Tutors of the year (Full-time programmes)

Who is the tutor of the year?

In order to improve the organization of studies, each year of study is assigned a tutor of the year. They act as an advisor for students’ affairs throughout the duration of the studies. (The tutor of a given year of study in a given academic year usually becomes the tutor of the next year of study in the next academic year.) In particular, the duties of the tutor of the year include:

  1. The organization of the “first-year student’s day,”, that is, an organizational meeting during which newly admitted students choose a group (“American” or “British,” applicable to some of the programmes), take a tour of the Faculty, and so on;
  2. The supervision of the course of studies and providing advice on administrative and social matters;
  3. The supervision of enrolment in seminars and other groups.

Starting with the academic year 2024–2025 you may check who is the tutor of the year by following the Class timetables—upon selection of a given year of study in a given study programme the Planer WA will return the name of the tutor as Opiekun.