M.A. basic subject seminars (English Philology)

What is this page?

This is a directory of basic subject seminars (Polish: konwersatoria przedmiotowe podstawowe) which are some of elective courses in the first year of study in our M.A. programme in English philology (Filologia angielska). As of the academic year 2024–2025 these courses only concern the first term of the first year of study. There is a separate list of subject subject seminars every year.

Which page to click on?

We kindly invite you to click on the one which pertains to the upcoming first term of your respective first year of study.

Please note basic subject seminars are a different type of courses than subject seminars (Polish: seminaria przedmiotowe). If you are looking for the latter, follow this link.

Lists of basic subject seminars by year

Please note which which term you are selecting so as not to browse a list which does not concern you.