WA Pronunciation Games
Welcome to WA Pronunciation Games!
Our aim is to teach phonetics in a fun and easy way. Below you will find our first free print & play board game. Gather your friends, roll some dice and have a good time!
1. Stress Run! A Leisurely Game of Movement to Instruct and Entertain
Stress Run is a fast-paced game of stress patterns. Get from the campus to the library as fast as possible… through London landmarks! Guess the stress patterns and outwit your opponents. Challenge other players using cards with tricky questions. Become the master of compound noun stress!
You can download the free print & play version of the game here.
2. Stress Maze! A Dungeon Crawl not for the Weak of Heart
In Stress Maze, you have to find your way to the treasury. Look for sentences with function words in their weak forms that will lead you to your goal. Watch out for zombie students and zombie staff members! The first player to reach the Treasury wins the game!
You can download the free print & play version of the game here.
3. Phono Tactics! A Tactical Game of Cluster Battles
Phono Tactics is an immersive game of phonotactic constraints, where players try to reach the finish by avoiding illicit consonant clusters. Roll the die to determine your movement restrictions and let the other player check your move. Don’t get lost and outrun your opponent to win the game!
You can download the free print & play version of the game here.
Please cite this work as: Łodzikowski, Kacper and Mateusz Jekiel. 2019. “Board games for teaching English prosody to advanced EFL learners”, ELT Journal. (doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccy059).
Have fun learning phonetics!
Mateusz Jekiel & Kacper Łodzikowski
We welcome your feedback: mjekiel@amu.edu.pl, klodziko@amu.edu.pl