
- 47th Poznań Linguistic Meeting PLM 2017, 18-20 September 2017, Poznań
- Language, Identity and Education in Multilingual Contexts Conference, 1-3 February 2018, Dublin, Ireland
- Current Trends in Linguistics Conference, 23-24 March, 2018, Hamburg, Germany
- 28th EuroSLA Conference, 5-8 September 2018, Münster, Germany
- 11th International Conference on Multilingualism and Third Language Acquisition, 13-15 September 2018, Lisbon, Portugal
- 2nd International Conference on Bilingualism, 25-27 March 2019, Malta
- L3 Workshop: Multilingual Language Acquisition, Processing and Use, 7-8 June 2019, Konstanz, Germany
- Roundtable on European Language Policies in Higher Education, 14 June 2019 Castellon, Spain
- 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), 4-10 August 2019, Melbourne, Australia
- 9th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech (New Sounds 2019), 30 August - 1 September, 2019, Tokyo, Japan
- 49th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 16-18 September 2019, Poznań, Poland.
- Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium 2020 - 22nd September 2020 (online)
- 1st EPICUR Student's Event in Poznań - 8th October 2020 (online)
- Young Linguists Meeting in Poznań YLMP 23-25 April 2021 (special session)
- International Symposium on Bilingualism ISB 10-14 July 2021
- AILA 2021 World Congress of Applied Linguistics Groningen 15-20 August 2021
- Societas Linguistica Europaea SLE 2021 31 August – 3 September 2021
- EPICUR workshop conference on multilingualism 25 September 2021 Strasbourg
- Workshop on L3 Development After the Initial State (L3-AIS 2021) 1-2 October 2021
- Accents 2021 Łódź December 2021
- New Sounds 2022 Barcelona April 2022
- Societas Linguistica Europaea SLE 2022 Bucharest August 2022
- International Symposium on Multilingualism L3 IAM Zagreb September 2022
- Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium September 2022 Edinburgh (hybrid)
- Poznań Linguistic Meeting September 2022
- Accents December 2022 Łódź
- PAC Phonology of Contemporary English 12-14 April 2023 Paris
- APAP 2023 Approaches to Phonology and Phonetics, 23-24 June 2023 Lublin
- Looking ahead: Developing academics’ and students’ linguistic and intercultural competence for a globalised world, Centre of Languages and Communication (CLC) at Poznań University of Technology, 24 May 2023
- 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences ICPhS 2023, Prague, 7-11 August 2023
- Societas Linguistica Europaea SLE 2023, Athens, 29 August – 1 September 2023
- Poznań Linguistic Meeting PLM 13-15 September 2023
- Nordic Network for L2 Pronunciation NNL2P, Trondheim, Norway, 12 October 2023
Invited lectures
- Wyższa Szkoła Języków Obcych, Poznań, 2005
- Archibald Language School, Warszawa, 2006
- Studium Języków Obcych, British Council, Poznań, 2006
- University of Augsburg, Germany, 2008
- Sorbonne University, Paris 3, France, 2009
- University of Essex, Colchester, UK, 2013
- University Paris 8, 2014
- University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2016
- Stockholm University, 2016
- University of Barcelona, 2017
- University of Hamburg, 2018
- University of Konstanz 2019
- Universitat Jaume I Castellon 2019
- Waseda University, Tokyo, 2019
- University of Barcelona 2019
- PASE 2019, Adam Mickiewicz University (plenary talk)
- Waseda University, Tokyo, 2019 (invited talk and roundtable)
- The Arctic University of Norway, AcqVA Aurora Guest Lecture Tromsø, 2020, 2022
- National Conference “The school of tomorrow” Educational Fair Poznań 2020 (plenary talk)
- L3-AIS 2021 (online Boston, invited talk)
- Accents 2021 Łódź (plenary talk)
- SLE 2022 Bucharest (plenary talk)
- Accents 2022 Łódź (invited talk)
- PAC 2023 Paris (plenary)
- Workshop on L3 acquisition, Uppsala 2023 (invited talk)
- APAP 2023 Lublin (plenary)
- CLC Conference at Poznań University of Technology, May 2023 (plenary talk)
- Nordic Network for L2 Pronunciation NNL2P 2023, Trondheim (plenary talk)
- Guest editor of IATEFL Newsletter of the Pronunciation Special Interest Group "Speak Out!" Dec 2007, No 38
- Guest editor (with Ulrike Gut and Grit Mehlhorn) of a "Special issue on L3 phonology", International Journal of Multilingualism 7(1) (2010)
- Guest editor (with Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk and Małgorzata Kul) of a Special Issue of Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, vol. 47 (1), March 2011
- Guest-editor (with Jennifer Cabrelli Amaro) of a Special Issue “Advances in the Investigation of L3 Phonological Acquisition”, International Journal of Multilingualism 13(4), 2016
- Reviewer for PSiCL – Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, IJM – International Journal of Multilingualism, IJB - International Journal of Bilingualism, Language Awareness, Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism (LAB), Phrasis – Studies in Language and Literature, Canadian Modern Language Review, Journal of Phonetics, Journal of Second Language Pronunciation (JSLP), etc
- External reviewer of PhD theses: University of Barcelona 2015, 2020, University of the Basque Country 2010, 2016, 2019, Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona 2014, University of Aarhus 2016, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona 2020, Rutgers University 2023, University of Münster 2023
Member of scientific committees
- Member of the Executive Board of Societas Linguistica Europaea SLE (2014-2017, 2020-2023)
- President/Elect/Vice-President of Societas Linguistica Europaea(2020-2023)
- Member of the Scientific Committee of international conferences, including EuroSLA, EPIP, ExLing, ISMBS, SLE, Subsidia, PLM, ICPC, ICPhS, Accents
- Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism (LAB), Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech
- Member at large of the Executive Board of the International Association of Multilingualism (2018 - 2020)
- European Research Council panel member ERC COG (SH4) 2021, 2023
- TEMPUS scholarship, Nene College, Northampton, UK, 1992
- WR Lee IATEFL Scholarship, 2009
- Obermann Fellowship, June 2010, Obermann Centre for Advanced Studies, the University of Iowa
- FSS Norway Grant, March 2015
- IDUB Foreign research stay - November 2022 Tromsø, Norway
Organizer of international conferences
- Co-organiser of the satellite workshop of the 16th ICPhS, Phonetics and Phonology in Third Language Acquisition, 3–4 August 2007, Freiburg, Germany
- Session organizer, Metacompetence in SLA, 38th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 13–16 September 2007, Gniezno
- Co-organiser of a workshop "How global is English in the globalising world" at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, 9–12 September 2009, Lisbon, Portugal
- Co-organiser of the International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech, New Sounds 2010, 1–3 May 2010, Poznań
- Co-organiser of the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA22), 6–8 September 2012, Poznań
- Co-organiser of the Language Learning Roundtable 'Interdisciplinary perspectives on the acquisition of second language phonology', 5 September 2012, Poznań
- Co-organiser of 47th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, 11–14 September 2014, Poznań, Poland
- 5th Workshop on Multilingual Language Acquisition, Processing and Use, 6-7 May 2017, Poznań
- Co-organiser of a workshop “Modelling the acquisition of foreign language speech: old meets new” at the Societas Linguistica Europaea, 10-13 September 2017, Zürich
- Co-organiser of a special poster session at ICPhS Melbourne, Australia, 2019 “Theoretical and methodological challenges in L3 phonological acquisition”
- Co-organiser of a special session, AILA, Groningen, 2021
- Co-organiser of two thematic sessions, PLM, Poznań, 2022
- Co-organiser of a thematic sessions, PLM, Poznań, 2023
Research projects / grants
- 2021-2024 - OPUS-19-HS ( UMO-2020/37/B/HS2/00617) CLIMAD Cross-linguistic influence in multilingualism across domains: Phonology and syntax (PI)
- 2021-2024 - GRIEG NCN - Norway Grants - ADIM Across-domain investigations in multilingualism: Modeling L3 acquisition in diverse settings (co-PI), in cooperation with UiT in Tromsø and NTNU in Trondheim
- 2009–2010 – Interdisciplinary grant of Adam Mickiewicz University and University of Medical Sciences in Poznań, "Cross-modal associations between sounds and colours" (PI)
- 2011–2013 – National Programme for the Development of Humanities, Polish Ministry of Higher Education (12H 11 0043 80), "Cross-linguistic influence in the acquisition of third language phonology" (PI)
- 2014–2016 – National Programme for the Development of Humanities, Polish Ministry of Higher Education (12H 13052982), "Phonological and morpho-syntactic features of Polish bilingual children in the context of emigration to the UK", in co-operation with UW and UJ (co-investigator)
- 2017-2019 – international grant of the Polish-German Foundation of Science, "MULTI-PHON - Phonological cross-linguistic influence in young multilinguals" in co-operation with the University of Münster (PI)
- AMU Rector's Prize for organisational and didactic achievements (2009)
- AMU Rector's Prize for organisational achievements (2010)
- AMU Rector's Prize for organisational and didactic achievements (2011)
- AMU Rector's Prize for research achievements (2013)
- AMU Rector's Prize for organisational achievements (2014)
- AMU Rector's Prize for research achievements (2016)
- AMU Rector's Prize for organisational achievements (2016)
- Minister of Science and Higher Education's team award for didactic achievements (2015)
- AMU Rector's Prize for organisational achievements (2017)
- AMU Rector's Prize for organisational achievements (2018)
- AMU Rector's Prize for organisational achievements (2019)